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Game of October 1, 2012 at 00:41, 1 player
1. 21 pts Dairdare

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiltuw   H4    24    24   waite
 2. dioprtu   H1    39    63   outwaited
 3. eilrsty   3G    30    93   stylite
 4. eelnnrv   4L    28   121   erev
 5. aeelost   O2    83   204   loveseat
 6. ?beilno   5D    86   290   opinable
 7. agikloo   4A    39   329   kagool
 8. ?acnprr   8D    64   393   parcener
 9. cehnosy   A1    57   450   chokeys
10. aeginpr   D8    80   530   papering
11. adegirz   N9    96   626   agrized
12. ehimmno  O12    48   674   nome
13. aeffisv  M12    40   714   fa
14. eimostx   B2    49   763   exam
15. ahiiquw  C13    51   814   qua
16. diinotu   C2    34   848   nog
17. afijtuv   C9    41   889   jut
18. abdhint  14B    38   927   bundh
19. adinrtw  15F    35   962   inward
20. fiistuv  12J    24   986   tiffin

Remaining tiles: iisuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3656 FileDairdare    0  3:32  -965   21     1.3656 Dairdare    0  3:32  -965   21 

On 1st draw, WAITE H4 24 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other moves: TAWIE H4 18, TAWIE H8 18, WAITE H8 18, TAWIE H5 16, TAWIE H6 16

On 2nd draw, OUTWAITED H1 39 --- OUTWAIT to exceed in patience [v]
Other moves: TORPID 3H 29, TRIPOD 3H 29, ROUPIT 3C 27, PUTRID 9C 23, TORPID 9F 22

On 3rd draw, STYLITE 3G 30 --- STYLITE an early Christian ascetic [n]
Other tops: STYLIER 3G 30
Other moves: RETAILS 5E 28, SWELTRY 4G 26, TYLERS 3H 26, TYSTIE 3H 26, STYLITE 3C 24

On 4th draw, EREV 4L 28 --- EREV the day before a Jewish special day [n]
Other moves: NERVE 4K 26, EEVN 4L 22, INNERVE K3 20, LIVENER K2 20, VEILER 6F 19

On 5th draw, LOVESEAT O2 83 --- LOVESEAT a small sofa for two persons [n]
Other moves: OLEATES I7 69, OLEATES G9 63, OLEATES I9 63, DESOLATE 9H 61, SALVETE O1 30

On 6th draw, O(P)INABLE 5D 86 --- OPINABLE able to be thought [adj]
Other tops: (C)OINABLE 5D 86, (J)OINABLE 5D 86
Other moves: LOBE(L)INE 8A 80, (L)OBELINE 8A 80, NOBELIU(M) 2B 78, BINO(C)LE N8 76, BINO(C)LE G6 73

On 7th draw, KAGOOL 4A 39 --- KAGOOL a light anorak [n]
Other moves: GOOK 4A 34, KAGO 4A 32, KAGOOL D1 32, KAIL 4A 30, KALI 4A 30

On 8th draw, PARCEN(E)R 8D 64 --- PARCENER a joint heir [n]
Other moves: PARC(E)NER 8B 62, PRANCER(S) 8C 62, PACK(E)R A1 39, PACK A1 36, PACK(S) A1 36

On 9th draw, CHOKEYS A1 57 --- CHOKEY a prison [n]
Other tops: HOCKEYS A1 57
Other moves: CHOKEY A1 54, HOCKEY A1 54, CHOKY A1 51, H*NK*YS A1 51, H*NK*Y A1 48

On 10th draw, PAPERING D8 80 --- PAPER to cover or wrap with paper (a thin sheet material made of cellulose pulp) [v] --- PAPERING the act of covering with paper [n]
Other moves: REAPING N7 72, CAPERING G8 69, P(E)RIGEAN J7 64, HAEING 2A 28, HARING 2A 28

On 11th draw, AGRIZED N9 96 --- AGRIZE to terrify [v]
Other moves: AGNIZED 14B 76, AGNIZE 14B 72, AGRIZED 15C 54, ZAGGED 15A 54, ZIGGED 15A 54

On 12th draw, NOME O12 48 --- NOME a province of modern Greece [n]
Other tops: MEHNDI 15J 48
Other moves: HOMA B1 39, HIDE 15L 36, MANEH E7 36, AHEM E8 35, HM B1 35

On 13th draw, FA M12 40 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other moves: GAFFES 15D 39, GAFFE 15D 36, GAFFS 15D 36, VAES M9 29, HAFFS 2A 28

On 14th draw, EXAM B2 49 --- EXAM an examination [n]
Other moves: OXES E10 48, AXITES E8 47, MAXES E7 45, MAXIS E7 45, AXITE E8 43

On 15th draw, QUA C13 51 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QI C13 46, QUAG 15A 42, WAUGH 15A 36, HAIQUE 7J 34, WHIG 15A 33

On 16th draw, NOG C2 34 --- NOG to fill in a space in a wall with bricks [v]
Other tops: TOG C2 34
Other moves: ADIT E8 21, AGOUTI 15C 21, DUI 6F 18, IDIOTS 6J 18, TUNDUN 14B 18

On 17th draw, JUT C9 41 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other moves: JUPATI 10B 33, PUJA 10D 29, JAP 10B 28, JUNTA 14B 28, RAJ F8 26

On 18th draw, BUNDH 14B 38 --- BUNDH (Hindi) in India, a general strike [n]
Other moves: HAD B10 34, HAN B10 33, HAT B10 33, HA B10 32, THAGI 15A 27

On 19th draw, INWARD 15F 35 --- INWARD towards the inside [adv]
Other moves: INDART 15F 26, DAW B10 24, AWN 15F 23, DAW M7 23, DRAW M6 23
FAR M12 11 Dairdare

On 20th draw, TIFFIN 12J 24 --- TIFFIN to lunch [v]
Other moves: VISIT L6 22, FIST L6 21, FUST L6 21, SIF M7 21, SIFT L8 21
VAT 9M 10 Dairdare

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