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Game sheet of raggedy01 (file), Game of October 5, 2012 at 13:25

Word find
Word played
1 DEEIOPU EPODE H4 18 -2 18 1/3 OUPED H8 20 20 1/3
2 ACEGPRS ESCAPER 11H 22 -18 40 2/4 ASPERGE 11E 40 60 2/4
3 AAEIJNV             AJIVA 12A 34 94 4/4
4 DEINORR             REORDAIN A7 77 171 4/4
5 CEELSTZ             SEZ 15A 66 237 4/4
6 ?AAEENS             (C)ESAREAN I7 71 308 4/4
7 DEINOOY             EDGY J9 33 341 4/4
8 AAEIMSW MAWS 15F 35 -12 75 2/4 ASWIM 15H 47 388 4/4
9 ?AEKNOT KOAN 14F 20 -64 95 3/3 (B)ANKNOTE 14E 84 472 4/4
10 AEGLLTU GALL 13L 16 -8 111 3/3 ULLAGE B2 24 496 4/4
11 CDGHIOW HOW 13L 26 -6 137 4/4 WICH 13L 32 528 3/5
12 FLMOORT FLOOR 4A 24 -8 161 2/3 MILTZ C11 32 560 3/5
13 HNNOOTX OX A1 36 -11 197 4/4 HOX C5 47 607 3/5
14 EFINQRT FLINT 3A 16 -14 213 3/3 NITHER O10 30 637 3/5
15 DEFILNR FIND L8 24 -73 237 2/3 FLINDER 1B 97 734 3/5
16 ABIRTUU BAUR L8 20 -2 257 3/3 BAIT D3 22 756 3/5
17 BGNOTUU BUGOUT N6 23   280 1/3       779 3/5
18 CINOTVY VINO O5 36 -10 316 1/3 NOVITY O1 46 825 3/5
19 CEFIOOR FORGE 8K 30 -6 346 2/3 FIGO 8L 36 861 3/5

Total: 346/861 or -515 for 40.18%
Rank: 6951

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