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Game of November 16, 2012 at 19:52, 2 players
1. 459 pts Ansuyah
2. 80 pts ding

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiistz   H4    48    48   zatis
 2. ?eefkor   5B    78   126   ecofreak
 3. aeilnpr   8A    83   209   pralines
 4. aelooqr   I3    22   231   roke
 5. aeeijnt   4D    45   276   jee
 6. aeglnov   D8    76   352   longeval
 7. ?bdiswy   J5    46   398   swy
 8. adhnoru   K7    77   475   unhoard
 9. abeghoy   L4    48   523   hoagy
10. aadetwx   6A    50   573   ax
11. eilntvw   J9    34   607   ewt
12. bcceios   2I    91   698   boccies
13. abeistu   G7    72   770   beauties
14. ?admrrt   N1    62   832   redreamt
15. egilntu   O8    83   915   eluting
16. deilnqu  15A    42   957   quill
17. eiinopt  H10    40   997   pontie
18. adfmnov  N10    27  1024   mad
19. dfiinov   B2    26  1050   index

Remaining tiles: fiov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7219 FileAnsuyah     3 11:41  -591  459     1.7219 Ansuyah     3 11:41  -591  459 
  2.4074 Fileding        0  4:49  -970   80            Group: not rated
                                             1.4074 ding        0  4:49  -970   80 

On 1st draw, ZATIS H4 48 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other tops: IZ(Z)ATS H3 48, ZITIS H4 48
Other moves: S(P)ITZ H8 46, ZATI(S) H4 46, ZAT(I)S H4 46, ZA(T)IS H4 46, ZITI(S) H4 46

On 2nd draw, E(C)OFREAK 5B 78 --- ECOFREAK a zealous environmentalist [n]
Other tops: FORE(P)EAK 5B 78
Other moves: FREAKE(D) 5E 52, F(A)KEER G5 37, E(N)FROZE 4C 36, F(A)KER G5 36, REF(R)OZE 4C 36

On 3rd draw, PRALINES 8A 83 --- PRALINE a confection made of nuts cooked in sugar [n]
Other tops: PEARLINS 8A 83
Other moves: PEARLIN G7 73, PELORIAN D2 72, PERINEAL B4 64, LAKIN I3 27, AKIN I4 25

On 4th draw, ROKE I3 22 --- ROKE to smoke [v]
Other tops: LAKE I3 22, LOKE I3 22, RAKE I3 22
Other moves: AKE I4 20, LEAK I2 20, LOOK I2 20, OKA I4 20, OKE I4 20

On 5th draw, JEE 4D 45 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JETE 7C 42, JANTEE 2F 40, JET 7C 39, TAJINE 2I 39, JA 7C 36
JA 7C 36 Ansuyah
JAP A6 12 ding

On 6th draw, LONGEVAL D8 76 --- LONGEVAL long life [adj]
Other moves: GANEV B2 34, ZOOGLEA 4H 34, VALONEA C7 30, ZOOEAL 4H 30, ZOONAL 4H 30
GEO J2 22 Ansuyah
ZONE 4H 13 ding

On 7th draw, SWY J5 46 --- SWY a game of two up [n]
Other tops: SW(A)Y J5 46, SW(E)Y J5 46
Other moves: L(E)WDSBY 15D 45, SW(A)B J5 45, SW(O)B J5 45, SW(A)D J5 44, (S)WY J5 44
WI(L)LY 15A 30 Ansuyah

On 8th draw, UNHOARD K7 77 --- UNHOARD to take from a hoard [v]
Other moves: DONAH 9C 33, HONOR 9C 29, HOARED B1 28, HORNED B1 28, AHOLD 15A 27
HONED B2 26 Ansuyah
HERN G7 21 ding

On 9th draw, HOAGY L4 48 --- HOAGY a long sandwich [n]
Other moves: HOAGY 14B 40, BOGEY B2 38, ABYE J9 37, HYE J10 37, ABYE L9 36
BOGEY B2 38 Ansuyah
GARB 12I 14 ding

On 10th draw, AX 6A 50 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX 6A 50
Other moves: DEWAX M1 46, REWAX 12K 46, RETAX 12K 40, WAX M3 40, WAXED B2 40
AX 6A 50 Ansuyah
REX 12K 20 ding

On 11th draw, EWT J9 34 --- EWT a small salamander [n]
Other tops: WINTLE 2I 34
Other moves: VIEW M3 32, VINEW M1 32, VIEW 2F 30, VIEW M2 30, VITEX B2 30
VIEW M2 30 Ansuyah

On 12th draw, BOCCIES 2I 91 --- BOCCIE an Italian bowling game [n]
Other moves: BOCCES 2I 39, BOCCIE 2I 39, BOCCIS 2I 39, COLBIES 15B 33, BOCCES 14F 32
COBS M3 27 Ansuyah

On 13th draw, BEAUTIES G7 72 --- BEAUTY one that is lovely [n] --- BEAUTY to beautify [v]
Other moves: BEAUTIES N1 62, SUBSITE O2 36, TSUBAS O1 33, BEAST M5 30, REBAITS B8 30
STAB 14K 24 Ansuyah

On 14th draw, REDR(E)AMT N1 62 --- REDREAM to dream again [v]
Other moves: ADM(I)T H11 39, M(U)DRA F10 35, MADR(E) F10 31, RITARD(S) M1 31, SMART(E)D O2 30
SMART(E)D O2 30 Ansuyah

On 15th draw, ELUTING O8 83 --- ELUTE to remove by means of a solvent [v]
Other moves: GENTIL H10 36, GUILE O6 31, GUILT O6 31, ENGILT O8 30, ENGLUT O8 30
GUILT O6 31 Ansuyah

On 16th draw, QUILL 15A 42 --- QUILL to press small ridges in [v]
Other tops: QUELL 15A 42
Other moves: QUERN F2 36, REQUIN B8 35, UNIQUE 10C 35, QUAILS 14B 34, QADI C7 33
QUILL 15A 42 Ansuyah

On 17th draw, PONTIE H10 40 --- PONTIE an iron supporting rod used in glassmaking [n]
Other moves: INTERPONE F1 26, OPE L10 25, PIE L10 25, PRE 1M 25, PRO 1M 25
PRE 1M 25 Ansuyah

On 18th draw, MAD N10 27 --- MAD insane [adj] --- MAD to become angry [v]
Other moves: MOAN N12 24, MA N10 22, MOA N12 22, FA 6E 21, FADO C7 21
MAD N10 27 Ansuyah

On 19th draw, INDEX B2 26 --- INDEX a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] --- INDEX to provide with an index [v]
Other moves: FADO C7 21, IF E11 21, OF E11 21, VIVO 13B 20, DOF 9C 19
OF E11 21 Ansuyah

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