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Game of October 23, 2012 at 15:55, 3 players
1. 122 pts ginie
2. 50 pts ding
3. 32 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehnrtw   H4    32    32   wreath
 2. eenotvx   5E    40    72   overnet
 3. eilmnoo  10C    74   146   oinomel
 4. ?aciiou   L1    28   174   ciaos
 5. degorst   2G    78   252   stodgier
 6. ?afllss   J4    76   328   leafless
 7. aeistuu   1F    28   356   suite
 8. ceilmnp   C9    32   388   polemic
 9. aadenrt  14A    72   460   raindate
10. bfhnoty  15F    51   511   bothy
11. aeiopru  11E    44   555   operas
12. defknru  14J    60   615   funked
13. aegiiiq  O12    72   687   qadi
14. adgnruy  A12    36   723   yard
15. abgiiru   1L    28   751   crab
16. einoruw   8J    39   790   lowrie
17. eijnvxz  L12    52   842   jinx
18. eginnuz   6B    35   877   zein
19. gginuuv   4B    22   899   vugg

Remaining tiles: inu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4566 Fileginie       0  5:52  -777  122     1.6888 GLOBEMAN    1  0:40  -867   32 
  2.4024 Fileding        0  3:18  -849   50            Group: not rated
  3.6888 FileGLOBEMAN    1  0:40  -867   32     1.4566 ginie       0  5:52  -777  122 
                                             2.4024 ding        0  3:18  -849   50 

On 1st draw, WREATH H4 32 --- WREATH a garland of flowers [n]
Other tops: THAWER H3 32, THRAWN H3 32, THRAWN H8 32, WHATEN H3 32, WHATEN H4 32, WREATH H7 32
Other moves: REWTH H8 30, THRAW H8 30, THREW H8 30, WHARE H4 30, WHEAR H4 30
THREW H8 30 ginie

On 2nd draw, OVERNET 5E 40 --- OVERNET to cover with a net [v]
Other moves: EXO I6 39, EX I6 36, VERTEX 5F 32, VORTEX 5F 32, VEXER 5D 30
VORTEX 5F 32 ginie

On 3rd draw, OINOMEL 10C 74 --- OINOMEL an ancient Greek beverage [n]
Other moves: OINOMEL G9 69, OINOMEL I8 69, OINOMEL I9 69, MOLINE 6J 28, WOMEN 4H 28
MINE 4J 18 ginie

On 4th draw, CIAO(S) L1 28 --- CIAO used as an expression of greeting and farewell [interj]
Other moves: IO(D)IC 11F 27, IO(N)IC 11F 27, OI(D)IA 11F 25, (D)OUC 11H 25, (S)AIC 11H 25

On 5th draw, STODGIER 2G 78 --- STODGY boring [adj]
Other moves: GRODIEST 2H 74, GRODIEST D6 72, GOADSTER 7F 64, GOSTERED J1 64, STORED 11C 43

On 6th draw, LEAFL(E)SS J4 76 --- LEAFLESS having no leaves [adj]
Other moves: AS(H)FALLS 7D 65, AS(H)FALLS 7H 62, SAF(E)S 11D 42, FL(E)AS 1D 41, S(O)FAS 11D 41

On 7th draw, SUITE 1F 28 --- SUITE a series of things forming a unit [n]
Other tops: SAUTE 1F 28
Other moves: AITUS 1D 26, ETUIS 1D 26, ETUIS 1E 25, SIST 11H 24, EAS 11F 23

On 8th draw, POLEMIC C9 32 --- POLEMIC a controversial argument [n]
Other tops: COMPILE C9 32, COMPLIN C9 32
Other moves: PENIS 11F 31, COMPEL C9 30, PINOCLE C7 30, PLEONIC C7 30, COMPLINE E4 28

On 9th draw, RAINDATE 14A 72 --- RAINDATE an alternate date in the event of rain [n]
Other moves: ARENAS 11E 38, ARED 11E 35, CANTRED 15C 33, ARCADE 15A 30, CADENT 15C 30

On 10th draw, BOTHY 15F 51 --- BOTHY a hut in Scotland [n]
Other moves: BOH 15F 45, FOHN 15H 45, FOH 15H 42, FOY 15H 42, HOY 15H 42
HOY 15H 42 ginie
FEY 12B 18 ding

On 11th draw, OPERAS 11E 44 --- OPERA a form of musical drama [n]
Other moves: APER 11E 38, PARIS 11F 31, PERIS 11F 31, PURIS 11F 31, ARISE 11G 30
PRO A13 15 ding

On 12th draw, FUNKED 14J 60 --- FUNK to shrink back in fear [v]
Other moves: FUNKER 14J 58, FUNDER 14J 52, DRUNKER A8 51, KERF A12 48, KERF 14J 40

On 13th draw, QADI O12 72 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: GADE O12 24, GADI O12 24, QI 4D 24, GARE A12 21, GARI A12 21
EA 15N 17 ding

On 14th draw, YARD A12 36 --- YARD to put in a yard (a tract of ground adjacent to a building) [v]
Other moves: CYAN 1L 34, YARN A12 33, YARR A12 33, CRAY 1L 31, ANGRY A11 30

On 15th draw, CRAB 1L 28 --- CRAB to complain [v]
Other moves: CRAG 1L 25, BARING L10 22, BURKA M11 22, BARK M11 20, BAUK M11 20

On 16th draw, LOWRIE 8J 39 --- LOWRIE a small parrot [n]
Other moves: INWORK M9 28, UNWORK M9 28, AWE 3L 27, UNWIRE 3B 24, WROKE M11 24

On 17th draw, JINX L12 52 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: JIZ 4C 49, VINEYARD A8 45, AXE 3L 43, JINX 6B 43, VIXEN 4A 40

On 18th draw, ZEIN 6B 35 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: ZINE 6B 35
Other moves: ZEIN N6 33, ZING 4B 31, ZIG 4C 29, ZEIN 4B 28, ZIN 4C 26

On 19th draw, VUGG 4B 22 --- VUGG a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: GIVEN C3 20, VIG 4C 18, VUG 4C 18, GIVING N5 17, GING 4B 16

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