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Game of October 28, 2012 at 23:34, 5 players
1. 693 pts musdrive
2. 532 pts iwhist
3. 529 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdentuw   H4    24    24   bunted
 2. aeinrsz   4F    88   112   zebrinas
 3. ?dennoo   I7    67   179   onioned
 4. ?elnoou  13G    68   247   nodulose
 5. iloqrtu  N10    68   315   quiet
 6. eeikpsv  15L    48   363   vise
 7. aeinrwy  14B    84   447   yawnier
 8. aefllst   B7    66   513   festally
 9. aadehir   C2    83   596   airhead
10. ehilopt   E7    76   672   tholepin
11. aefjmrr  H12    48   720   form
12. bcdeiuw   A8    52   772   weid
13. acjkors   5B    49   821   khoja
14. aegimsy   O7    40   861   yagis
15. abcmort  J10    40   901   motuca
16. aceptux   M2    46   947   auspex
17. cegirrt   2A    30   977   tragic
18. begorrv   2J    30  1007   borage

Remaining tiles: rv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7500 Filemusdrive    5 15:46  -314  693     1.7500 musdrive    5 15:46  -314  693 
  2.6756 Fileiwhist      2 16:02  -475  532            Group: intermediate
  3.5899 Filetonikay     2 23:13  -478  529     1.6756 iwhist      2 16:02  -475  532 
  4.4238 Filedenbay      1 10:41  -673  334            Group: novice
  5.  -  FileJack22      0  1:38  -986   21     1.5899 tonikay     2 23:13  -478  529 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4238 denbay      1 10:41  -673  334 
                                             2.  -  Jack22      0  1:38  -986   21 

On 1st draw, BUNTED H4 24 --- BUNT to butt [v]
Other moves: BUNDE H4 22, BUNDT H4 22, BUNTED H7 22, UNWED H8 22, BUNTED H3 20
BUNTED H4 24 musdrive
WUD H6 14 iwhist

On 2nd draw, ZEBRINAS 4F 88 --- ZEBRINA a creeping plant [n]
Other moves: AZURINES 5F 84, SUZERAIN 5G 84, ZANIER G3 39, AZINES 6E 37, ZANIER 6F 37
BRAZENS 4H 36 musdrive
BAIZES 4H 34 iwhist
ZAS I3 28 tonikay

On 3rd draw, ON(I)ONED I7 67 --- ONION to apply an edible bulb to [v]
Other moves: ON(I)ONED G9 63, ON(I)ONED I9 63, (C)ONDONED 9A 61, (C)ONDONED 9E 61, (C)ONNOTED 7C 60
DOZEN F2 21 musdrive, iwhist
DONE 3J 21 tonikay

On 4th draw, NODULO(S)E 13G 68 --- NODULE a small node [adj] --- NODULOSE pertaining to a nodule [adj]
Other tops: UN(C)OOLED 13B 68, UN(F)OOLED 13B 68
Other moves: UNLOO(K)ED 13B 66, UNLOO(S)ED 13B 66, UNLOO(S)EN 11B 64, UNLOO(S)EN 11H 64, UNLOO(S)EN K3 64
NOEL H12 21 iwhist
(A)LONE 3I 19 musdrive
(S)OUL J9 15 tonikay

On 5th draw, QUIET N10 68 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other moves: QUILT J2 36, QUILTER N8 36, QUIRT J2 36, QUOITER N8 36, QUOTER N9 34
QUIET N10 68 musdrive
QUILT K10 28 tonikay

On 6th draw, VISE 15L 48 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v] --- VISE to visa [v]
Other moves: KEPIS O7 46, POKE H12 46, SKIP O8 45, PISE 15L 42, KEPI O7 41
VISE 15L 48 denbay, tonikay, musdrive, iwhist

On 7th draw, YAWNIER 14B 84 --- YAWNY full of yawns [adj]
Other moves: YOWE H12 51, WORE H12 42, WORN H12 42, YONI H12 42, YORE H12 42
YOWE H12 51 musdrive
YORE H12 42 denbay
WAIR O8 34 tonikay
WE J10 28 iwhist

