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Game of November 29, 2012 at 23:04, 3 players
1. 558 pts musdrive
2. 220 pts hobu
3. 86 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeilmnq   H4    22    22   maline
 2. dinotuv   9E    68    90   indevout
 3. ?aaikou   8A    41   131   haika
 4. deegnrv   5D   102   233   engraved
 5. aadelps   A4    61   294   slaphead
 6. einoqtw   B6    34   328   wean
 7. ?eeortt   L7    66   394   totterer
 8. dhimotu  14I    40   434   thorium
 9. afinryz  15M    55   489   fry
10. abeiins  12H    63   552   binaries
11. enoqrwy  10E    33   585   rye
12. aegilnw  15D    44   629   wangle
13. adefiqr   O7    54   683   faqirs
14. eglotux  11E    45   728   tex
15. achopsz  11I    65   793   hazes
16. degopsu  14B    32   825   spode
17. bcgooru  13C    30   855   obo
18. cgijoru   D1    46   901   juicer
19. cglootu   N2    31   932   colugo

Remaining tiles: it

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7503 Filemusdrive    3 18:29  -374  558     1.7503 musdrive    3 18:29  -374  558 
  2.5455 Filehobu        0 12:51  -712  220            Group: intermediate
  3.6919 FileGLOBEMAN    1  3:13  -846   86     1.6919 GLOBEMAN    1  3:13  -846   86 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5455 hobu        0 12:51  -712  220 

On 1st draw, MALINE H4 22 --- MALINE a delicate net used for veils [n]
Other tops: MENIAL H4 22, QI H7 22, QI H8 22
Other moves: MAILE H4 20, MINAE H4 20, MALINE H3 18, MALINE H7 18, MALINE H8 18
MENIAL H4 22 musdrive

On 2nd draw, INDEVOUT 9E 68 --- INDEVOUT not devout [adj]
Other moves: DONUT I5 21, NOVUM 4D 20, VOLUTIN 6F 20, DIVOT G1 19, DIVOT I1 19
VID I3 18 musdrive
VIDEO 9E 12 hobu

On 3rd draw, (H)AIKA 8A 41 --- HAIK an outer garment worn by Arabs [n]
Other tops: (K)AIKA 8A 41, (L)AIKA 8A 41, (M)AIKO 8A 41, (P)OAKA 8A 41
Other moves: U(M)IAK 8A 33, (K)AIAK 8A 33, OAKU(M) 8K 32, (M)AIKO 8K 31, (N)IKAU 8K 31
KADI G7 27 musdrive
AKA 8D 16 hobu

On 4th draw, ENGRAVED 5D 102 --- ENGRAVE to carve a design upon [v]
Other moves: GOVERNED J8 73, ENGRAVED B4 69, GREAVED 5E 48, REGAINED E5 40, DERAIGN E5 36
NEVER 8K 32 musdrive
VEER 10B 18 hobu

On 5th draw, SLAP(H)EAD A4 61 --- SLAPHEAD someone with a shaved head [n]
Other moves: ALDEAS 10C 29, PARADED G3 29, PLAAS 10D 28, PLEAS 10D 28, APED 8L 27
PEDALS 4J 27 musdrive
PEAL 10B 15 hobu

On 6th draw, WEAN B6 34 --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [v]
Other moves: TOW B4 31, WENT B10 31, WINE B10 31, WINO B10 31, WITE B10 31
WEAN B6 34 musdrive
WINE B10 31 hobu

On 7th draw, TOTTE(R)ER L7 66 --- TOTTERER one that totters [n]
Other tops: DETE(C)TOR 11A 66, DETORTE(D) 11A 66, DOTTERE(L) 11A 66, TOTTERE(D) L6 66, TOTTERE(D) L7 66, TOTTERE(R) L6 66, TOTTERE(R) L7 66, TOTTE(R)ER L6 66
Other moves: OUT(S)TEER K8 64, ROU(L)ETTE K7 64, ROO(M)ETTE J8 61, ROO(M)ETTE J7 59, TIER(C)ET C7 26
(S)TORE 12A 18 hobu
TOTTER(S) L9 12 musdrive

On 8th draw, THORIUM 14I 40 --- THORIUM a metallic element [n]
Other moves: MOUTH 8K 34, MOUTHED 13G 34, MIRTH 14J 32, HID C7 31, HOM K11 31
MOUTH 8K 34 musdrive, hobu

On 9th draw, FRY 15M 55 --- FRY to cook over direct heat in hot fat or oil [v]
Other tops: NAZIFY 4J 55
Other moves: INFAMY O10 54, ZANIER D1 50, ZAIRE D1 48, ZINGY F2 46, FRENZY 11J 42
ZAIRE D1 48 musdrive
ZA 15H 35 hobu

On 10th draw, BINA(R)IES 12H 63 --- BINARY a combination of two things [n]
Other moves: ABIES 15G 30, SABINE 12A 30, SABINE 15D 29, SABIN 12A 28, ANES 13J 27
SNIB 12A 26 musdrive

On 11th draw, RYE 10E 33 --- RYE a cereal grass [n]
Other tops: NYE 10E 33, WRY 10D 33, YOWES O8 33
Other moves: YOWE 15F 32, RENY 10C 31, ONY 10D 30, SWEY 4A 30, WYE 4C 30
SNOW 4A 24 musdrive

On 12th draw, WANGLE 15D 44 --- WANGLE to obtain or accomplish by contrivance [v]
Other moves: ANEW 11D 35, LAWINGS O6 33, NEW 11E 33, WANGLES O6 33, WIGAN C7 33
WALING 4J 32 musdrive

On 13th draw, FAQIRS O7 54 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: QADIS O8 45, QAIDS O8 45, FAQIR 4J 42, FAQIR 7E 35, FAIRED 4J 32
FAIRED 4J 32 musdrive

On 14th draw, TEX 11E 45 --- TEX a unit of linear density of yarn, 1 gm per kilometre [n]
Other moves: LUREX G3 44, TELEX 11I 41, REX G5 37, ULEX 11J 37, EXULT C11 35
EXO N5 31 musdrive

On 15th draw, HAZES 11I 65 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: HAZE 11I 61, ZEP 11K 54, ZEA 11K 48, SPAZ 14B 46, SPAZ 12A 44
CHEZ J3 38 musdrive

On 16th draw, SPODE 14B 32 --- SPODE a fine china [n]
Other moves: PSEUDO N2 31, PODGES 4J 29, PIGS C7 28, SPED 12A 28, SPOD 12A 28
PODGES 4J 29 musdrive

On 17th draw, OBO 13C 30 --- OBO an oil bulk ore vessel [n]
Other moves: BORGO 13D 29, BOOR 13A 28, COUR 13A 28, BURGOO N2 27, CIG C7 27
COUR 13A 28 musdrive
BO 15A 14 hobu

On 18th draw, JUICER D1 46 --- JUICER a juice extractor [n]
Other moves: JUICE D1 44, ROJI N4 32, JO N6 30, JO 15A 29, JUCO B1 28
JUICER D1 46 musdrive
JURE J2 27 hobu

On 19th draw, COLUGO N2 31 --- COLUGO a small mammal [n]
Other moves: CIG C7 27, COLUGO M2 23, COLUGO 2A 22, COOPT C11 20, TIG C7 19
COT N6 18 musdrive

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