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Game of November 9, 2012 at 20:32, 4 players
1. 200 pts scrab21
2. 155 pts argomearns
3. 113 pts hhornet

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deeijy   H4    46    46   joyed
 2. aahinot   8C    63   109   anthodia
 3. adeflrs   9I    77   186   fardels
 4. bfgiort   O2    95   281   frogbits
 5. aalorst   L6    70   351   loadstar
 6. aaeoruw   7F    33   384   ower
 7. ?emnnpv   6D    36   420   empty
 8. abeimno   4H    32   452   jambe
 9. cinoptu   C8    80   532   acupoint
10. aeeghnw  15C    45   577   thenage
11. ensuvwx  B10    54   631   xu
12. aaeostw   M2    42   673   awetos
13. aeikovy   D1    36   709   keavie
14. dortuvy   1A    39   748   dorky
15. eglnotu  A11    27   775   glent
16. deilnru  11E    86   861   underlit
17. eeiinoq  10F    23   884   eine
18. ciiosuv  14J    24   908   vis
19. ciioquz   3I    46   954   zo

Remaining tiles: ciiqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6412 Filescrab21     2  8:10  -754  200     1.7378 argomearns  1  4:55  -799  155 
  2.7378 Fileargomearns  1  4:55  -799  155     2.7663 PIThompson  0  1:44  -932   22 
  3.4395 Filehhornet     0  8:06  -841  113            Group: intermediate
  4.7663 FilePIThompson  0  1:44  -932   22     1.6412 scrab21     2  8:10  -754  200 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4395 hhornet     0  8:06  -841  113 

On 1st draw, J(O)YED H4 46 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JEE(L)Y H4 44, JI(V)EY H4 44, DEEJ(A)Y H7 40, JEDI(S) H4 40, JE(R)ID H4 40
JEDI(S) H4 40 argomearns

On 2nd draw, ANTHODIA 8C 63 --- ANTHODIA flower heads of certain plants [n] --- ANTHODIUM the flower head of certain plants [n]
Other moves: TAHINA G5 32, AHINT G6 30, AHINT I6 30, OHIA G6 29, OHIA I6 29
THON I2 21 argomearns
JOIN 4H 11 hhornet

On 3rd draw, FARDELS 9I 77 --- FARDEL a bundle [n]
Other moves: FALTERS E5 40, FED(O)RAS 5E 40, REF(O)LDS 5E 40, FJELDS 4G 34, DARTLES E5 32
FIRS I7 21 hhornet, argomearns

On 4th draw, FROGBITS O2 95 --- FROGBIT a small water-plant [n]
Other moves: FIBROS O4 45, ROSBIF O7 45, FORTIS O4 39, BIGOTS O4 36, FRIGOTS O3 36
FOBS O6 27 argomearns
FRIGHT F4 15 hhornet

On 5th draw, LOADSTAR L6 70 --- LOADSTAR a star used as a point of reference [n]
Other moves: SALTATO E5 28, JARTAS 4H 26, ASTER 7E 24, JARLS 4H 24, JARTA 4H 24

On 6th draw, OWER 7F 33 --- OWER over [prep]
Other tops: EWER 7F 33
Other moves: JOWAR 4H 30, AWARE I2 27, WARE I3 26, WORE I3 26, OWER M11 25
WOO G7 20 hhornet

On 7th draw, EMP(T)Y 6D 36 --- EMPTY containing nothing [adj] --- EMPTY to remove the contents of [v]
Other moves: VEN(O)M M3 32, VE(E)P N1 31, V(A)MP 6C 30, V(E)EP N1 30, (A)MP 9E 29
PAVE C7 16 hhornet

On 8th draw, JAMBE 4H 32 --- JAMBE armor for the legs below the knees [n]
Other tops: BEAM N1 32, JAMBO 4H 32
Other moves: BEAM 5B 30, BIOME 5A 30, AMBO 5B 28, AMBOINA C8 28, AMOEBAN C8 28

On 9th draw, ACUPOINT C8 80 --- ACUPOINT an acupuncture site [n]
Other moves: CAPTION C7 34, PACTION C7 34, COMPT E4 32, COUP N1 32, NOUP N1 28

On 10th draw, THENAGE 15C 45 --- THENAGE the land held by a thane [n]
Other moves: HEWN D10 41, WHEEN M1 39, HAW D10 37, HEW D10 37, WHAE M1 37

On 11th draw, XU B10 54 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: SEX D10 44, VEX M3 43, WEX M3 43, UNSEX M1 41, EX D11 40
SEX 14L 30 hhornet

On 12th draw, AWETOS M2 42 --- AWETO a wormlike fungus [n]
Other tops: WASTE 14J 42
Other moves: SWEAT A11 41, TWAES A11 41, WETAS M3 40, STAW M4 39, STOW M4 39
WASTE 14J 42 scrab21

On 13th draw, KEAVIE D1 36 --- KEAVIE a hen coop [n]
Other moves: KAYO 5B 35, KYE 5C 33, KEA 3I 31, KOA 3I 31, OKAY 14F 31
AYE 5C 25 scrab21

On 14th draw, DORKY 1A 39 --- DORKY stupid, foolish [adj]
Other moves: DORTY A11 36, DUROY A11 36, YOURT A11 35, YORK 1A 33, YOUK 1A 33
DORKY 1A 39 scrab21

On 15th draw, GLENT A11 27 --- GLENT to glint [v]
Other tops: GLOUT A11 27, GLUON A11 27, GLUTE A11 27
Other moves: TOGUE A11 26, OLENT A11 23, OULONG B1 22, LOGIE 5A 20, NONET 14C 20
GLOBE K1 16 scrab21

On 16th draw, UNDERLIT 11E 86 --- UNDERLIT lacking adequate light [adj]
Other moves: RUINED K9 24, INURED 14F 22, NUDIE 14C 22, RUINER K9 22, IDEE 2A 21
DIME J2 11 scrab21

On 17th draw, EINE 10F 23 --- EINE eyes [n]
Other moves: (O)NIE 5H 20, ENJ(O)YED H2 17, NENE 14C 17, NINON 14A 17, NONE 14C 17
QI 5C 11 scrab21

On 18th draw, VIS 14J 24 --- VIS force or power [n]
Other moves: CORVUS 13J 22, SOV 14L 22, CIS 14J 21, COS 14J 21, LOCUS J11 21
SOV 14L 22 scrab21, PIThompson

On 19th draw, ZO 3I 46 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: MIZ J4 34, MOZ J4 34, ZOBU K2 30, CAZ 3C 28, OUZO B1 26
ZO 3I 46 argomearns
MIZ J4 34 scrab21

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