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Game of November 14, 2012 at 22:48, 3 players
1. 609 pts musdrive
2. 73 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 15 pts tatiana

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegilpr   H4    24    24   paigle
 2. aaeorsy  10F    28    52   resay
 3. ?chmors   K5   111   163   chorism
 4. agloosy   8K    36   199   ryals
 5. abeortu   O8    83   282   saboteur
 6. efirtwx  N13    38   320   ex
 7. aeilntv   5E    78   398   venatical
 8. acefnrr   J1    32   430   ferric
 9. deelnou   1F    36   466   needful
10. aejkoor   4L    60   526   jark
11. deiootw   O1    33   559   dooket
12. ahiptvw  M10    34   593   whip
13. eginotz   2A    94   687   genizot
14. ?diiiou   3C    28   715   udos
15. agimnos   A2    42   757   gamings
16. adefnqt  L12    36   793   deaf
17. iottuvw   N1    23   816   ow
18. aeiintu   4A    23   839   mite
19. inoqtuv  15H    51   890   quoif
20. abinntv   6J    26   916   chib

Remaining tiles: ainntv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7460 Filemusdrive    8 17:21  -307  609     1.7460 musdrive    8 17:21  -307  609 
  2.6956 FileGLOBEMAN    1  1:01  -843   73            Group: intermediate
  3.3773 Filetatiana     0  3:42  -901   15     1.6956 GLOBEMAN    1  1:01  -843   73 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3773 tatiana     0  3:42  -901   15 

On 1st draw, PAIGLE H4 24 --- PAIGLE the cowslip [n]
Other moves: GAPIER H4 22, GRAIP H8 22, GRAPLE H4 22, GRIPLE H4 22, PAGER H4 22
PAGER H4 22 musdrive

On 2nd draw, RESAY 10F 28 --- RESAY to say again [v] --- SAY to utter [v]
Other tops: ARSEY 10F 28
Other moves: RAYAS 10D 26, SAYER 10H 26, AYES 10E 25, EYAS 10E 25, OYES 10E 25
SAYER 10H 26 musdrive

On 3rd draw, CHOR(I)SM K5 111 --- CHORISM the multiplication of organs by splitting [n]
Other moves: MO(N)ARCHS 5E 106, (N)OMARCHS 5E 106, CHROM(A)S K4 85, CHROM(E)S K4 85, CHROM(O)S K4 85
CHOMP(E)RS 4D 32 musdrive

On 4th draw, RYALS 8K 36 --- RYAL a royal person [n]
Other tops: ARGOSY 8J 36, GOOSY 12H 36
Other moves: GROOLY 8J 33, OLOGY L11 30, SAGY 12K 30, GOOEY 9E 28, OOSY 12I 28
GOOSY 12H 36 musdrive

On 5th draw, SABOTEUR O8 83 --- SABOTEUR one who sabotages [n]
Other moves: TABOURER F3 62, TABOURER F5 62, AEROBAT M3 26, ABATURE M8 24, B(I)OTA 9J 24
BOAT G3 17 musdrive

On 6th draw, EX N13 38 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: WEX 11E 37, FIXER 11C 34, FIXT I3 33, REFIX I1 32, REFIX F10 31
EX N13 38 musdrive

On 7th draw, VENATICAL 5E 78 --- VENATICAL [adj]
Other moves: AVENTAIL M3 76, VALETING 7A 64, INTERVAL F6 63, VALIANT M7 36, AVITAL M8 32
LEV M11 24 musdrive

On 8th draw, FERRIC J1 32 --- FERRIC pertaining to iron [adj]
Other tops: FACE 4L 32
Other moves: FAERY L4 29, AREIC J2 28, CAREFREE 13H 28, FANE 4L 28, FARE 4L 28
FACE 4L 32 musdrive

On 9th draw, NEEDFUL 1F 36 --- NEEDFUL something that is needed [n]
Other moves: DEFOUL 1H 33, DEFUEL 1H 33, ELFED 1H 33, ENFOLD 1H 33, FONDLE 1J 33
UNFED 1H 33 musdrive

On 10th draw, JARK 4L 60 --- JARK a pass [n]
Other tops: JERK 4L 60
Other moves: JAKE 4L 52, JAK 4L 48, JAR 4L 40, RAJ M11 40, JA 4L 38
JARK 4L 60 musdrive

On 11th draw, DOOKET O1 33 --- DOOKET a dovecote [n]
Other moves: TEWED 9E 31, TOWED 9E 31, OWED 9F 30, DOWT 12L 29, WOODIE 2A 28
DOOKET O1 33 musdrive

On 12th draw, WHIP M10 34 --- WHIP to strike with a whip (an instrument for administering corporal punishment) [v]
Other tops: WHAP M10 34
Other moves: THAW M10 32, HEP 9G 31, PEH 9G 31, HAW M11 30, VAW M11 30
THAW M10 32 musdrive

On 13th draw, GENIZOT 2A 94 --- GENIZAH a room in a synagogue [n]
Other moves: OOZE 7K 51, GINZO 2B 38, TOZIE 2B 36, GEEZ F3 34, TOZIE 11B 30
ZONE 11C 28 musdrive

On 14th draw, UDO(S) 3C 28 --- UDO a Japanese herb [n]
Other tops: UDO(N) 3C 28
Other moves: UDO(S) 1A 27, (L)UDO 3B 27, UDO 1A 26, UDO 3C 26, OD(A) 3C 23
(A)DO 1A 20 musdrive

On 15th draw, GAMINGS A2 42 --- GAMING the practice of gambling [n]
Other moves: NGOMAS A1 36, NGOMA A1 33, OGAMS A1 33, OGAM A1 30, MANS 4A 29
MONS 4A 29 musdrive

On 16th draw, DEAF L12 36 --- DEAF lacking the sense of hearing [adj]
Other moves: DEFT L12 30, DEAFEN 9D 29, DEF 9G 27, FED 9G 27, DEF L12 26
FED 9G 27 musdrive

On 17th draw, OW N1 23 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other tops: WET 9G 23
Other moves: CHIT 6J 22, OUTWIT B6 22, OWE 9F 21, VALUTA M3 20, WET G9 19
OW N1 23 musdrive

On 18th draw, MITE 4A 23 --- MITE a small arachnid [n]
Other tops: MANE 4A 23, MATE 4A 23, MINE 4A 23, MUTE 4A 23
Other moves: CHIA 6J 22, CHIT 6J 22, EA N10 20, ETUI B4 19, UNAI B4 19
MINE 4A 23 musdrive

On 19th draw, QUOIF 15H 51 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QUA 14J 32, CHIT 6J 22, QUOTE 9D 20, VALUTA M3 20, CHI 6J 18
QUOIF 15H 51 musdrive, GLOBEMAN
NOT 6A 5 tatiana

On 20th draw, CHIB 6J 26 --- CHIB to stab [v]
Other moves: BENN(I) 9G 25, BAA 14J 23, ABET 9F 22, CHIA 6J 22, CHIT 6J 22
BAA 14J 23 musdrive
BAL M3 10 tatiana

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