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Game of October 2, 2012 at 22:29, 2 players
1. 246 pts musdrive
2. 84 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beenrt   H4    72    72   bentier
 2. abdeior   6D    69   141   debonair
 3. aeeiikl   L2    30   171   alkie
 4. aeiilot   1H    32   203   iolite
 5. deersuu   7E    24   227   rested
 6. aeeiqrs   2F    34   261   qis
 7. emrstuu   8A    41   302   turmes
 8. ?aadlpw  10C    73   375   gladwrap
 9. definoo   5E    37   412   fone
10. accimst   K8    34   446   mastic
11. aegortu   A8    80   526   tutorage
12. hiortuy   8K    51   577   mythi
13. agnnpwy  12H    34   611   yawing
14. cdefhno  14J    48   659   chode
15. aeipruv  15L    48   707   perv
16. afijnox  13G    47   754   fox
17. aegjnoz  14D    39   793   gaze
18. ailnnou  15E    31   824   noun
19. aijlnuv  C13    35   859   jai

Remaining tiles: ilnouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7476 Filemusdrive    2  5:30  -613  246     1.7476 musdrive    2  5:30  -613  246 
  2.4197 Filedenbay      0  3:05  -775   84            Group: not rated
                                             1.4197 denbay      0  3:05  -775   84 

On 1st draw, BENT(I)ER H4 72 --- BENTY like wiry grass [adj]
Other tops: BRENTE(R) H4 72, B(R)ENTER H4 72, REB(L)ENT H2 72
Other moves: BENT(I)ER H2 68, BENT(I)ER H3 68, BENT(I)ER H6 68, BENT(I)ER H7 68, BRENTE(R) H2 68
BERET H4 20 musdrive

On 2nd draw, DEBONAIR 6D 69 --- DEBONAIR suave [adj]
Other moves: DOBIE G3 24, OBIED G4 24, BORIDE G9 23, BABIED 4H 22, BARBED 4H 22
BRIBED 4H 22 musdrive

On 3rd draw, ALKIE L2 30 --- ALKIE an alcoholic [n]
Other tops: ALIKE L2 30
Other moves: AKEE L3 28, AKEE L4 28, KAIE L3 28, KALE L3 28, KEEL L4 28
KEEL 5J 26 musdrive

On 4th draw, IOLITE 1H 32 --- IOLITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: TAEL 1L 26, TAIL 1L 26, TALE 1L 26, TALI 1L 26, TEAL 1L 26
TILE 1L 26 musdrive

On 5th draw, RESTED 7E 24 --- REST to refresh oneself by ceasing work or activity [v]
Other moves: DERES 7J 23, DERE 7J 22, DESERT 7C 22, SERED 7J 22, DEETS 7E 21
SURED 5A 21 musdrive

On 6th draw, QIS 2F 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIS 5C 33, AERIES 8A 29, QAID D3 28, RERAISE E5 28, EASIER 8J 25
QIS 2F 34 musdrive

On 7th draw, TURMES 8A 41 --- TURME a troop [n]
Other moves: TERMERS E5 36, TERMS 8A 33, TURME 8A 33, TURMS 8A 33, ESTRUM 8J 31
MUTER 8A 27 musdrive

On 8th draw, (G)LADWRAP 10C 73 --- GLADWRAP a thin film to wrap in food [n] --- GLADWRAP to cover with gladwrap [v]
Other moves: WALDRAP(P) 10D 71, WALDRA(P)P 10D 65, L(O)WED 5E 39, AP(O)DE 5D 38, P(O)LED 5E 38
PAW 5C 33 musdrive

On 9th draw, FONE 5E 37 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other tops: FOODIE 11B 37
Other moves: FIDO 5C 35, DEIF 5B 33, DEIF 3D 32, DEF 5C 31, DIF 3E 31
FOODIE 11B 37 musdrive

On 10th draw, MASTIC K8 34 --- MASTIC an aromatic resin [n]
Other tops: CAMIS 3C 34, MISACT K8 34
Other moves: SCAM K10 30, TAMIS 3C 30, CACTI 3B 29, MASTIC 11I 28, MISACT 11I 28

On 11th draw, TUTORAGE A8 80 --- TUTORAGE the act of tutoring [n]
Other moves: OUTARGUE B2 72, TUTORAGE A6 61, MAGOT 8K 27, MARGE 8K 27, MATER 8K 24

On 12th draw, MYTHI 8K 51 --- MYTHUS a type of traditional story [n]
Other moves: MOTHY 8K 42, GROUTY 14A 36, MIRTH 8K 33, MOHUR 8K 33, MOUTH 8K 33

On 13th draw, YAWING 12H 34 --- YAW to deviate from an intended course [v]
Other tops: TWANGY M8 34, WAYING 12H 34, YAWPING 12G 34
Other moves: AWNY 4B 31, GAPY 4B 31, WANY 4B 31, PAWING 12H 30, PAYING 12H 30

On 14th draw, CHODE 14J 48 --- CHIDE to scold [v]
Other moves: YECH H12 36, COIFED 5J 34, YODH H12 33, CHEF 14J 32, HONED 14K 32

On 15th draw, PERV 15L 48 --- PERV one who has been perverted [n] --- PERV to look at lustfully [v]
Other moves: PARE 15L 39, PEAR 15L 39, PERI 15L 39, PIER 15L 39, REAP 15L 29

On 16th draw, FOX 13G 47 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other tops: FAX 13G 47
Other moves: NOX 13G 41, AX 13H 39, FAIX 5J 39, OX 13H 39, XI 11E 39
LOX 3L 20 denbay

On 17th draw, GAZE 14D 39 --- GAZE to look intently [v]
Other moves: NAZE 14D 38, HAZE N8 36, ZA 14F 36, JOBE 4F 31, AGAZE 13A 30
ZEAL 3I 23 denbay

On 18th draw, NOUN 15E 31 --- NOUN a word used to denote the name of something [n]
Other tops: LOUN 15E 31, NONA 15E 31, NONI 15E 31, NOUL 15E 31
Other moves: ANIL 15F 29, ANNO 15F 29, ANON 15F 29, ULAN 15D 28, ALOIN 3C 26
LAIN 3D 19 denbay

On 19th draw, JAI C13 35 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA C13 33, HAJI N8 30, HAJ N8 29, VIAL C12 29, LAV C13 27
JAG D12 22 denbay

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