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Game sheet of capiche65 (file), Game of November 12, 2012 at 20:33

Word find
Word played
1 AELNRSX REAL H6 8 -32 8 3/3 RELAX H8 40 40 3/3
2 DENSWYZ             WEZANDS 11E 80 120 3/3
3 ACDEOTU             EDUCATOR 8A 92 212 3/3
4 ABDEIKT             BATIKED B2 48 260 3/3
5 ?IJTTVY             J(O)Y A1 44 304 4/4
6 HINOORY             IRONY C2 45 349 5/5
7 ACGISTV             STOIC 4A 30 379 5/5
8 AEIIMNS             AMIDINES J8 65 444 5/5
9 ?EELNOO             LOOSENE(R) 15G 74 518 5/5
10 ADEFLTW             WAFTED 12A 42 560 5/5
11 AEENOTV             VETOE(R) N10 32 592 5/5
12 AHNOQTU             QUANTA B10 70 662 5/5
13 DEFNORU             REFOUND K2 75 737 5/5
14 AAAHIMO             HAOMA L3 43 780 6/6
15 AEGHIPV             HIVE 5E 34 814 6/6
16 ABGOPSU             OBAS O12 54 868 6/6
17 GILPRTU             GULPER H1 36 904 6/6
18 GIIPRRT             PAGRI 15A 27 931 7/7

Total: 8/931 or -923 for 0.859%
Rank: -

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