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Game of October 2, 2012 at 16:07, 4 players
1. 482 pts jimbo
2. 471 pts susieq8182
3. 238 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beiprty   H7    34    34   bepity
 2. fhinoow  12D    28    62   woofy
 3. aefhlst  11C    37    99   fahs
 4. ?noorrr  13B    22   121   orlon
 5. aadrstu   I2    67   188   daturas
 6. ?aeemry   2B    92   280   meteyard
 7. eilrsuv   4C    74   354   rivulets
 8. ainpstt   1A    34   388   patin
 9. aeeijkt   1A    43   431   patinate
10. adennrx  14A    40   471   axe
11. abelnst  10H    64   535   instable
12. cceiino   N8    74   609   colicine
13. egiinor   H7    51   660   bepitying
14. dekouwz  15A    76   736   doze
15. egilouw   8L    39   775   wice
16. aehlnot   8A    89   864   anetholes
17. egikruv  15L    39   903   kier
18. degiorv  E11    25   928   hoord
19. dgilouv  L12    22   950   volk
20. degmquu   F6    34   984   quod
21. eggijmu   B6    26  1010   jin

Remaining tiles: eggmu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6273 Filejimbo       2 17:18  -528  482     1.7178 susieq8182  6 12:20  -539  471 
  2.7178 Filesusieq8182  6 12:20  -539  471            Group: intermediate
  3.6506 Fileiwhist      0  8:45  -772  238     1.6273 jimbo       2 17:18  -528  482 
  4.4464 Fileginie       1  5:17  -896  114     2.6506 iwhist      0  8:45  -772  238 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4464 ginie       1  5:17  -896  114 

On 1st draw, BEPITY H7 34 --- BEPITY to pity greatly [v]
Other moves: BEPITY H4 32, PYRITE H3 30, TRIPEY H7 30, TYPIER H3 30, BEPITY H3 28

On 2nd draw, WOOFY 12D 28 --- WOOFY dense in texture [adj]
Other tops: FOWTH 11E 28, WHIFT 11D 28, WHINY 12D 28
Other moves: FOH G8 25, WHOOF G4 25, WHOOF I4 25, OHO G7 23, OHO I7 23
WE 8G 5 iwhist

On 3rd draw, FAHS 11C 37 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other moves: FLASH 11B 36, ASHET 11D 35, FASH 11C 34, FLESH 13B 34, HASLET 11C 34
FEH 13C 28 iwhist

On 4th draw, OR(L)ON 13B 22 --- ORLON a crease-resistant acrylic fabric used for clothing, furnishing etc [n]
Other moves: NOR(M) 10B 21, NO(L)O 10B 21, OON(T) 10B 21, RON(T) 10B 21, ROR(T) 10B 21

On 5th draw, DATURAS I2 67 --- DATURA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: RATAS I6 21, RATUS G6 21, TARAS I6 21, ATUA G7 20, DATA I6 19
SONS F11 6 jimbo

On 6th draw, ME(T)EYARD 2B 92 --- METEYARD a measuring wand [n]
Other tops: EM(P)AYRED 2B 92
Other moves: ERYT(H)EMA 4F 82, YAM(M)ERED 2B 80, YA(M)MERED 2B 80, EM(P)AYRE 14F 77, METAYER(S) 4G 76
AYE(S) 14A 29 jimbo

On 7th draw, RIVULETS 4C 74 --- RIVULET a small stream [n]
Other moves: SURVEIL 14F 70, SURVEIL J8 67, VERS 1A 32, ELUSIVE C2 28, SEIR J2 28
REVILES C1 22 jimbo

On 8th draw, PATIN 1A 34 --- PATIN a plate [n]
Other moves: NAPS 1A 31, TAPS 1A 31, PANS 1A 29, PATS 1A 29, NIPS 10B 28
PANS 1A 29 susieq8182
PA 1G 22 jimbo

