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Game of November 25, 2012 at 03:39, 1 player
1. 136 pts hobu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??gorst   H7    66    66   toerags
 2. adnoprr   9B    63   129   pardoner
 3. bemrtuw   F4    73   202   tubeworm
 4. ceenoqs   8A    30   232   cone
 5. adeeisv   4B    82   314   sedative
 6. abhimot   3A    42   356   bimah
 7. aeegnou   2A    25   381   age
 8. afnortx   2E    33   414   axon
 9. aellnou   1F    32   446   anole
10. ajlorty   A1    36   482   jab
11. aeeinsu  12A    30   512   aeneus
12. aaikrty   3I    33   545   yarta
13. ehiiipw   5I    33   578   whip
14. degituz  A11    48   626   gazed
15. iillnoy   4L    34   660   oily
16. lorsttu   O2    30   690   tryouts
17. eeffikl  13H    44   734   skiffle
18. eeiintv  10H    67   801   reinvite
19. cdiloqu   9M    44   845   qi

Remaining tiles: cdilou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5575 Filehobu        1 10:08  -709  136     1.5575 hobu        1 10:08  -709  136 

On 1st draw, TO(E)R(A)GS H7 66 --- TOERAG a beggar [n]
Other tops: GOR(G)(E)TS H4 66, GOR(I)(E)ST H4 66, GOST(E)R(S) H4 66, GOS(P)(O)RT H4 66, GO(I)TR(E)S H4 66, GO(I)T(E)RS H4 66, GO(S)T(E)RS H4 66, GROS(E)T(S) H4 66, GROS(E)(R)T H4 66, GROT(T)(O)S H4 66, GRO(M)(E)TS H4 66, GRO(S)(E)TS H4 66, GRO(T)T(O)S H4 66, GRO(V)(E)TS H4 66, GRO(W)T(H)S H4 66, GR(O)T(T)OS H4 66, GR(O)(T)TOS H4 66, G(A)ROT(E)S H4 66, G(A)R(R)OTS H4 66, G(A)(R)ROTS H4 66, G(O)S(P)ORT H4 66, G(R)OS(E)RT H4 66, G(U)TRO(T)S H4 66, G(U)(T)ROTS H4 66, ORG(E)(A)TS H2 66, ORG(I)(A)ST H2 66, O(U)TR(I)GS H7 66, ROST(I)(N)G H6 66, R(A)GO(U)TS H2 66, R(A)GTO(P)S H2 66, R(I)GO(U)TS H2 66, R(I)G(H)TOS H2 66, SORT(I)(N)G H6 66, STORG(E)(S) H8 66, STOR(A)G(E) H7 66, STOR(I)(N)G H6 66, STO(D)G(E)R H8 66, TOG(G)(E)RS H2 66, TRO(U)G(H)S H8 66, T(H)RO(N)GS H7 66, (A)G(I)STOR H3 66, (B)OG(A)RTS H2 66, (S)TORG(E)S H8 66, (Y)OG(U)RTS H2 66
Other moves: GOR(G)(E)TS H2 64, GOR(G)(E)TS H3 64, GOR(G)(E)TS H6 64, GOR(G)(E)TS H7 64, GOR(I)(E)ST H2 64
STOR(I)(N)G H6 16 hobu

On 2nd draw, PARDON(E)R 9B 63 --- PARDONER one that pardons [n]
Other moves: PAR(A)DOR 11E 36, SPORRAN 13H 24, PARDONS 13B 22, APRON G7 21, DOPA G9 21
GROAN 12H 12 hobu

On 3rd draw, TUBEWORM F4 73 --- TUBEWORM a marine worm that builds and lives in a tube [n]
Other moves: RUBE 8A 32, RUME 8A 32, TUBE 8A 32, BUTE 8A 30, MUTE 8A 30
BREW D8 12 hobu

On 4th draw, CONE 8A 30 --- CONE to shape like a cone (a geometric solid) [v]
Other tops: CONES 12B 30, ONCES 12B 30, QUEENS 5E 30
Other moves: CEES 12C 28, CENS 12C 28, CONS 12C 28, ECOS 12C 28, QUEEN 5E 28
QUEENS 5E 30 hobu

On 5th draw, SEDATIVE 4B 82 --- SEDATIVE a drug that induces a calm state [n]
Other moves: DEVIATES 4A 80, ADVISEE J5 78, ADVISEES 13A 76, ADVISEE I1 69, READVISE 10H 68
ADVISES 13B 24 hobu

On 6th draw, BIMAH 3A 42 --- BIMAH a platform in a synagogue [n]
Other moves: HIMBO 3I 41, HIMBO E11 38, BIMAH 3I 37, HABIT 3I 37, AMAH E4 35

On 7th draw, AGE 2A 25 --- AGE to grow old [v]
Other moves: DOUANE E9 24, GUN 5E 24, NAEVE H1 24, NEG 2B 24, ANE 2A 21
GAB A1 18 hobu

On 8th draw, AXON 2E 33 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other tops: FRONT 3I 33
Other moves: AX 2E 31, FAX 5I 31, FOX 5I 31, ATHANOR E1 30, AXON E11 30
FAB A1 24 hobu

On 9th draw, ANOLE 1F 32 --- ANOLE a tropical lizard [n]
Other tops: ALONE 1F 32
Other moves: ALOE 1F 29, ELAN 1F 29, ENOL 1F 29, EOAN 1F 29, OLEA 1F 29

On 10th draw, JAB A1 36 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: YARTO 3I 33, JORAM 11B 28, JAM 11D 24, LYART 2J 24, OTARY E11 24

On 11th draw, AENEUS 12A 30 --- AENEUS of a shining bronze colour [adj]
Other moves: AUNES 12B 26, UNAIS 12B 26, AINS 12C 24, ANES 12C 24, ANIS 12C 24

On 12th draw, YARTA 3I 33 --- YARTA an endearment [n]
Other moves: RAYA 13A 30, KARAT A11 27, YAAR 13A 27, AKITA 2J 26, ARY 13A 26

On 13th draw, WHIP 5I 33 --- WHIP to strike with a whip (an instrument for administering corporal punishment) [v]
Other moves: PHEW 5I 32, HUP E11 30, WITHE L1 30, PHEW 11A 28, WITH L1 28

On 14th draw, GAZED A11 48 --- GAZE to look intently [v]
Other moves: GAUZE A11 45, ADZE A12 42, DITZ 6K 41, ZED 2M 37, ZIG 2M 37

On 15th draw, OILY 4L 34 --- OILY covered or soaked with oil [adj]
Other tops: ILLY 4L 34, INLY 4L 34, ONLY 4L 34
Other moves: OY 4L 25, YOM 11D 25, ONY 4L 24, EON B12 21, OILY 6K 21

On 16th draw, TRYOUTS O2 30 --- TRYOUT a test of ability [n]
Other moves: YOURTS O4 27, SOT 6I 24, TROYS O1 24, YOURS O4 24, YOURT O4 24

On 17th draw, SKIFFLE 13H 44 --- SKIFFLE to play a particular style of music [v]
Other moves: SKLIFF 13H 42, JEFF 1A 35, ZEE 13A 30, JEFE 1A 29, EEK 10B 26

On 18th draw, REINVITE 10H 67 --- INVITE to request the presence of [v] --- REINVITE to invite again [v]
Other moves: INVITEE N8 38, ZEE 13A 30, JETE 1A 23, TEE 12J 23, TIE 12J 23

On 19th draw, QI 9M 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ODIC O12 43, DOC O13 37, IDOL O12 37, QUOP B6 35, DOL O13 31

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