On 8th draw, FESTALLY B7 66 --- FESTAL festive [adv] --- FESTALLY in a festal manner [adv]
Other moves: AFORE H11 47, TEFS 15F 44, EFTS 15G 42, FORA H12 42, FORE H12 42
AFORE H11 47 iwhist
TEFS 15F 44 musdrive
FESTA 15F 41 tonikay
SET 15A 16 denbay

On 9th draw, AIRHEAD C2 83 --- AIRHEAD a stupid person [n]
Other moves: HEADRAIL K6 74, HARED A4 53, HIRED A4 53, HIDER A4 50, HAIRED A3 47
HEAD A8 46 musdrive
HEADER 8A 36 denbay
DEAIR O7 31 tonikay

On 10th draw, THOLEPIN E7 76 --- THOLEPIN a pin that serves as an oarlock [n]
Other moves: ENOPHILE 8H 51, LOIPE A8 47, HORE H12 42, HORI H12 42, PIET A8 42
PIET A8 42 iwhist
POET A8 42 musdrive
HOE B2 26 tonikay
PATH 2B 18 denbay

On 11th draw, FORM H12 48 --- FORM to shape or produce [v]
Other moves: AFORE H11 47, FAE A8 43, FAME 15G 42, FARM 15G 42, FEM 15H 42
FARM 15G 42 musdrive
JAI 12L 39 iwhist
JAM 3L 37 tonikay
FARM 4A 26 denbay

On 12th draw, WEID A8 52 --- WEID a sudden illness [n]
Other moves: WE A8 38, WUDU J10 38, DEW J8 35, WIDE D1 33, BE A8 32
WEID A8 52 iwhist, musdrive, tonikay
WED 8A 21 Jack22
CAW 2B 16 denbay

On 13th draw, KHOJA 5B 49 --- KHOJA a Middle Eastern title of respect [n]
Other moves: JACK 3L 47, JOCK 3L 47, JARK 4A 46, JAKS 3L 43, JARK 3L 43
JACK 3L 47 musdrive
JARK 4A 46 iwhist
JACKS 2B 40 denbay
JO 5E 29 tonikay

On 14th draw, YAGIS O7 40 --- YAGI a type of shortwave antenna [n]
Other tops: GAMAYS 2B 40
Other moves: MAGUEY J10 39, GAMAY 2B 38, GAMEY 2B 38, GAMESY 3J 37, SAMEY 2B 36
MY J9 33 musdrive
MES 15C 30 tonikay
YAMS 3L 27 iwhist
MAYS 2B 18 denbay

On 15th draw, MOTUCA J10 40 --- MOTUCA a large Brazilian fly [n]
Other moves: BOAK B2 32, AMOK B2 30, BOMA 3J 30, CAROB 2B 30, CAROM 2B 30
BOMA 3J 30 iwhist
CAROM 2B 30 musdrive
MOB N6 22 tonikay
CRAM 2A 16 denbay

On 16th draw, AUSPEX M2 46 --- AUSPEX a soothsayer of ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: PAX B1 37, APEX 3K 36, TAX 5J 35, TEX 5J 35, TUX 5J 35
PAX B1 37 tonikay
ZAX F4 35 musdrive
TAX 5J 35 iwhist
PAX 2B 24 denbay

On 17th draw, TRAGIC 2A 30 --- TRAGIC the element of a drama that produces tragedy [n]
Other moves: CIGAR 2J 28, GEN 6F 25, GIN 6F 25, GEL K11 23, CAGIER 2B 22
GIN 6F 25 iwhist, musdrive
GEN 6F 25 tonikay
GRACE 2A 16 denbay

On 18th draw, BORAGE 2J 30 --- BORAGE a medicinal herb [n]
Other moves: BEGAR 2J 28, BEL K11 27, BEVOR L6 27, GEN 6F 25, GON 6F 25
BORAGE 2J 30 musdrive
GEN 6F 25 tonikay
ROVER L6 23 iwhist
GRAVE 2K 18 denbay

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