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Game of October 16, 2012 at 14:34, 2 players
1. 113 pts ginie
2. 53 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeflrtw   H4    32    32   wafter
 2. ?hiloos   8A    83   115   schoolie
 3. aeeiosw   I5    37   152   weise
 4. aeimrsv   A1    92   244   misavers
 5. ?aadeiu   E6    66   310   aboideau
 6. egnoqrs  13C    34   344   squeg
 7. abcegnt   J4    31   375   cage
 8. ilooprt  14B    23   398   poi
 9. ilnoruy   F2    31   429   loury
10. einotuz  15A    43   472   zin
11. aeinott   B1    20   492   anti
12. aegirtv  11E    74   566   ergative
13. deinotu   D1    24   590   deuton
14. bdeopry  12L    34   624   doby
15. ehmnopx   O6    66   690   phenoxy
16. abdekno  N10    71   761   kebab
17. acefnrt   1F    42   803   fract
18. elmnrtu  14F    29   832   munter
19. dijllno   J9    32   864   djin

Remaining tiles: illo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4564 Fileginie       0  7:15  -751  113     1.6494 Grace_Tjie  0  1:31  -811   53 
  2.6494 FileGrace_Tjie  0  1:31  -811   53            Group: not rated
                                             1.4564 ginie       0  7:15  -751  113 

On 1st draw, WAFTER H4 32 --- WAFTER one that wafts [n]
Other moves: FETWA H4 30, WAFER H4 30, FALTER H4 26, WAFTER H3 26, WAFTER H7 26
FLARE H4 24 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, S(C)HOOLIE 8A 83 --- SCHOOLIE (Australian) a high school student [n]
Other moves: HOOLI(E)S 10B 82, (C)OOLISH G2 81, (F)OOLISH G2 81, OOLI(T)HS 10B 74, (C)OOLISH 10C 74
S(C)HOOL 10H 29 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, WEISE I5 37 --- WEISE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other moves: WAES I5 32, WAIS I5 32, WEES I5 32, AWES 10E 28, EASE I6 28

On 4th draw, MISAVERS A1 92 --- MISAVER to speak erroneously [v]
Other moves: MISAVER J9 71, MISAVERS A6 64, REAMS J3 36, RIEMS J3 36, RAMS J4 35

On 5th draw, A(B)OIDEAU E6 66 --- ABOIDEAU a type of dike [n]
Other tops: A(B)OIDEAU D6 66
Other moves: AU(M)AILED F3 64, AU(B)ADE J2 32, I(R)ADE J3 29, AA(H)ED J2 28, AI(D)ED J2 28

On 6th draw, SQUEG 13C 34 --- SQUEG to oscillate in an irregular manner [v]
Other moves: ROQUES 13B 32, GONERS J2 30, GRONES J2 30, ENGS J4 29, NEGS J4 29

On 7th draw, CAGE J4 31 --- CAGE to confine [v]
Other moves: BEGAN J2 30, BEGAT J2 30, BANC J4 29, AGE J5 28, BANG J3 28

On 8th draw, POI 14B 23 --- POI a Hawaiian food [n]
Other moves: COPLOT 4J 22, ORLOP G1 22, TROOP G1 22, LOOP G2 21, LOTI 14A 21

On 9th draw, LOURY F2 31 --- LOURY lowery [adj]
Other tops: IRONY F2 31, NIRLY F2 31, NOILY F2 31, ROILY F2 31
Other moves: INLY F3 28, LINY F3 28, LORY F3 28, LOY 15A 28, LUNY F3 28
LOY F4 27 ginie

On 10th draw, ZIN 15A 43 --- ZIN a dry, red table wine [n]
Other tops: ZIT 15A 43
Other moves: ZENITH C3 38, ZO 15A 37, COUZIN 4J 36, DZO 10E 33, (C)OZEN B8 33
ZONE 11B 13 ginie

On 11th draw, ANTI B1 20 --- ANTI one who is opposed to anything [n]
Other tops: ANTE B1 20, IOTA B1 20, ONIE B1 20
Other moves: CATION 4J 18, CATTIE 4J 18, CENTAI 4J 18, COTTAE 4J 18, EATEN F10 18
COTE 4J 12 ginie

On 12th draw, ERGATIVE 11E 74 --- ERGATIVE a certain grammatical inflection [n] --- ERGATIVE denoting a certain grammatical case [adj]
Other moves: VITRAGE J9 73, VIRGATE J9 71, GRIVET D1 30, TAIVER D1 26, CAVIER 4J 24
AWAVE 5H 22 ginie

On 13th draw, DEUTON D1 24 --- DEUTON the nucleus of heavy hydrogen [n]
Other moves: DITONE 14F 23, DUNITE 14F 23, INTOED D1 23, OINTED D1 23, UNITED D1 23
TEND L10 10 ginie

On 14th draw, DOBY 12L 34 --- DOBY an unburnt sun-dried brick [n]
Other tops: DOPY 12L 34
Other moves: DOPEY 14F 33, REBODY L10 32, DORY 12L 30, DREY 12L 30, OBEYED L7 30

On 15th draw, PHENOXY O6 66 --- PHENOXY containing a radical derived from phenol [adj]
Other moves: EXONYM O8 54, EPOXY O8 51, HEMPY O8 45, NYMPH O11 45, PHONEY O7 42

On 16th draw, KEBAB N10 71 --- KEBAB cubes of meat cooked on a skewer [n] --- KEBAB to skewer [v]
Other tops: KABOB N10 71, KEBOB N10 71
Other moves: KOBAN N10 67, BOBAK N10 57, KAB N10 44, KEB N10 44, KOB N10 44

On 17th draw, FRACT 1F 42 --- FRACT to break [v]
Other tops: DAFTER 1D 42, FACER 1F 42, FACET 1F 42, FARCE 1F 42, FRANC 1F 42
Other moves: DEFAT 1D 39, FACE 1F 39, FACT 1F 39, FRATE 1F 36, FRENA 1F 36
FIANCE J10 25 ginie

On 18th draw, MUNTER 14F 29 --- MUNTER an unattractive person [n]
Other moves: MUTER 14F 28, CENTUM 4J 26, MULE 14F 25, MUNT 14F 25, MURE 14F 25
BE 14N 4 ginie

On 19th draw, DJIN J9 32 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: LOID 15G 30, JIN J10 26, LOIN 15G 26, NOIL 15G 26, JOLED L8 21

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