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Game of October 10, 2012 at 04:57, 1 player
1. 372 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?glortt   H8    66    66   triglot
 2. bceellu  13G    30    96   bouclee
 3. ?elnuvv  10F    64   160   univalve
 4. aaamnry  12L    36   196   mary
 5. ddiilos  15D    51   247   didos
 6. aainopt   O7    33   280   pointy
 7. bcdeitu   K5    40   320   ductile
 8. aeegnop   G2    65   385   peonage
 9. hinortw   H1    57   442   with
10. aaeemno   F4    33   475   noma
11. aefhjst   E5    58   533   hajes
12. aeoqrrs   6I    37   570   square
13. aeginrt   1H    89   659   watering
14. beinouy   8A    42   701   inbye
15. adiloxz  14B    45   746   azido
16. aefoors  C12    30   776   fez
17. ailoruw  12A    30   806   woful
18. aefikrs   B2    36   842   serafin
19. aeikorx   C2    46   888   oxer

Remaining tiles: aik

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4230 Filedenbay      1 19:39  -516  372     1.4230 denbay      1 19:39  -516  372 

On 1st draw, TR(I)GLOT H8 66 --- TRIGLOT a book written in three languages [n]
Other tops: TR(I)GLOT H3 66, TR(I)GLOT H4 66, TR(I)GLOT H6 66, TR(I)GLOT H7 66
Other moves: TR(I)GLOT H2 64, TR(I)GLOT H5 64, GROTT(O) H4 16, GROTT(Y) H4 16, GR(O)TTO H4 16
TROG H6 10 denbay

On 2nd draw, BOUCLEE 13G 30 --- BOUCLEE a loop made with forefinger and thumb to guide a billiard stick [n]
Other moves: CELLULE 12C 18, CELLULE 12F 18, BEE G13 17, BEE I13 17, BEL G13 17
BULGE 11E 16 denbay

On 3rd draw, UN(I)V(A)LVE 10F 64 --- UNIVALVE a mollusk having a single shell [n]
Other moves: VENU(S) 15D 54, VULN(S) 15D 54, NEVU(S) 15D 45, LUV(S) 15E 39, LUNE(S) 15D 36
NEVE L12 16 denbay

On 4th draw, MARY 12L 36 --- MARY an Aboriginal woman [n]
Other tops: MANY 12L 36
Other moves: MYNA 12L 33, ARMY 12L 32, MAYA 12L 30, ARMY 12K 28, NARY 12L 28
YEN L12 12 denbay

On 5th draw, DIDOS 15D 51 --- DIDO a mischievous act [n]
Other tops: DILDOS 15C 51, IODIDS 15C 51, SOLIDI 15H 51
Other moves: DIOLS 15D 48, SLOID 15H 48, SOLID 15H 48, IDOLS 15D 45, LIDOS 15D 45
SOLID 15H 48 denbay

On 6th draw, POINTY O7 33 --- POINTY coming to a sharp, tapering end [adj]
Other tops: PAINTY O7 33, PITAYA O8 33
Other moves: ATOPY O8 30, PANTY O8 30, PINATA 14A 30, PIONY O8 30, PONTY O8 30
POINTY O7 33 denbay

On 7th draw, DUCTILE K5 40 --- DUCTILE easily molded or shaped [adj]
Other moves: CEBID 14A 26, CUBED 14A 26, CUBIT 14A 23, BETID 14A 22, CITED 14A 22
CITED D11 16 denbay

On 8th draw, PEONAGE G2 65 --- PEONAGE the condition of being a peon [n]
Other tops: PEONAGE I2 65
Other moves: PEAGE 14B 31, PEAGE L1 25, PENGO L1 25, PONGA L1 25, PAEON J2 22
GOAD D12 12 denbay

On 9th draw, WITH H1 57 --- WITH a partition between chimney flues [n] --- WITH in the company of [prep]
Other moves: HOW 14J 42, HIN 14J 36, HIT 14J 36, HON 14J 36, HOT 14J 36
WIT H1 24 denbay

On 10th draw, NOMA F4 33 --- NOMA a severe inflammation of the mouth [n]
Other tops: NEMA F4 33
Other moves: ENEMA 14B 30, ANEMONE 5B 29, NAM F4 29, NOM F4 29, MAN F6 27
MEAD D12 14 denbay

On 11th draw, HAJES E5 58 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: HAJ E5 54, HAFTS E5 46, TAJES E5 46, FAHS E5 44, HAFT E5 44
JUST 6J 27 denbay

On 12th draw, SQUARE 6I 37 --- SQUARE having four equal sides and four right angles; rigidly conventional [adj] --- SQUARE rigidly conventional [adj] --- SQUARE to make square [v] --- SQUARE to make equal all over [v]
Other moves: QUARE 6J 36, QUA 6J 32, WITHES H1 25, AROSE 14B 24, RESORT 14C 23
QUARE 6J 36 denbay

On 13th draw, WATERING 1H 89 --- WATERING the act of one that waters [n]
Other moves: INTEGRAL 12A 74, TIRAGE 14A 29, TRIAGE 14A 29, INGATE 14A 28, TRAGI 14B 27
GRIND D11 14 denbay

On 14th draw, INBYE 8A 42 --- INBYE toward the interior [adv]
Other moves: BONEY D8 35, BONIE D8 29, BEYOND D10 24, BONIE 8A 24, BUOYED D10 24
BIND D12 14 denbay

On 15th draw, AZIDO 14B 45 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [adj] --- AZIDO relating to azide [adj]
Other moves: ZONDA B6 37, ZONAL B6 36, IZARD M3 34, AZON B5 33, NAZI B8 33
ZOO 8M 12 denbay

On 16th draw, FEZ C12 30 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: REZ C12 24, SAZ C12 24, SEZ C12 24, YOOFS D8 24, *RS* N11 22
FANS B6 15 denbay

On 17th draw, WOFUL 12A 30 --- WOFUL full of grief [adj]
Other moves: AWFUL 12A 24, ARID D12 22, FLORAL 12C 22, AW 15A 20, FLAW 12C 20
WAR B13 11 denbay

On 18th draw, SERAFIN B2 36 --- SERAFIN a silver coin [n]
Other moves: KENAF B6 30, *RS* N11 22, FANKS B6 22, FENKS B6 22, FINKS B6 22
FINKS B6 22 denbay

On 19th draw, OXER C2 46 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other moves: OX C2 38, AX 15A 36, EX 15A 36, OX 15A 36, REX C3 35
REX 3A 20 denbay

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