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Game of November 23, 2012 at 15:44, 1 player
1. 205 pts hobu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ddknqu   H4    54    54   quonk
 2. egmorrs   6D    70   124   regrooms
 3. aceeitt   I3    22   146   cito
 4. abdeflt   E5    52   198   feelbad
 5. aeeinsy  12A    38   236   yeans
 6. adeotvw   A8    42   278   wavey
 7. ?aaaloy  13A    37   315   slay
 8. eijloos   9H    37   352   sjoe
 9. defoott  10I    38   390   oft
10. deeoort   8K    24   414   treed
11. acehnor   O1   104   518   anchored
12. aelnpst  11G    38   556   pelts
13. bdegimn  H11    39   595   embed
14. aeinpwz   D1    55   650   zanier
15. aadnopx   F9    54   704   ox
16. dinrtuu   1A    45   749   durzi
17. aailnot  13G    74   823   ablation
18. giioptv  N10    28   851   piing
19. ahortuu  14J    31   882   hot
20. aegnruw   2J    36   918   wangun
21. eiioruv   1G    26   944   rivo

Remaining tiles: eiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filehobu        0 11:41  -739  205     1.  -  hobu        0 11:41  -739  205 

On 1st draw, QU(O)NK H4 54 --- QUONK to make an accidental disturbing noise [v]
Other moves: QU(O)NK H8 44, QU(O)NK H5 34, QU(O)NK H6 34, QU(O)NK H7 34, D(R)UNK H8 28
QU(A)D H8 26 hobu

On 2nd draw, REGR(O)OMS 6D 70 --- REGROOM to groom again [v]
Other tops: GR(O)OMERS 6F 70
Other moves: GRO(O)MERS 6E 64, REGRO(O)MS 6C 64, GROUSER 5E 32, GOMERS 9C 30, GERMS 9D 29
MORSE 9E 27 hobu

On 3rd draw, CITO I3 22 --- CITO quickly [adv]
Other moves: ATRETIC D4 20, CITRATE D3 20, TACET 5A 20, TIERCET D3 20, ATTIC 5K 18
ACT I8 14 hobu

On 4th draw, FEELBAD E5 52 --- FEELBAD a feeling of personal unease, the opposite of feelgood [n]
Other moves: DEFLATE E5 44, BELATED E5 40, QIBLA 4H 32, FABLER D1 30, DEAF 5B 28
CABLED 3I 22 hobu

On 5th draw, YEANS 12A 38 --- YEAN to bear young [v]
Other moves: AYINS F9 36, AYES F9 35, AYIN F9 35, EYAS F9 35, EYEN F9 35
YENS F10 31 hobu

On 6th draw, WAVEY A8 42 --- WAVEY the snow goose [n]
Other moves: DEAWY A8 36, VOWEL 8A 36, WYTED A11 36, AWE F9 34, OWE F9 34

On 7th draw, (S)LAY 13A 37 --- SLAY to amuse overwhelmingly [v] --- SLAY to kill violently [v]
Other moves: (S)AY 13A 36, (S)LY 13A 36, AY(E) F9 32, OY(E) F9 32, AY F9 30
AL(L)OY I8 14 hobu

On 8th draw, SJOE 9H 37 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other moves: JOES B6 34, SIJO 14D 33, SJOE B5 32, JOE B6 31, SIJO 9H 30
JOES B6 34 hobu

On 9th draw, OFT 10I 38 --- OFT often [adv]
Other moves: OF 10I 35, FEOD 10J 31, FOETOR D1 31, FOOTER D1 31, FED 10J 30
FOOTED B4 20 hobu

On 10th draw, TREED 8K 24 --- TREE to drive up a tree (a tall, woody plant) [v]
Other tops: DOREE D4 24, RODEO 8K 24, ROTED 8K 24, TRODE 8K 24
Other moves: DORTER D1 23, ODE F9 22, DEET 11G 21, DORT 11G 21, DRERE D3 19
ROOTED B4 17 hobu

On 11th draw, ANCHORED O1 104 --- ANCHOR to secure by means of an anchor (a device for holding a floating vessel in place) [v]
Other moves: RONDACHE O5 65, CHOREA D3 34, HANCE 11K 34, OUTHEAR 5G 33, CORNEA D4 32

On 12th draw, PELTS 11G 38 --- PELT to strike repeatedly with blows or missiles [v]
Other moves: PETS 11H 36, SLEPT 14B 33, ALTS 11H 32, ELTS 11H 32, LETS 11H 32

On 13th draw, EMBED H11 39 --- EMBED to fix firmly into a surrounding mass [v]
Other moves: EMEND H11 33, BINMEN 2J 32, BENIGN 2J 30, BINDER D1 29, BINGER D1 29

On 14th draw, ZANIER D1 55 --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adj]
Other moves: PANZER D1 45, WEAZEN N7 43, WEIZE N7 42, PEAZE N7 40, PEIZE N7 40

On 15th draw, OX F9 54 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX F9 54
Other moves: EXPAND M8 48, ZONDA 1D 45, PAX C2 41, POX C2 41, NOX C2 35

On 16th draw, DURZI 1A 45 --- DURZI a Hindu tailor [n]
Other moves: DITZ 1A 42, RITZ 1A 39, UNTIRED M3 22, UNTRIED M3 22, INTRUDE M2 20

On 17th draw, ABLATION 13G 74 --- ABLATION surgical removal of a bodily part [n]
Other moves: ALATION B3 66, ATONY D9 26, AAL D8 22, ALANE N4 20, ALATE N4 20

On 18th draw, PIING N10 28 --- PI to jumble or disorder [v]
Other tops: POITIN 2J 28
Other moves: EVITING N8 26, POINT N10 26, EPIGONI N8 24, OPT C3 24, PINY D10 24

On 19th draw, HOT 14J 31 --- HOT having a high temperature [adj] --- HOT to heat [v]
Other tops: AUTHOR 5G 31, HAO 14J 31, HAT 14J 31
Other moves: HA 14J 28, HO 14J 28, ATONY D9 26, OHIA 12L 25, THIO 12L 25

On 20th draw, WANGUN 2J 36 --- WANGUN a logger's chest for supplies [n]
Other moves: WANY D10 26, AWEE 7L 24, WAUGH 4K 24, AW D9 23, AWNER B5 23

On 21th draw, RIVO 1G 26 --- RIVO a drinking cry [interj]
Other moves: EVO 1H 23, VIER B6 22, RENVOI 3B 20, RENY D10 20, VINIER 3B 20

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