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Game of October 1, 2012 at 01:29, 3 players
1. 346 pts iwhist
2. 67 pts Dairdare
3. 30 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deinrsz   H4    48    48   zines
 2. aehnrtw   5C    78   126   tarwhine
 3. aehioqr   H1    60   186   rhizines
 4. agiprrt   2A    82   268   trigraph
 5. bdeiloy   4J    36   304   bieldy
 6. adloops   K4    48   352   isopod
 7. ?aioost   8A    74   426   atishoos
 8. acdeegl   O1    36   462   clayed
 9. aceilnt   A8    89   551   analcite
10. ?aiiimu   J4    29   580   bemud
11. abeiruv   2J    38   618   verbal
12. einstvy   A1    45   663   stivy
13. aefkmnn   L8    42   705   fenman
14. dilnoux   B8    53   758   tux
15. aelrtuu   4A    24   782   vaute
16. defkotu   8J    36   818   doffed
17. eeioqru   6B    52   870   quire
18. aegikow  M11    37   907   awoke
19. egilnot  N10    50   957   gentil

Remaining tiles: gjooo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6527 Fileiwhist      2  8:35  -611  346     1.7318 dannyboy    0  1:08  -927   30 
  2.3656 FileDairdare    0  4:45  -890   67            Group: intermediate
  3.7318 Filedannyboy    0  1:08  -927   30     1.6527 iwhist      2  8:35  -611  346 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3656 Dairdare    0  4:45  -890   67 

On 1st draw, ZINES H4 48 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other tops: ZEINS H4 48
Other moves: DIZENS H4 36, DIZEN H4 34, DIZENS H3 34, DIZENS H7 34, DIZENS H8 34
SIZED H8 34 Dairdare

On 2nd draw, TARWHINE 5C 78 --- TARWHINE an Australian fish [n]
THREW 7E 16 Dairdare

On 3rd draw, RHIZINES H1 60 --- RHIZINE a lichen rhizoid [n]
Other moves: QI 6B 33, HAO 4D 29, HOA 4D 29, HONER I3 29, NAH 6H 29
SHORE 8H 9 Dairdare

On 4th draw, TRIGRAPH 2A 82 --- TRIGRAPH a group of three letters representing one sound [n]
Other moves: GRIP 4A 28, PRAT 4A 24, TRAP 4A 24, TRIP 4A 24, GAP 4B 22
GRASP 8E 8 Dairdare

On 5th draw, BIELDY 4J 36 --- BIELDY affording shelter [adj]
Other tops: BLEY 4A 36, BODILY 4J 36
Other moves: OBEY 4A 32, HOYED G5 31, BADLY D4 30, BALDY D4 30, YEBO 4B 30
YOB 4J 21 iwhist

On 6th draw, ISOPOD K4 48 --- ISOPOD a kind of crustacean [n]
Other moves: PADIS K1 46, LAPIS K1 44, POLIS K1 44, DALIS K1 42, LISP K3 42
POLIS K1 44 iwhist

On 7th draw, ATIS(H)OOS 8A 74 --- ATISHOO sound of a sneeze [n]
Other moves: ROOI(K)ATS 1H 71, ATIS(H)OO 10H 70, ATIS(H)OO L9 67, ISOLATO(R) M1 66, SOLATIO(N) M2 66
STAY O1 21 iwhist

On 8th draw, CLAYED O1 36 --- CLAY to treat with clay (a fine-grained, earthy material) [v]
Other moves: GLEYED O1 33, YCLAD O4 33, YCLED O4 33, CLADE 4A 32, ALEYED O1 30
CLAYED O1 36 iwhist

On 9th draw, ANALCITE A8 89 --- ANALCITE a white mineral [n]
Other moves: CLIENTAL M3 74, C(H)AINLET E7 68, C(H)ATLINE E7 68, ANALCITE A6 61, LAITANCE A4 61
CATE B6 12 iwhist

On 10th draw, BEMU(D) J4 29 --- BEMUD to spatter with mud [v]
Other moves: MAU(R)I L8 28, MA(Q)UI L8 28, MIAU(L) L8 28, MIA(O)U L8 28, MI(L)IA L8 28
MI B10 22 iwhist

On 11th draw, VERBAL 2J 38 --- VERBAL a word derived from a verb [n] --- VERBAL to attribute a statement or admission to [v]
Other moves: (D)OVIER 8J 36, VIBE 4B 30, BURIAL 2J 28, VIAE 4A 28, TABI B8 26
CAVER 12A 20 iwhist

On 12th draw, STIVY A1 45 --- STIVY stuffy [adj]
Other moves: STIVE A1 36, YETIS L8 36, YITES L8 36, (D)OVENS 8J 36, (D)OYENS 8J 36
STIVY A1 45 iwhist
STEY B7 30 dannyboy

On 13th draw, FENMAN L8 42 --- FENMAN a fen country resident [n]
Other moves: KEA 4D 33, AKE 4C 30, FEM B13 29, KAME 6B 28, AKE 7B 27
MAKE L8 23 iwhist

On 14th draw, TUX B8 53 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other moves: XI B10 52, BOLLIX M2 46, XU M9 38, OX 9F 36, XI 7C 36
XI B10 52 iwhist

On 15th draw, VAUTE 4A 24 --- VAUTE to attain great success [v]
Other tops: AUTEUR M10 24
Other moves: ALERT K11 22, ALURE K11 22, LITER C7 21, ALERT M11 20, ALURE M11 20

On 16th draw, (D)OFFED 8J 36 --- DOFF to take off [v]
Other moves: FEOD M9 32, FEUD M9 32, FOUD M9 32, BULKED M2 30, KITED C7 30

On 17th draw, QUIRE 6B 52 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: EQUINE 13H 50, QUINE 13I 48, QUINO 13I 48, QI 7C 44, REQUIEM 11F 36

On 18th draw, AWOKE M11 37 --- AWAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: EWKING 13H 36, GAWK M12 31, GOWK M12 31, WAKE M12 31, WEAK M12 31
WOKE G7 29 iwhist

On 19th draw, GENTIL N10 50 --- GENTIL kind [adj]
Other moves: LEGIT N11 41, LENTI N10 40, LENTO N10 40, TELOI N10 40, ELOIN N11 38
GENE 15L 21 iwhist

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