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Game sheet of hobu (file), Game of November 25, 2012 at 02:53

Word find
Word played
1 ?GGIMSU MUSI(N)G H3 18 -58 18 1/1 MUGGI(N)S H4 76 76 1/1
2 ACEIOOT             MICATE 4H 20 96 1/1
3 DILSUWX XI 5K 38 -4 56 2/2 XIS 5K 42 138 1/2
4 ?AEEFHO FEE 6J 27 -4 83 2/2 (T)HECAE J1 31 169 1/2
5 AEIILNT GLEE 6H 15 -47 98 2/2 LATINISE 10B 62 231 1/2
6 EGKOPRS POKERS A10 62   160 1/1       293 1/2
7 AEMRVYZ ZE(T)A 1H 36 -15 196 1/1 AZER(T)Y 1F 51 344 1/2
8 ACEENOR ACORN F1 13 -76 209 1/1 CORNEAE 2B 89 433 1/2
9 EGLOOTT GLEE 6H 15 -7 224 1/1 OLEO B12 22 455 1/2
10 EIJNNTT JIG 6F 27 -12 251 1/1 JET 9C 39 494 1/2
11 BELNRTU UNBENT F6 21 -16 272 1/1 JAUNT C9 37 531 1/2
12 ADELNNP APES M2 12 -50 284 1/1 PINELAND 8G 62 593 1/2
13 BBLRSUU BLURBS O3 69 -3 353 1/1 BURBS O4 72 665 1/2
14 DEIMOOT DEMO J10 28 -8 381 1/1 SODOMITE 15A 36 701 1/2
15 AINRTVW             RESAWN M3 26 727 1/2
16 AADHLRY DRAY J10 29 -58 410 2/2 HALYARD 14H 87 814 1/2
17 DFFINOW DOFFING 6B 21 -9 431 2/2 FROWN D1 30 844 1/2
18 DFIOQTU             QUOAD L11 34 878 1/2
19 FGIIIOV FIG M10 21 -15 452 1/1 VIGOR M10 36 914 1/2

Total: 452/914 or -462 for 49.45%
Rank: 5995

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