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Game sheet of SQUAW1 (file), Game of September 28, 2012 at 18:34

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEORTZ ZERO(S) H4 46 -54 46 5/5 ZE(L)ATOR H4 100 100 5/5
2 ABDNOSU ABOUNDS 11B 36 -70 82 4/5 BAUSOND 11E 106 206 4/5
3 DENORTU TOURED 12A 23 -63 105 3/5 DEUTERON 5D 86 292 3/5
4 AEFMORT FOAMER 6J 36 -7 141 5/5 FORME 10F 43 335 3/5
5 AEEHLNO HEAL 6J 30 -32 171 3/5 ANETHOLE 8E 62 397 3/5
6 AAHKORS HARKS 6J 37 -7 208 4/5 KOHAS L1 44 441 5/5
7 AEEIMRV REMAKE 1H 36   244 1/5       477 3/5
8 AGINOOT             GITANO 4A 28 505 3/5
9 ?GIIJTY             JIG(G)Y 12A 53 558 4/5
10 BFORSTU JOBS A12 39 -3 283 4/4 REMAKERS 1H 42 600 5/5
11 CEEILST JEES A12 33 -49 316 3/4 SECTILE M8 82 682 5/5
12 BDIORVY OY M3 25 -26 341 3/4 JIVY A12 51 733 4/5
13 ADEITUV DUVET 14J 26 -52 367 3/4 AUDITIVE B1 78 811 4/5
14 ACGINTW WAG A8 36 -3 403 4/4 CAWING 1A 39 850 4/5
15 AEILPRU PA(L)ER 6F 33 -50 436 2/4 SPIRULAE O1 83 933 4/5
16 ADEILQT QADI L12 57   493 2/4       990 3/5
17 BEORTWX WEX A8 54 -10 547 2/3 VORTEX 14A 64 1054 3/5
18 BFILNPW FIB A8 39   586 2/4       1093 3/5

Total: 586/1093 or -507 for 53.61%
Rank: 6591

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