On 9th draw, PATINATE 1A 43 --- PATINATE to give a patina to [v]
Other moves: JA 1G 42, JOKE B12 30, KA 1G 30, KOJI B12 30, TAJ J8 29
JA 1G 42 susieq8182, jimbo

On 10th draw, AXE 14A 40 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX 14A 36, EX 14A 36, AXE 10A 31, DEX 14E 27, TAXED 11H 26
AXE 14A 40 jimbo, susieq8182

On 11th draw, INSTABLE 10H 64 --- INSTABLE unstable [adj]
Other moves: BASNET 15C 32, BASTLE 15C 32, BLAEST 15C 32, BLEATS 15C 32, STABLE 15C 30
INSTABLE 10H 64 jimbo
STABLE 15C 30 susieq8182

On 12th draw, COLICINE N8 74 --- COLICINE an antibacterial substance [n]
Other moves: IONIC 15A 43, ICONIC 15C 42, EON 15A 28, ION 15A 28, OCEANIC L7 28
ICONIC 15C 42 susieq8182
EON 15A 28 jimbo

On 13th draw, BEPITYING H7 51 --- BEPITY to pity greatly [v]
Other moves: GOIER 15A 43, GONER 15A 43, GOER 15A 40, GONE 15A 40, RONG 15A 40
GONER 15A 43 susieq8182
GRICE 8K 27 jimbo
GONER 15K 21 iwhist

On 14th draw, DOZE 15A 76 --- DOZE to sleep lightly [v]
Other moves: DOEK 15A 64, EWKED 15K 51, WOCK 8L 51, ZEK 15M 48, DOW 15A 46
DOZE 15A 76 susieq8182
WOCK 8L 51 iwhist
DUCK 8L 39 jimbo

On 15th draw, WICE 8L 39 --- WICE canny [adj]
Other moves: WEEL 15L 33, WIEL 15L 33, WILCO 8K 33, GLOW 10A 24, LEUCO 8K 24
WEEL 15L 33 iwhist, susieq8182
WIEL 15L 33 jimbo

On 16th draw, ANETHOLES 8A 89 --- ANETHOLE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ANETHOLE O1 86, NAH O13 37, NOH O13 37, HAEN 15L 33, HAET 15L 33
NAH O13 37 jimbo
HEEL 15L 33 iwhist

On 17th draw, KIER 15L 39 --- KIER a vat for boiling and dyeing fabrics [n]
Other moves: GEEK 15L 33, GREEK 15K 33, VEER 15L 33, VIER 15L 33, ERICK 12K 32
KIER 15L 39 susieq8182
GEEK 15L 33 ginie
KIR M13 30 iwhist
ER O14 14 jimbo

On 18th draw, HOORD E11 25 --- HOORD a hoard [n]
Other tops: VIE 3A 25
Other moves: VOICE 12K 22, DERN 14E 21, DIE 3A 21, DOER 9C 21, GENRO 14F 21
VIE 3A 25 susieq8182
VOICE 12K 22 ginie
GONER 14F 21 jimbo

On 19th draw, VOLK L12 22 --- VOLK the Afrikaner people [n]
Other moves: DIOL 7C 21, LOID 9C 19, DOLCI 12K 18, DOUK L12 18, DUO 7C 18
LIVID 13K 18 jimbo
VOL E4 12 ginie
AVO L10 12 susieq8182

On 20th draw, QUOD F6 34 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: QUEME O4 26, QUEMED O6 25, QUEUE O4 24, REGNUM 14E 23, MEU 7C 22
QUOD F6 34 susieq8182
QI M7 21 iwhist, jimbo, ginie

On 21th draw, JIN B6 26 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JUN B6 26
Other moves: REGNUM 14E 23, GEM 9A 21, GIE 3A 21, GUE 3A 21, GUM 9A 21
JIN B6 26 ginie, susieq8182
JEE C7 19 jimbo
ME 7C 16 iwhist

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