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Game sheet of fatcat (file), Game of November 21, 2012 at 07:31

Word find
Word played
1 ?EIOQRW             Q(U)IRE H4 46 46  
2 AALNOPS             SALOPIAN 6C 64 110  
3 ?CEEENO             SECON(D)EE C6 72 182  
4 NOSTUUV US 14B 14 -10 14 2/2 ONCUS 8A 24 206 3/3
5 ADDGISW WAS 14A 22 -44 36 2/2 WADDINGS J1 66 272 3/3
6 EIKSTYZ ZEES 12A 46 -7 82 2/2 ZEK 5D 53 325 2/3
7 AEELORT TRAWL 1G 24 -62 106 2/2 TOLEWARE 1F 86 411 2/3
8 EILOOTV DOVE 4J 16 -23 122 2/2 SOVIET 8J 39 450 2/3
9 ABIPRTT BAT B13 14 -18 136 1/1 BAIZA D2 32 482 2/3
10 AEFMNTY FAME B12 25 -11 161 2/2 MATY D12 36 518 2/3
11 BFILSTY FIST 9F 23 -44 184 1/1 LIFTBOYS A3 67 585 2/3
12 AIINOTU TINY 15A 21 -42 205 1/1 SINUATION 10A 63 648 2/3
13 ADEGMUV DIVE M7 14 -22 219 2/2 VIDUAGE M7 36 684 2/3
14 EGLMOPX POXY 15A 48   267 1/2       732 2/3
15 AEEHLRT DEATH 4J 18 -68 285 2/2 HEARTLET O1 86 818 2/3
16 DINRRRU DURING 12H 20 -1 305 1/1 RIND 11E 21 839 2/3
17 CEGNORW DOWNER 4J 20 -14 325 2/2 GRONE N10 34 873 2/3
18 CFHIMRU HUM L13 17 -15 342 2/2 MARCH 3C 32 905 2/3

Total: 342/905 or -563 for 37.79%
Rank: 5300

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