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Game of October 1, 2012 at 15:15, 3 players
1. 282 pts ginie
2. 224 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 201 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?begint   H4    74    74   beignet
 2. aikmnrt   5E    52   126   ramekin
 3. eilosst   J1    62   188   soiliest
 4. dimoopr   E4    76   264   prodromi
 5. ?cenrsu   1H   140   404   unscrews
 6. aejstyz   D9    51   455   zesty
 7. aadhirt   F2    39   494   taiaha
 8. adgilrt   C7    28   522   drag
 9. alooptu   B6    30   552   pool
10. aeehinu   8J    30   582   theine
11. deelnrx   7L    44   626   exed
12. aabeitu   A1    31   657   bateau
13. afijotw   B2    35   692   wof
14. aceoruw   C1    34   726   caw
15. dlnotuv   3I    26   752   viold
16. aflnqtu  13A    32   784   quay
17. eginrtv   N7    28   812   enerving
18. aeilruy  A13    36   848   qua
19. eefinrt   I9    75   923   feinter

Remaining tiles: ijloy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4477 Fileginie       0 14:02  -641  282     1.6513 Grace_Tjie  2  9:29  -699  224 
  2.6513 FileGrace_Tjie  2  9:29  -699  224            Group: novice
  3.5837 Filetonikay     0  8:29  -722  201     1.5837 tonikay     0  8:29  -722  201 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4477 ginie       0 14:02  -641  282 

On 1st draw, BEIGN(E)T H4 74 --- BEIGNET a type of fritter or doughnut [n]
Other tops: BENIG(H)T H4 74, BET(T)ING H4 74, BE(A)TING H4 74, BE(E)TING H4 74, BE(L)TING H4 74, BE(S)TING H4 74, BE(T)TING H4 74, B(E)ETING H4 74, B(E)IGNET H4 74
Other moves: BENIG(H)T H8 72, BET(T)ING H6 72, BE(A)TING H6 72, BE(E)TING H6 72, BE(L)TING H6 72
BE(A)TING H4 24 ginie
BEGIN(S) H4 22 tonikay

On 2nd draw, RAMEKIN 5E 52 --- RAMEKIN a cheese dish [n]
Other moves: KAIM G6 32, BARMKIN 4H 30, MANKIER 5C 26, MARK G3 25, BANKIT 4H 24
BATIK 4H 22 ginie
MAK G9 20 tonikay

On 3rd draw, SOILIEST J1 62 --- SOILY dirty [adj]
Other tops: ISOLATES F1 62, SOILIEST J3 62
Other moves: ELOGISTS 7E 61, ESTOIL(E)S 9B 60, (E)STOILES 9H 59, ESTRIOLS E2 58, ISLETS L4 28
LISTS L3 24 tonikay
LOST L3 22 ginie

On 4th draw, PRODROMI E4 76 --- PRODROMUS =PRODROME a foreboding sign of disease [n]
Other moves: PRODROMI E1 63, DIMPS 1F 30, PORISM 1F 30, PRIMOS 1E 30, PROMOS 1E 30
PROMOS 1E 30 tonikay
DROPS 1F 24 ginie

On 5th draw, UNSCRE(W)S 1H 140 --- UNSCREW to remove the screws from [v]
Other moves: CUR(T)NESS 1D 86, SCUN(N)ERS 1C 86, SCU(N)NERS 1C 86, ENCRUS(T) 12C 84, RUNC(H)ES 12B 84
CENSUR(E)S 1G 30 ginie
SC(O)NE 11H 22 tonikay

On 6th draw, ZESTY D9 51 --- ZESTY marked by zest [adj]
Other moves: ZESTY L3 48, JASEY D9 45, ZETAS D9 45, JASEY L3 44, JASY D9 43
ZEST L3 40 ginie
ZAS L3 38 tonikay

On 7th draw, TAIAHA F2 39 --- TAIAHA a Maori weapon [n]
Other moves: (W)RAITH N1 32, AAH F4 31, AHA F5 30, AHI F5 30, HAAR C7 30
AHA C7 21 tonikay
RAY 13B 12 ginie

On 8th draw, DRAG C7 28 --- DRAG to pull along the ground [v]
Other moves: ALGID C5 26, LIDAR C6 26, DAG C8 25, IGAD C6 25, GAD C7 24
LIAR C7 24 tonikay
GAD C7 24 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, POOL B6 30 --- POOL to contribute to a common fund [v]
Other tops: PAUL B6 30
Other moves: PAYOUT 13B 24, TOOL B6 24, TYPAL 13C 22, ALP C13 20, APO C13 20

On 10th draw, THEINE 8J 30 --- THEINE caffeine [n]
Other moves: NAH G7 28, HAUYNE 13A 24, HINAU 3I 24, HYENA 13C 24, AHI I8 23
NAH C13 22 Grace_Tjie
(W)HEN N1 12 ginie

On 11th draw, EXED 7L 44 --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EX 7L 36, EX G2 36, XYLENE 13C 34, HEXED K8 32, INDEXER M8 32
EXED 7L 44 Grace_Tjie
EX 9K 23 ginie

On 12th draw, BATEAU A1 31 --- BATEAU a flat bottomed river-boat [n]
Other moves: EUTAXIA M3 30, ABET C12 28, ABUT C12 28, ABA C12 26, BI 6N 25
AB C12 24 Grace_Tjie
ATE C13 16 ginie

On 13th draw, WOF B2 35 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FAW C13 34, WO 6N 31, AFT C12 30, JOR 8A 30, FAT C13 28
JOY 13B 26 ginie
JEE L6 10 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, CAW C1 34 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other moves: WO 6N 31, RAW C1 30, REW C1 30, AW C2 28, RAW G7 28

On 15th draw, VIOLD 3I 26 --- VIOLD contained in a vial [adj]
Other moves: DIVOT 3I 22, UNDO C12 22, NOD G7 20, UNTO C12 20, DO 6N 19
NOD C13 18 Grace_Tjie
TOXIN M5 13 ginie

On 16th draw, QUAY 13A 32 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: AFT C12 30, FAN C13 28, FAT C13 28, FLU C13 28, FUN C13 28
QUAT 12A 23 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, ENERVING N7 28 --- ENERVE to enervate [v]
Other moves: IRE 14A 23, ENTERING N7 22, EVENTING N5 22, HIVER K8 22, REEVING L6 22

On 18th draw, QUA A13 36 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: RIYAL G7 32, AERY 4L 29, AIRY 4L 29, RAY G7 28, HURLEY K8 24
QUA A13 36 Grace_Tjie

On 19th draw, FEINTER I9 75 --- FEINT ruled with faint lines [adj]
Other tops: FEINTER G9 75
Other moves: REFINE G7 33, NEIF O12 32, REFIT G7 32, NIFE G7 31, RIFE G7 31
FINER G9 23 Grace_Tjie
IF O14 18 ginie

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