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Game of October 31, 2012 at 00:46, 1 player
1. 362 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abiilor   H4    22    22   bailor
 2. ?eefqst   5E    60    82   equates
 3. deioruz   6J    49   131   dorize
 4. degortu   O1    33   164   droguet
 5. fhnosuu   8L    72   236   fohs
 6. ?aeeimo   N8    34   270   hemione
 7. aaceltu  14G    62   332   aculeate
 8. delnsvy  13C    39   371   senvy
 9. ceeinot   E8    70   441   neotenic
10. adkmnot  D10    36   477   kame
11. aijnnor  M12    33   510   jato
12. adehirt  O11    48   558   tride
13. aeeghnr   1H    92   650   rehanged
14. adinpwx   9L    40   690   axe
15. aglnopu   F7    32   722   gulp
16. abdinpw  15A    30   752   panic
17. abilnrs  10H    28   780   sabin
18. dlotuvy  11J    33   813   yod
19. filnrtu   4A    26   839   flint

Remaining tiles: iruvww

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5402 Filepaulineasb  1 21:24  -477  362     1.5402 paulineasb  1 21:24  -477  362 

On 1st draw, BAILOR H4 22 --- BAILOR a person who bails property to another [n]
Other moves: BIALI H4 20, BOLAR H4 20, BORAL H4 20, BRAIL H4 20, BROIL H4 20
BROIL H4 20 paulineasb

On 2nd draw, EQ(U)ATES 5E 60 --- EQUATE to be regarded as equal [v]
Other moves: Q(I)S 10F 40, S(U)Q 10H 40, EQ(U)ITES 6E 37, Q(U)IETS 6F 36, Q(U)ITES 6F 36
Q(U)EST 10E 22 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, DORIZE 6J 49 --- DORIZE to become like the Dorians [v]
Other moves: DORIZE 4J 39, DOZIER 4J 39, DOZER 4A 36, DOZER 4J 35, DURZI 4J 35
ZED J4 17 paulineasb

On 4th draw, DROGUET O1 33 --- DROGUET a ribbed woollen dress fabric [n]
Other moves: DROGUE O1 30, GROUTED O1 30, OUTEDGE O3 30, TRUDGE O1 30, GOURDE O1 27
ETUDE O6 18 paulineasb

On 5th draw, FOHS 8L 72 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: FOHNS 8K 66, HOUFS 8K 66, FONS 8L 63, FOUS 8L 63, FUNS 8L 63
HOUFS 8K 66 paulineasb

On 6th draw, HEMIO(N)E N8 34 --- HEMIONE an Asiatic wild ass [n]
Other tops: HEMIO(L)A N8 34
Other moves: BEMI(R)E 4H 29, BEMI(X) 4H 27, E(L)EMI 6B 27, BE(R)IME 4H 26, BE(T)IME 4H 26
(S)OME 10H 19 paulineasb

On 7th draw, ACULEATE 14G 62 --- ACULEATE having a sting [adj]
Other moves: ACULEATE E1 60, CAUTER 2J 28, CULTER 2J 28, CUTLER 2J 28, CALQUE F2 25
CA(N)E 13L 10 paulineasb

On 8th draw, SENVY 13C 39 --- SENVY mustard [n]
Other moves: DYES 15K 38, LYES 15K 36, NYED O11 36, NYES 15K 36, SYED O11 36
ES 15M 16 paulineasb

On 9th draw, NEOTENIC E8 70 --- NEOTENIC pertaining to neoteny [adj] --- NEOTENY attainment of sexual maturity in the larval stage [adj]
Other moves: NEOTERIC 9C 63, CENTER 2J 28, COINER 2J 28, CTENE 12A 28, CION 12A 24
CONE K11 12 paulineasb

On 10th draw, KAME D10 36 --- KAME a ridge of gravel or sand left by a glacier [n]
Other moves: MOANED D9 33, MOATED D9 33, MONACT 15A 33, MONAD O10 33, KADE D10 32
MAKE K11 20 paulineasb

On 11th draw, JATO M12 33 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other tops: JA(N)N 13L 33, JI(N)N 13L 33, JOTA M12 33
Other moves: JI(N) 13L 31, JOT M12 31, KOJI 10D 31, JORAM 10J 30, JANN 6B 29
JAR 2M 20 paulineasb

On 12th draw, TRIDE O11 48 --- TRY to attempt [v]
Other tops: TRADE O11 48
Other moves: RADE O12 43, RIDE O12 43, TIDE O12 43, EH 15G 42, DETACH 15A 39
QI F5 13 paulineasb

On 13th draw, REHANGED 1H 92 --- REHANG to hang again [v]
Other moves: EH 15G 42, ENARCH 15A 36, HANGER 2J 36, HEARER 2J 34, REHANG 8A 33
HUG I13 11 paulineasb

On 14th draw, AXE 9L 40 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AW F9 33, PIX 4J 33, XI 6E 33, WAXED K11 32, DIWAN 8A 30
WAXED K11 32 paulineasb

On 15th draw, GULP F7 32 --- GULP to swallow rapidly [v]
Other tops: GOLP F7 32
Other moves: ALP F8 30, P*M 10L 25, GALOP 4A 24, PONGA 4A 24, PUNGA 4A 24

On 16th draw, PANIC 15A 30 --- PANIC to experience great terror [v]
Other moves: WIND 4J 26, DAW 2I 24, DIWAN 4A 24, DWANG 4K 24, PAWNED K10 24
PANIC 15A 30 paulineasb

On 17th draw, SABIN 10H 28 --- SABIN a unit of acoustic absorption [n]
Other tops: SABIR 10H 28
Other moves: SABINE K9 27, ARIOSE 15J 26, AROSE 15K 23, BASIL 4H 23, BASIN 4H 23
BLAME 12A 14 paulineasb

On 18th draw, YOD 11J 33 --- YOD a Hebrew letter a past tense of YEAD, YEDE and YEED [n]
Other moves: YOD 11I 29, DOTY 2I 27, TODY 2I 27, DOY 2I 24, OY 14A 24
DOT 4C 10 paulineasb

On 19th draw, FLINT 4A 26 --- FLINT to provide with flint (a spark-producing rock) [v]
Other tops: FLIRT 4A 26, FRUIT 4A 26
Other moves: FIRN 4J 24, BURIN 4H 23, FIL 2I 22, FIL 4J 22, FIN 2I 22
FRO 3M 12 paulineasb

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