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Game of October 3, 2012 at 10:00, 1 player
1. 126 pts EvilGrin

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adnosuy   H8    26    26   oundy
 2. aaeiort  10A    62    88   aeration
 3. ?aefhiz   I3    88   176   hafizes
 4. ?iinnot   A8   122   298   inaction
 5. adikrsx   H1    58   356   disk
 6. eelottu   J2    24   380   tete
 7. deenrsu  11D   101   481   denuders
 8. eehinou   K5    38   519   heinous
 9. abefmtw   L3    32   551   wame
10. ceiilno   M1    39   590   clone
11. aillstv   8K    27   617   nival
12. iostvwx  12C    44   661   wox
13. aemoprr   O1    95   756   premoral
14. aegijlu   G9    43   799   joual
15. adersst   N8    72   871   assarted
16. agiotuy  15K    33   904   gaudy
17. bgilopr  13I    26   930   probit
18. befgilv  B13    23   953   fie

Remaining tiles: bcgglqtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7037 FileEvilGrin    0  6:26  -827  126     1.7037 EvilGrin    0  6:26  -827  126 

On 1st draw, OUNDY H8 26 --- OUNDY wavy [adj]
Other tops: DONSY H8 26, SANDY H8 26, YAUDS H4 26
Other moves: UNSAY H8 24, YUANS H4 24, DONSY H4 22, SYNOD H8 22, NOYAUS H3 20

On 2nd draw, AERATION 10A 62 --- AERATION exposure to the action of air [n]
Other moves: AIRDATE 11E 32, AORTAE I6 18, RAIA I9 18, TOEA I9 18, TERAI I7 17

On 3rd draw, HAFIZE(S) I3 88 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other moves: HAFIZE(S) G2 74, HAFIZE(S) I2 74, HAFIZE(S) A9 66, F(E)AZE A8 51, (G)HAZI A8 51

On 4th draw, INA(C)TION A8 122 --- INACTION lack of action [n]
Other moves: NI(C)OTIAN A4 74, NI(D)ATION A7 74, NI(V)ATION A7 74, NID(A)TION 11F 70, THIONIN(E) 3H 70

On 5th draw, DISK H1 58 --- DISK to break up land with a type of farm implement [v]
Other moves: RISK H1 55, RADIX H2 39, SKID H3 38, RAKIS H2 37, XIS 11D 35

On 6th draw, TETE J2 24 --- TETE a headdress [n]
Other moves: TOTED 11D 22, TET J4 21, ETUDE 11E 20, FOUETTE 5I 20, SHOTTLE 3H 20

On 7th draw, DENUDERS 11D 101 --- DENUDER one that denudes [n]
Other moves: ENDURES K5 94, ENSURED K5 94, SUNDERED 1A 86, UNRESTED E5 86, ENSURED B2 73
DEEN K5 24 EvilGrin

On 8th draw, HEINOUS K5 38 --- HEINOUS very wicked [adj]
Other moves: HONE K5 32, HEN K5 30, HIE K5 30, HIN K5 30, HOE K5 30
THINE 2J 16 EvilGrin

On 9th draw, WAME L3 32 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other tops: FAME L3 32
Other moves: BEMA L3 30, BEAM L2 28, FEM L3 28, WEM L3 28, BAM L3 26

On 10th draw, CLONE M1 39 --- CLONE to reproduce by asexual means [v]
Other moves: COLE M2 37, CONE M2 37, LONE M2 33, NOLE M2 33, OLE M3 31

On 11th draw, NIVAL 8K 27 --- NIVAL pertaining to snow [adj]
Other moves: TICAL 1K 24, OLLAVS 14A 22, TAVS 12A 22, ACTS 1L 21, SCAT 1L 21
NAILS 8K 18 EvilGrin

On 12th draw, WOX 12C 44 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: VOX 12C 44
Other moves: OX B13 38, SOX 12C 38, VOWS 12C 37, COX 1M 36, OX 12D 36
OX B13 38 EvilGrin

On 13th draw, PREMORAL O1 95 --- PREMORAL preceding the development of a moral code [adj]
Other moves: PREMOLAR O3 63, MACER 1K 30, MACRO 1K 30, PACER 1K 30, RECAP 1K 30
PACER 1K 30 EvilGrin

On 14th draw, JOUAL G9 43 --- JOUAL a dialect of Canadian French [n]
Other moves: JAI 2F 26, OUIJA 14A 24, JAGA N7 23, JAIL N7 22, VAGILE M8 22

On 15th draw, ASSARTED N8 72 --- ASSART to reclaim land [v]
Other moves: EST 13C 32, OSETRAS 14A 31, EAR N1 26, IDES 13A 25, STADES 14G 24

On 16th draw, GAUDY 15K 33 --- GAUDY a festival [n] --- GAUDY tastelessly showy [adj]
Other moves: TOADY 15K 30, TIDY 15L 27, TODY 15L 27, GADI 15L 24, GORY 12L 24

On 17th draw, PROBIT 13I 26 --- PROBIT a unit of statistical probability [n]
Other moves: BOI M11 20, GORP 12L 20, ORIGIN F6 20, POI M11 20, BO B14 18

On 18th draw, FIE B13 23 --- FIE adj doomed, FIER, FIEST [n] --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIE used to express disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FE B14 22, OBLIGE 14A 22, WIFE C12 20, WIVE C12 20, BEGIN F7 19

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