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Game of October 27, 2012 at 06:21, 2 players
1. 512 pts jimbo
2. 3 pts frenchy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adgmrs   H3    76    76   smaragd
 2. egloruy   8H    92   168   gurgoyle
 3. ?aceinp   O1    86   254   sapience
 4. aceoqtu  10D    48   302   coquet
 5. aadfiov   D8    28   330   facia
 6. eeimosv   J6    42   372   verismo
 7. deekosv   M2    92   464   dovekeys
 8. aeiilny   8A    36   500   naifly
 9. eghilnt  13B    91   591   enlight
10. bdertuu  B10    28   619   breed
11. adelrtx  K11    43   662   axled
12. efiinst   6A    65   727   sniftier
13. aejnopu  14J    56   783   jeune
14. aiioprt  L10    37   820   apo
15. bhortuw   A1    39   859   throws
16. abeiotz   G5    48   907   bez
17. einortw  11D    33   940   iwi
18. aeirttu  15F    30   970   tetrad
19. ainooru  14E    23   993   naoi

Remaining tiles: oru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6567 Filejimbo       1 15:32  -481  512     1.6567 jimbo       1 15:32  -481  512 
  2.  -  Filefrenchy     0  1:38  -990    3            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  frenchy     0  1:38  -990    3 

On 1st draw, SMAR(A)GD H3 76 --- SMARAGD an emerald [n]
Other tops: SM(A)RAGD H3 76
Other moves: SMAR(A)GD H6 74, SMAR(A)GD H7 74, SM(A)RAGD H6 74, SM(A)RAGD H7 74, SMAR(A)GD H2 72
MARG(E)S H4 22 jimbo

On 2nd draw, GURGOYLE 8H 92 --- GURGOYLE an ornamental figure [n]
Other moves: GURGOYLE 8E 64, RUGOSELY 3D 64, GUYLER 10D 29, GUYLE 10D 28, GYRE 10E 27
YO G5 12 jimbo

On 3rd draw, (S)APIENCE O1 86 --- SAPIENCE wisdom [n]
Other tops: CAPE(L)INE O1 86, PA(T)IENCE O1 86
Other moves: (S)APIENCY M1 84, PANIC(L)E 10B 83, ESCAPIN(G) 3G 80, INSCAPE(S) 3F 80, PISC(I)NAE 3F 80
PLACIN(G) N7 16 jimbo

On 4th draw, COQUET 10D 48 --- COQUET to flirt [v]
Other moves: TOQUE 10D 45, ACQUEST 3C 40, COQUETS 3B 38, CROQUET 6G 38, CROQUET J7 38
CROQUET J7 38 jimbo

On 5th draw, FACIA D8 28 --- FACIA an architectural band [n]
Other tops: VIFDAS 3C 28
Other moves: AVOIDS 3C 24, DOF G5 24, VIFDA 2K 24, VIFDA 5D 24, DI 11E 23
DI 11E 23 jimbo

On 6th draw, VERISMO J6 42 --- VERISMO realism in art or literature [n]
Other moves: VERISM J6 41, VIROSE J6 39, MIRVS J6 38, VIRES J6 38, MERES J6 35
SOME J10 28 jimbo

On 7th draw, DOVEKEYS M2 92 --- DOVEKEY a seabird [n]
Other moves: DOVEKEY M2 38, KEEFS 8A 36, DEKES 13C 33, KEEF 8A 33, SKEED 13J 33
SEEK 13J 29 jimbo

On 8th draw, NAIFLY 8A 36 --- NAIFLY in a naive manner [adv]
Other moves: LEANY 13C 35, LEAFY 8A 33, YEAN K11 30, YEA K11 28, YEN K11 28
LEAFY 8A 33 jimbo

On 9th draw, ENLIGHT 13B 91 --- ENLIGHT to shed light on [v]
Other moves: ATHELING B8 90, ENLIGHTS 3A 76, LIGHTENS 3A 76, HELLION E5 46, NEIGH 13C 37
THE I2 23 jimbo
NIL A8 3 frenchy

On 10th draw, BREED B10 28 --- BREED to produce by giving birth [v]
Other tops: BETED B10 28
Other moves: BERET B10 26, BURET B10 26, DOUBTER L7 25, REDUBS 3C 24, TUBE I3 24
BRUTES 3C 18 jimbo

On 11th draw, AXLED K11 43 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [adj] --- AXLED having an axle [adj]
Other moves: AXED K11 41, EXALT K11 41, EXTRA K11 41, AXEL K11 39, AXLE K11 39
TAX H13 30 jimbo

On 12th draw, SNIFTIER 6A 65 --- SNIFTY having a tempting smell [adj]
Other moves: FIDEIST 15I 36, FOXIEST 12I 36, FEINTS 14J 34, FIENDS 15G 33, SNIFTED 15E 33
FIENDS 15G 33 jimbo

On 13th draw, JEUNE 14J 56 --- JEUNE young [adj]
Other moves: JAUPED 15F 48, JUPONS A1 48, JAPED 15G 45, OPEN A12 41, POA L11 39
JAPED 15G 45 jimbo

On 14th draw, APO L10 37 --- APO a type of protein (apolipoprotein) [n]
Other moves: TRIPOD 15F 36, PO L11 35, PRO L10 35, TRIPOS A1 33, PAR A13 32
PROD 15H 30 jimbo

On 15th draw, THROWS A1 39 --- THROW to propel through the air with a movement of the arm [v]
Other tops: ROWTHS A1 39, WHORTS A1 39, WORTHS A1 39
Other moves: BROTHS A1 36, THROBS A1 36, OUTWAR 5D 34, TURBOS A1 33, ROWTHS 3C 32
WORTHS A1 39 jimbo

On 16th draw, BEZ G5 48 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: AZOTISE 3C 36, BAIZES 3C 36, ZIBETS 3C 36, ZOEAE N10 34, TEAZE G2 33
BEAD 15H 30 jimbo

On 17th draw, IWI 11D 33 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other moves: TIEROD 15F 30, DRENT 15K 28, DRONE 15K 28, OWRIEST 3C 24, TROD 15H 24
TROD 15H 24 jimbo

On 18th draw, TETRAD 15F 30 --- TETRAD a group of four [n]
Other moves: TREAD 15G 27, TRIAD 15G 27, READ 15H 24, TEAD 15H 24, TRAD 15H 24
TREAD 15G 27 jimbo

On 19th draw, NAOI 14E 23 --- NAOS an ancient temple [n]
Other moves: HONOUR 2A 22, UNROOF D1 20, NOO 14E 19, NOIR I2 17, ROAN I2 17
NO 14E 12 jimbo

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