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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of November 4, 2012 at 17:33

Word find
Word played
1 DEEOPTV VETOED H4 28   28 1/1       28 1/1
2 ADEGOSW DOWSE I5 34   62 1/1       62 1/1
3 ?ADENOS DONA(T)ES 10I 22 -50 84 1/1     72 134 1/1
4 FIKORSU FORKS O6 36 -6 120 1/1 FRISKS O7 42 176 1/1
5 ?AGILRU AL(L)URING K4 32 -50 152 1/1     82 258 1/1
6 AIMNORT MOIRA L1 26 -43 178 1/1 TORMINA G8 69 327 1/1
7 AABCNRT CRAB L1 30 -4 208 1/1 BARACAN 14B 34 361 1/1
8 EHIOQUV QI N6 36 -4 244 1/2 QUIVER 10B 40 401 1/2
9 AALNOTX LAX 15A 43 -39 287 1/2 LAXATION D5 82 483 1/2
10 AEIJLPR JAPE L1 46 -12 333 1/2 LAPJE 15G 58 541 1/2
11 DELNUWY WEY 15A 36 -18 369 1/2 WYLED 15A 54 595 1/2
12 BGIIORT BRIG L1 26 -5 395 1/1 OBIT E5 31 626 1/2
13 ACEGORT RELAXATION D3 34 -44 429 1/2 COT(T)AGER M7 78 704 1/2
14 EGIMNPU MING L1 26 -4 455 1/1 PIUM L1 30 734 1/2
15 EEENORU RELAXATION D3 34   489 1/1       768 1/2
16 EGHISYZ SEZ 15M 47 -7 536 1/1 PHIZ 1L 54 822 1/2
17 EGINSTY YES L13 30 -15 566 1/1 GYNIES 2I 45 867 1/2
18 EHIINOT HEH M1 28   594 1/1       895 1/2
19 EFINOTU FUN 1H 26 -6 620 1/1 ENUF 1G 32 927 1/2

Total: 620/927 or -307 for 66.88%
Rank: 7465

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