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Game of November 23, 2012 at 14:58, 4 players
1. 671 pts PIThompson
2. 439 pts kellybelly
3. 306 pts hobu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeikops   H3    34    34   okapis
 2. ?acilrs   5D    86   120   clarains
 3. dforsuw   D4    28   148   scrow
 4. eehintw   8A    39   187   whew
 5. aeelmns   A8    92   279   wealsmen
 6. abdeent   8F    62   341   absented
 7. afgirty  B10    55   396   ratify
 8. dginnot   L7    70   466   denoting
 9. eijnopr  13I    42   508   joiner
10. adiortz   C7    46   554   zed
11. adefhuv  14H    39   593   fah
12. aenoptt  15F    57   650   teapot
13. egiovxy  O13    56   706   yex
14. ?egnooo  N10    33   739   gooroo
15. aeeiinv   O6    27   766   naevi
16. egnqruu   3B    39   805   quern
17. ceeirtu   M1    78   883   cuitered
18. abdgiuv   4A    26   909   vigs
19. abilmuu   1H    33   942   abulic

Remaining tiles: dlmu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7755 FilePIThompson  7 13:31  -271  671     1.7755 PIThompson  7 13:31  -271  671 
  2.7489 Filekellybelly  2 11:23  -503  439     2.7489 kellybelly  2 11:23  -503  439 
  3.  -  Filehobu        0 22:31  -636  306     3.7092 argomearns  0  1:51  -900   42 
  4.7092 Fileargomearns  0  1:51  -900   42            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  hobu        0 22:31  -636  306 

On 1st draw, OKAPIS H3 34 --- OKAPI an African ruminant mammal [n]
Other moves: KEPIS H4 32, KIPES H4 32, KOAPS H4 32, SPEAK H8 32, POAKES H4 30
KEPIS H4 32 PIThompson
POKIES H8 26 hobu

On 2nd draw, CLARAI(N)S 5D 86 --- CLARAIN lustrous bands in coal [n]
Other moves: AIRL(O)CKS 4B 76, CLARKI(A)S 4D 76, CL(A)RKIAS 4D 76, CORI(V)ALS 3G 76, COR(D)IALS 3G 76
SLACK(E)R 4D 24 PIThompson
SCAL(E)RS 8B 9 hobu

On 3rd draw, SCROW D4 28 --- SCROW a scroll [n]
Other tops: OW 6E 28, SCURF D4 28
Other moves: FORDS I7 25, FOUDS I7 25, DOWF G7 24, DOWF I7 24, FORD I7 24
OW 6E 28 PIThompson
SWORDS K5 10 hobu

On 4th draw, WHEW 8A 39 --- WHEW a whistling sound [n] --- WHEW to utter a sound of astonishment [v]
Other moves: HEPT 6F 34, WEPT 6F 34, WHEEN 3A 33, WHEEN 3B 33, HEP 6F 31
WHEW 8A 39 PIThompson
HEWN 3C 31 hobu

On 5th draw, WEALSMEN A8 92 --- WEALSMAN a statesman [n]
Other moves: SALESMEN 8H 83, MELENAS G7 73, SALESMEN K5 70, ENAMELS G8 63, SALESMEN K1 60
EMS 9B 31 PIThompson
SLAM E8 26 hobu

On 6th draw, ABSENTED 8F 62 --- ABSENT to take or keep away [v]
Other moves: ABSENTED K3 61, BATED B10 52, BATE B10 30, EATEN B10 30, BEENTO 3C 29
BATED B10 52 PIThompson
BA B10 22 kellybelly

On 7th draw, RATIFY B10 55 --- RATIFY to approve and sanction formally [v]
Other moves: RIGHTY B5 38, FRAY 6C 33, HAY B8 32, FY B14 31, GRAY 6C 31
HAY B8 32 PIThompson, kellybelly
DRAFTY M8 28 hobu

