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Game of October 11, 2012 at 12:28, 4 players
1. 724 pts raggedy01
2. 228 pts kellybelly
3. 182 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegnrst   H7    70    70   strange
 2. ?bdegir  11D    94   164   beringed
 3. ?aeilsx   8A   116   280   flaxiest
 4. aeehlnt   6G    77   357   lethean
 5. aegoort  14H    80   437   rootage
 6. aeimort   A8    80   517   formiate
 7. acdinrs   M8    76   593   cardings
 8. aaefikr   7C    41   634   fake
 9. bdiloos   O8    92   726   diobols
10. efijptv   9C    36   762   pet
11. deimuwz   K2    38   800   weized
12. acjopry   3H    38   838   japery
13. emnouvy   2K    35   873   womyn
14. efinotu   H1    45   918   fuji
15. eeintuv   O1    39   957   uneven
16. clotuuw  10J    29   986   wo
17. ahlnotv   N7    38  1024   tanh
18. ciloquv  L12    55  1079   quai

Remaining tiles: cilouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6598 Fileraggedy01   2 19:40  -355  724     1.7535 kellybelly  2  6:16  -851  228 
  2.7535 Filekellybelly  2  6:16  -851  228            Group: intermediate
  3.6991 Fileargomearns  0  4:29  -897  182     1.6598 raggedy01   2 19:40  -355  724 
  4.6117 FileHasni       0  0:22 -1046   33     2.6991 argomearns  0  4:29  -897  182 
                                             3.6117 Hasni       0  0:22 -1046   33 

On 1st draw, STRANGE H7 70 --- STRANGE an unfamiliar person or thing [n] --- STRANGE unusual or unfamiliar [adj]
Other tops: ARGENTS H2 70, GARNETS H4 70
Other moves: ARGENTS H3 68, ARGENTS H4 68, ARGENTS H6 68, ARGENTS H7 68, ARGENTS H8 68
STRANGE H7 70 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, B(E)RINGED 11D 94 --- BERINGED adorned with rings [adj]
Other tops: BERING(E)D 11D 94, BREING(E)D 11D 94, BR(E)INGED 11D 94
Other moves: BEDRIG(H)T 8A 86, BRIDGE(S) 14B 86, B(O)DGIER 14B 83, BEGIRDE(D) 13G 82, BEGIRD(L)E 13G 82
BRIDGE(S) 14B 86 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, (F)LAXIEST 8A 116 --- FLAXY flaxen [adj]
Other moves: ALEXI(N)ES 13F 96, ALEXI(A)S 14B 89, ALEXI(N)S 14B 89, (A)LEXIAS 14B 89, ALEXI(N)ES 13B 80
LAXES 14D 37 raggedy01

On 4th draw, LETHEAN 6G 77 --- LETHE forgetfulness [adj] --- LETHEAN pertaining to lethe [adj]
Other moves: LETHEAN 6D 73, HANTLE 10J 35, HALE 7C 33, HALT 7C 33, HATE 7C 33
HALT 7C 33 Hasni, raggedy01

On 5th draw, ROOTAGE 14H 80 --- ROOTAGE a system of roots [n]
Other tops: (F)OOTGEAR A8 80
Other moves: ROOTAGE 5A 68, GAROTE 12A 29, GATER 12A 25, GATOR 12A 25, GREAT 12A 25
RAGE 14H 19 raggedy01

On 6th draw, (F)ORMIATE A8 80 --- FORMIATE a salt of formic acid [n]
Other moves: AMITROLE B2 74, MORTALISE G1 70, ROLAMITE B6 68, AMORT 15K 44, MATIER 15J 41
MORE 15L 39 raggedy01

On 7th draw, CARDINGS M8 76 --- CARDING the process of combing and cleaning cotton fibers; cleaned and combed fibers [n]
Other moves: CADIS 15D 66, CAIDS 15D 66, CARDS 15D 66, CAINS 15D 63, CAIRDS 15C 63
CARDINGS M8 76 raggedy01

On 8th draw, FAKE 7C 41 --- FAKE to contrive and present as genuine [v]
Other moves: AFEAR 7B 36, FAIK 5K 36, FARCIE 8J 36, FIACRE 8J 36, FIKIER 12J 36
FACER 8K 33 argomearns
FIRK 12L 32 raggedy01

On 9th draw, DIOBOLS O8 92 --- DIOBOL a coin of ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: BOLDS 15D 66, DSOBO 15G 65, BLOODS 15C 63, BOILS 15D 63, BOLOS 15D 63
BOLDS 15D 66 raggedy01
BOILS 15D 63 argomearns

On 10th draw, PET 9C 36 --- PET to caress with the hand [v]
Other moves: TEF 9C 34, FIER 10J 31, JIVE 5D 30, EFT 5J 29, FE 10J 29
JIVE K3 28 argomearns, raggedy01

On 11th draw, WEIZED K2 38 --- WEIZE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other tops: WEIRDO 10J 38, WEIZE 13G 38
Other moves: WEIZED 13D 36, ZED 12C 36, MEZE J8 35, MZEE J9 35, WEIZE K2 34
ZEE J10 32 raggedy01, argomearns

On 12th draw, JAPERY 3H 38 --- JAPERY mockery [n]
Other moves: PIRACY 4J 34, PRAYS 15I 31, PYA 12C 31, YARR 10J 31, CREPY 3I 30
JAR 12C 29 kellybelly
JA 13J 20 raggedy01

On 13th draw, WOMYN 2K 35 --- WOMYN an attempt by American feminists to create a word for women without the man element [n]
Other moves: YOUR 10J 31, ENMOVE 13C 30, WOMEN 2K 29, YE 10J 29, YO 10J 29
ENVOY 4E 27 raggedy01, kellybelly

On 14th draw, FUJI H1 45 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: ENUF O1 33, OFTEN B11 33, NEIF 4I 32, FIER 10J 31, FOUR 10J 31
FE 1N 29 kellybelly, raggedy01

On 15th draw, UNEVEN O1 39 --- EVEN smooth and level [adj] --- UNEVEN not even [adj]
Other moves: INVENT O1 30, INVITE 12A 29, VINE 12C 25, VITE 12C 25, UNTIE B11 24
UNEVEN O1 39 kellybelly
INVENT O1 30 raggedy01

On 16th draw, WO 10J 29 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: WORT L1 26, CLEW 13F 23, TWO B12 23, WOT B13 23, EWT 13H 21
WO 10J 29 kellybelly
WORT L1 26 raggedy01

On 17th draw, TANH N7 38 --- TANH a hyperbolic tangent [n]
Other moves: HA N10 33, HO N10 33, NOAHS 15I 27, THAN B12 27, THON B12 27
THAN B12 27 kellybelly
HORN L1 26 argomearns, raggedy01

On 18th draw, QUAI L12 55 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUA L12 48, CLIQUE 13C 36, CLOQUE 13C 36, QI 12C 30, TOLUIC 14A 28
QUA L12 48 raggedy01, kellybelly

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