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Game of October 3, 2012 at 03:07, 2 players
1. 435 pts paulineasb
2. 58 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adhilo   H4    78    78   halidom
 2. eerrsst   5D    82   160   terrases
 3. aaeintw   4H    30   190   haniwa
 4. acennor   8F    64   254   ordnance
 5. efloosy   6J    45   299   foleys
 6. aegmnox   M8    46   345   examen
 7. ?aestuy  14H    87   432   eustasy
 8. eeginrt  11E    93   525   integer
 9. acdelwz  15D    57   582   lazed
10. efhintv   O4    51   633   fishnet
11. aabdikv   4A    36   669   kiva
12. gilrtuw  C12    33   702   twig
13. admooru   A1    36   738   dumka
14. beiooru  15A    57   795   reglazed
15. bcdelor  B10    39   834   creole
16. bdgijov   3M    36   870   jo
17. iiooppq  10E    28   898   qi
18. dgiootu   B2    25   923   guid
19. biooptu  N10    28   951   pit
20. bbioopu  L12    34   985   boab

Remaining tiles: ioopuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5403 Filepaulineasb  1 19:32  -550  435     1.5403 paulineasb  1 19:32  -550  435 
  2.4205 Filedenbay      0  6:16  -927   58            Group: not rated
                                             1.4205 denbay      0  6:16  -927   58 

On 1st draw, HALIDO(M) H4 78 --- HALIDOM something holy [n]
Other tops: HALOID(S) H4 78, HA(P)LOID H4 78, HIDAL(G)O H4 78, HOLIDA(Y) H4 78, H(Y)ALOID H4 78, H(Y)OIDAL H4 78
Other moves: HALIDO(M) H8 74, HALOID(S) H7 74, HA(P)LOID H6 74, HIDAL(G)O H2 74, HOLIDA(Y) H8 74
HALO(E)D H4 26 paulineasb

On 2nd draw, TERRASES 5D 82 --- TERRAS a volcanic rock [n]
Other tops: SERRATES 5D 82
Other moves: RESTERS 11B 75, RESTERS 11D 75, RESTERS 11F 75, RESTERS 11G 75, ASSERTER 5H 66
STERES 11H 23 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, HANIWA 4H 30 --- HANIWA Japanese clay sculptures [n]
Other tops: SINEW I5 30, WITAN 4A 30
Other moves: TAWAI G7 29, TAWAI I7 29, TAWIE I7 29, TAWA G7 28, TAWA I7 28
WEAR F2 15 paulineasb

On 4th draw, ORDNANCE 8F 64 --- ORDNANCE artillery; a cannon [n]
Other moves: RACON 3I 37, RECON 3I 37, CANER 3K 28, CANOE 3K 28, CANON 3K 28
CANER J2 15 paulineasb

On 5th draw, FOLEYS 6J 45 --- FOLEY a process for creating sounds for films [n]
Other moves: FOLEY 6J 44, FOLEY 4A 39, FOYLES 6J 39, FOYLE 6J 38, FLOOEY 11D 35
SOY N8 26 paulineasb

On 6th draw, EXAMEN M8 46 --- EXAMEN a critical study of conscience [n]
Other moves: EXOGEN M8 44, AXONES O1 42, AXMEN 11E 39, EXAM 11H 37, AXMEN 4A 36
SEX O6 30 paulineasb

On 7th draw, EUSTA(S)Y 14H 87 --- EUSTASY a worldwide change in the sea level [n]
Other moves: EU(S)TASY 14H 84, ASTUTE(L)Y D1 80, EU(S)TASY 11C 79, EUSTA(S)Y 11C 78, ASTUTE(L)Y D3 72
STY 14M 28 paulineasb

On 8th draw, INTEGER 11E 93 --- INTEGER a whole number [n]
Other tops: TREEING 11E 93
Other moves: GENTIER 15F 92, TEERING 15C 86, TREEING 15C 86, GENTIER 15C 85, INTEGER 15C 85
RESIGN O4 24 paulineasb

On 9th draw, LAZED 15D 57 --- LAZE to pass time lazily [v]
Other moves: CAWED 15D 51, ADZE 15E 48, CLAWED 15C 48, DAZE 15E 48, WALED 15D 48
ZEAL 6B 37 paulineasb

On 10th draw, FISHNET O4 51 --- FISHNET a net for catching fish [n]
Other moves: VISNE O4 36, HEN N10 33, HET N10 33, HIE N10 33, HIN N10 33
SHIFT O6 33 paulineasb

On 11th draw, KIVA 4A 36 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other tops: KAB C13 36, KAVA 4A 36
Other moves: KADI 4A 32, AKA 3L 31, BEAK 12L 30, DAB C13 30, DIB C13 30
KAVA M1 22 paulineasb

On 12th draw, TWIG C12 33 --- TWIG to observe [v]
Other moves: WIG C13 31, TRIG C12 27, TRUG C12 27, LIG C13 25, LUG C13 25

On 13th draw, DUMKA A1 36 --- DUMKA a Slavic folk ballad [n]
Other moves: KORMA A4 33, AMOK A1 30, MARK A1 30, MOOK A1 30, MURK A1 30
MOOK A1 30 paulineasb

On 14th draw, REGLAZED 15A 57 --- REGLAZE to glaze again [v]
Other moves: BEAR L12 24, BEAU L12 24, BOAR L12 24, BORA 10J 24, BURA 10J 24
BEER 12L 14 paulineasb

On 15th draw, CREOLE B10 39 --- CREOLE a type of mixed language [n]
Other moves: COLEY N10 35, COREY N10 35, OBIED 14A 31, COD N10 30, BEAD L12 28
BEER 12L 14 paulineasb
CRATED D2 9 denbay

On 16th draw, JO 3M 36 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JEDIS J10 29, DOAB L12 28, JEDI 12L 26, BETID 12A 25, JADE M3 24
JADE M3 24 paulineasb
BOAT D2 6 denbay

On 17th draw, QI 10E 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PI N10 25, PO N10 25, POI 5M 23, QI 3D 23, PO 10J 22
QI 10E 28 paulineasb
PEP 12L 14 denbay

On 18th draw, GUID B2 25 --- GUID something good [n]
Other moves: DOAT L12 20, OUTGO 13F 20, TOAD L12 20, COD L8 18, TID N10 18
JADE M3 12 paulineasb
GET 12A 6 denbay

On 19th draw, PIT N10 28 --- PIT to mark with cavities or depressions [v]
Other tops: POT N10 28, PUT N10 28
Other moves: PI N10 25, PO N10 25, BOAT L12 24, BOTA 10J 24, BUAT L12 24
OB 15N 17 paulineasb
PET 12L 10 denbay

On 20th draw, BOAB L12 34 --- BOAB a tropical tree with a swollen trunk [n]
Other moves: POI 5M 23, BO 10J 22, BOA L12 22, PIA L12 22, PO 10J 22
OB 15N 17 paulineasb
JAPE M3 13 denbay

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