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Game of October 1, 2012 at 20:41, 5 players
1. 612 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 532 pts worsie
3. 406 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adoqrtt   H6    24    24   qat
 2. ?eeoptu   9B    72    96   toupees
 3. aeioory  10B    31   127   ayrie
 4. acegnot   E5    44   171   ectopia
 5. agimnrt   I5    29   200   rima
 6. cdehnot   J8    72   272   notched
 7. ?afinty  11G    80   352   sanctify
 8. aklorss  N10    44   396   kyars
 9. aelorsu  14E    61   457   roulades
10. abegiow   8A    35   492   web
11. aegnorz   L6    92   584   organizes
12. ddilmor  15G    31   615   mid
13. bdeijrx   D1    49   664   jibed
14. elnoosu   M1    71   735   unloose
15. afiilnp   1H    48   783   painful
16. degorsv  15A    41   824   grove
17. deiiisw  O12    49   873   weid
18. ilntuvx  12F    36   909   tix
19. gilnsuv   2A    30   939   livings

Remaining tiles: hu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6888 FileGLOBEMAN    4 21:38  -327  612     1.7235 sunshine12  3 12:44  -533  406 
  2.6052 Fileworsie      3 20:28  -407  532            Group: intermediate
  3.7235 Filesunshine12  3 12:44  -533  406     1.6888 GLOBEMAN    4 21:38  -327  612 
  4.4196 Filedenbay      0 18:37  -629  310     2.6052 worsie      3 20:28  -407  532 
  5.3970 Filemilklady99  0 13:07  -813  126            Group: not rated
                                             1.4196 denbay      0 18:37  -629  310 
                                             2.3970 milklady99  0 13:07  -813  126 

On 1st draw, QAT H6 24 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24
Other moves: DATTO H4 16, TROAD H8 16, DATTO H8 14, TARDO H4 14, TARDO H8 14
QAT H6 24 worsie
ROAD H7 10 denbay

On 2nd draw, TOUPEE(S) 9B 72 --- TOUPEE a hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot [n]
Other moves: EE(L)POUT G7 65, EE(L)POUT I7 65, TOUPEE(S) I7 65, EE(L)POUT G8 62, EE(L)POUT I8 62
P(I)QUET 6F 24 worsie
QUOTE 6H 16 denbay

On 3rd draw, AYRIE 10B 31 --- AYRIE the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: OORIE 10B 25, RAY 8A 25, AYRE 10B 24, AYRIE I3 24, EYRA 10B 24
RAY 8A 25 GLOBEMAN, worsie
POOR E9 12 denbay

On 4th draw, ECTOPIA E5 44 --- ECTOPIA congenital displacement of parts or organs [n]
Other tops: ENTOPIC E5 44
Other moves: AGENT 11A 35, GENA 11B 33, GENT 11B 33, ENG 11C 29, ENACT 11E 27
COPING E7 22 worsie
COYOTE C8 22 denbay

On 5th draw, RIMA I5 29 --- RIMA a chink [n]
Other tops: GURAMI D8 29, MURTI D8 29
Other moves: GRIM I4 28, MIG 8A 28, TRIM I4 27, AIM 8A 26, AIM I5 26
GRIM I4 28 worsie
TAMING B9 18 denbay

On 6th draw, NOTCHED J8 72 --- NOTCH to make an angular cut in [v]
Other moves: HURDEN D8 40, DOETH F2 38, COTH F3 34, DOTH F3 33, EDH F4 33
HET 8A 27 worsie
HAME 7G 13 denbay

On 7th draw, (S)ANCTIFY 11G 80 --- SANCTIFY to make holy [v]
Other moves: YURTA D8 35, YURTA(S) D8 35, FAIN(S) 12A 33, FAI(R)Y D1 33, FAN(C)Y D1 33
Y(E)T 8A 23 worsie
FACT 11H 18 denbay

