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Game sheet of SQUAW1 (file), Game of November 3, 2012 at 08:23

Word find
Word played
1 ABEIJNP             JAPE H6 26 26  
2 ADEILNT             PANTILED 8H 86 112  
3 DEHOSTU             SOUTHED 10B 86 198  
4 ?EEEINN             EN(C)EINTE E4 78 276  
5 ?AGIIUY JAY 6H 21 -10 21 1/1 GAYA(L) I5 31 307 1/1
6 AAHIORT TOR J4 20 -17 41 1/1 HOURI D8 37 344 1/1
7 ADIRSTX XIS C12 29 -11 70 1/1 RETAX 4D 40 384 1/1
8 AGGIKLS KALIS 3G 35 -16 105 1/1 GLAIK J2 51 435 1/1
9 BEEORSU BEST K5 39 -31 144 1/1 TUBEROSE K8 70 505 1/1
10 AEILMVW WAIVE 15G 33 -6 177 1/1 WEEVIL 15J 39 544 1/1
11 AAEGLOR GREX H1 36   213 1/1       580 1/1
12 ABEISTW BES K4 37 -28 250 1/2 BAWDIEST O5 65 645 1/2
13 FINOTVZ BONZE 10K 36 -8 286 1/2 ZEIN G9 44 689 1/2
14 CDIMOTU DOM N4 26 -2 312 1/3 DICOT N2 28 717 1/3
15 AEMORUY YA N10 28 -14 340 2/3 YOUR H12 42 759 1/3
16 EFNORTV FE K5 39 -8 379 1/3 ORFE K3 47 806 1/3
17 ADILMOP PAID N10 27 -74 406 2/3 DIPLOMA C2 101 907 1/3
18 ACNOQST QAT O1 41 -14 447 1/2 QATS L1 55 962 1/3
19 ACMNNOU MA N10 22 -6 469 2/2 ADUNC 2B 28 990 1/3

Total: 469/990 or -521 for 47.37%
Rank: 7094

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