On 8th draw, DENOTING L7 70 --- DENOTE to indicate [v]
Other moves: DENOTING I7 69, MINDING 13A 26, MINTING 13A 24, TONDINO 3G 20, DENTING I7 19
MINDING 13A 26 kellybelly, PIThompson
DOTING M8 18 hobu

On 9th draw, JOINER 13I 42 --- JOINER a carpenter [n]
Other moves: JINNE 13I 40, JEE C7 36, JOINED M3 34, JEON 3C 33, JOE 3B 31
JOINER 13I 42 PIThompson
JEE C7 36 kellybelly
JOI(N) J2 26 hobu

On 10th draw, ZED C7 46 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ADZ G1 44, AZIDO 14E 44, ZEA C7 44, RIZ G1 43, ZATI K10 43
ZED C7 46 PIThompson, kellybelly
AZO J11 12 hobu

On 11th draw, FAH 14H 39 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other moves: DEAF 14G 38, DAH 14H 37, AH 14I 35, FAURD N10 34, HEARD N10 34
FAH 14H 39 kellybelly
DEAF 14G 38 PIThompson, hobu

On 12th draw, TEAPOT 15F 57 --- TEAPOT a vessel used in making and serving tea [n]
Other moves: APO 15H 48, NEAP 15F 45, PATTE 15D 45, POTAE 15D 45, NAP 15G 42
TEAPOT 15F 57 PIThompson
NEAP 15F 45 kellybelly
TAP 15G 42 argomearns

On 13th draw, YEX O13 56 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other tops: GYVE O12 56
Other moves: OXY O11 38, VEX I1 38, VOX I1 38, YEX I1 38, YGO O13 38
YEX O13 56 PIThompson
VEX I1 38 kellybelly

On 14th draw, GO(O)ROO N10 33 --- GOOROO a Hindu spiritual teacher [n]
Other tops: G(O)OROO N10 33
Other moves: GOORO(O) N10 32, GOOR(O)O N10 31, GEN(T)OO 3C 25, GENRO N10 24, (I)GNORE N9 24
GONE 3A 21 PIThompson
AR(S)ON 10A 17 hobu
R(A)G 6D 15 kellybelly

On 15th draw, NAEVI O6 27 --- NAEVUS a birthmark [n]
Other tops: NAEVE 3B 27, NAEVI 3B 27, NIEVE 3B 27, VEENA 3B 27
Other moves: ENVIED M3 26, VAIN O8 26, VEIN O8 26, VEINED M3 26, EAVE 3A 25
VEINED M3 26 kellybelly, PIThompson
VAI(N) J2 14 hobu

On 16th draw, QUERN 3B 39 --- QUERN a hand operated stone mill for grinding corn [n]
Other moves: QUEAN F2 36, AQUAE F5 34, AQUA F5 33, ROQUE 3G 25, UNURGED M2 24
QUERN 3B 39 PIThompson
QUEAN F2 36 kellybelly

On 17th draw, CUITERED M1 78 --- CUITER to wheedle [v]
Other moves: REQUIT B1 34, CURIET N2 26, ECURIE N2 26, ERUCTED M2 26, RECITED M2 26
REQUIT B1 34 kellybelly, PIThompson
NICE J8 12 hobu

On 18th draw, VIGS 4A 26 --- VIG short form of vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other tops: BAH B6 26
Other moves: BIDI K10 25, BUDI K10 25, DIV N5 25, ACID 1L 24, BIGS 4A 24
ACID 1L 24 PIThompson
CAB 1M 21 kellybelly
QUAD B3 18 hobu

On 19th draw, ABULIC 1H 33 --- ABULIA loss of will power [adj] --- ABULIC pertaining to loss of willpower [adj]
Other moves: TABULI K8 28, TUMULI K8 28, BAH B6 26, MIAUL 2J 26, LABIUM 2I 24
RUMBA G5 24 PIThompson
RAM 6D 23 kellybelly
CAB 1M 21 hobu

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