On 8th draw, KYARS N10 44 --- KYAR a fibre obtained from coconut husks [n]
Other moves: KAROSS 12A 42, OKA 10M 41, KOLAS 12A 40, KORAS 12A 40, KSARS 12A 40
ASKS 12B 28 worsie
FOLKS M11 24 denbay

On 9th draw, ROULADES 14E 61 --- ROULADE a rolled up cake with a filling [n]
Other moves: AUREOLES 13D 60, ALURES J1 26, AROUSE 12A 26, LOURES J1 26, ROULES J1 26
SOLERA O5 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ORA O8 15 worsie
TARES B9 5 denbay

On 10th draw, WEB 8A 35 --- WEB to provide with a web (an interlaced fabric or structure) [v]
Other tops: BOWIE 15A 35
Other moves: GAB 15G 31, GIB 15G 31, GOB 15G 31, WIG 8A 31, BAGIE 15A 29
WEB 8A 35 worsie
BOWIE 15A 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
RAGE 5I 10 denbay

On 11th draw, ORGANIZES L6 92 --- ORGANIZE to form into an orderly whole [v]
Other moves: GRAZE 15A 77, AZOLE H11 72, GAZER 13G 57, GAZE 13G 54, NAZE 13G 50
GRAZE 15A 77 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, worsie
RAZOR 5I 28 milklady99
GAZER 5B 15 denbay

On 12th draw, MID 15G 31 --- MID the middle [n]
Other tops: MOD 15G 31
Other moves: FOR M11 30, DILDO O6 27, MIL 15G 27, MIR 15G 27, MODI O7 27
ROM 15G 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DILDO O6 27 worsie
GOLD 8L 18 denbay
ROM 5I 10 milklady99

On 13th draw, JIBED D1 49 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JIBER D1 46, JERID D1 45, JEDI O7 42, REORGANIZES L4 42, GREX 8L 36
JEDI O7 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
REX 5I 20 denbay
REX M4 19 worsie
JOBE 6K 15 milklady99

On 14th draw, UNLOOSE M1 71 --- UNLOOSE to set free [v]
Other moves: UNLOOSE K1 68, JOULES 1D 39, JOLES 1D 36, JONES 1D 36, JOULE 1D 36
JOULES 1D 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, worsie
GOES 8L 15 denbay
NOW A6 6 milklady99

On 15th draw, PAINFUL 1H 48 --- PAINFUL causing pain [adj]
Other moves: INFULA 1J 39, LAPIN C2 32, PINNAL 2J 28, FILA O7 27, FINI O7 27
PUNA 1L 27 GLOBEMAN, worsie, sunshine12
FOAL 4L 16 denbay
JAP 1D 12 milklady99

On 16th draw, GROVE 15A 41 --- GROVE a small forested area [n]
Other tops: DROVE 15A 41
Other moves: VEGOS 12A 38, DERVS 12A 34, DOVES 12A 34, DOGES 12A 30, DREGS 12A 30
VEGO O7 30 sunshine12
GROVE 4K 20 denbay
VERBS 3A 20 milklady99
ROBED 3B 16 worsie

On 17th draw, WEID O12 49 --- WEID a sudden illness [n]
Other moves: WEIDS 12A 38, WIDES 12A 38, WEIDS 13C 32, WEIDS 2F 30, DEWS 12B 28
WEID O12 49 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WE O12 20 worsie
WEBS 3B 18 denbay
WEIR B12 14 milklady99

On 18th draw, TIX 12F 36 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: NIX 12F 36
Other moves: VOX 4L 26, LINUX F1 25, NIX 2M 24, NIX 2G 23, TIX 2G 23
TIX 12F 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
VOX 4L 26 worsie, denbay
TIX 2C 10 milklady99

On 19th draw, LIVINGS 2A 30 --- LIVING a means of subsistence [n]
Other moves: LIVING 2A 28, VISING 2A 28, BOYING C8 24, GUSLI O6 24, LUNGI O6 24
LIVINGS 2A 30 worsie
SLING 2B 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GLIB 3A 14 denbay
JIG 1D 11 milklady99

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