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Game of November 29, 2012 at 23:50, 2 players
1. 590 pts musdrive
2. 176 pts hobu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aerrstw   H4    26    26   waster
 2. bloouvy  10F    30    56   vly
 3. ?dfirsu   8A    95   151   surfside
 4. adeeght   C3    80   231   gathered
 5. adenstu   4F    74   305   unwasted
 6. aelnnrx   5K    38   343   axel
 7. eilmnor   6F    85   428   misenrol
 8. ?ceoqst   9H    70   498   rocquets
 9. adegior   B1    33   531   roadie
10. efijlpr   L8    42   573   julep
11. aaeeimr   O9    36   609   seamier
12. acnoopy   1A    45   654   crayon
13. ahinnot  10J    43   697   hilt
14. eginotw   1A    45   742   crayoning
15. abeinvw  14I    30   772   inweave
16. abbinor  15D    35   807   robbin
17. aioopuz  13I    51   858   zoo
18. agikopu   D3    37   895   oka
19. fgiptuu   7M    23   918   fig

Remaining tiles: ptuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7495 Filemusdrive    5 18:30  -328  590     1.7495 musdrive    5 18:30  -328  590 
  2.5324 Filehobu        1 11:10  -742  176            Group: novice
                                             1.5324 hobu        1 11:10  -742  176 

On 1st draw, WASTER H4 26 --- WASTER one that wastes [n] --- WASTER to use extravagantly [v]
Other tops: WATERS H4 26
Other moves: RESAW H8 24, STRAW H8 24, STREW H8 24, WARES H4 24, WARRE H4 24
WATERS H4 26 musdrive, hobu

On 2nd draw, VLY 10F 30 --- VLY a swamp [n]
Other moves: BOYO 10F 28, BOY 10F 27, BUY 10F 27, YOB 10H 27, LOOBY 10D 25
BOYO 10F 28 musdrive
BOY G3 21 hobu

On 3rd draw, (S)URFSIDE 8A 95 --- SURFSIDE situated near the seashore [adj]
Other tops: SURF(S)IDE 8A 95
Other moves: WI(N)DSURF 4H 86, FISSUR(E)D 6F 71, SURFSID(E) 6D 67, SURFSID(E) 6H 67, DIF(F)USER 8B 65
W(A)IFS 4H 20 musdrive

On 4th draw, GATHERED C3 80 --- GATHER to bring together into one place or group [v]
Other moves: HEADGATE 5C 76, HEADGATE 5F 76, HEADAGE 5D 24, HEADAGE 5F 24, HEDGER C3 24
WHEAT 4H 22 musdrive
HASTE 6F 18 hobu

On 5th draw, UNWASTED 4F 74 --- UNWASTED not wasted [adj] --- WASTE to consume lavishly or thoughtlessly [adj]
Other moves: ANSATED 5E 32, UNSATED 5E 32, NUDES B2 31, DATES B2 30, DUNES B2 30
NUDES B2 31 musdrive
UN(S)ATED A6 9 hobu

On 6th draw, AXEL 5K 38 --- AXEL a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: FLAXEN D8 37, AXE 5K 36, ANNEX B10 33, AX 5K 31, EX 5K 31
AXEL 5K 38 musdrive
RELAX I1 22 hobu

On 7th draw, MISENROL 6F 85 --- MISENROL to enrol incorrectly [v]
Other moves: MI(S)ENROL A6 60, MONIE 6K 32, ELOIN 3K 31, IRONE 3K 31, MOER 3I 31
MONIE 6K 32 musdrive
LIME 3L 30 hobu

On 8th draw, ROCQ(U)ETS 9H 70 --- ROCQUET a linen vestment [n]
Other moves: Q(U)OTE D1 55, Q(U)AT 4A 44, SCOUTE(D) B5 40, SCOUTE(R) B5 40, TO(R)CS O1 39
Q(U)OTE D1 55 musdrive
Q(U)EST O2 26 hobu

On 9th draw, ROADIE B1 33 --- ROADIE a person who works for travelling entertainers [n]
Other moves: ODEA 8L 31, RADIO B2 31, DOGIE D2 30, GRIDE D1 29, QADI K9 28
QADI K9 28 musdrive

On 10th draw, J(U)LEP L8 42 --- JULEP a sweet drink [n]
Other moves: J(U)REL L8 38, ELF A1 33, PREIF 1A 33, PRIEF 1A 33, FIE 8M 31
JEU F2 26 musdrive

On 11th draw, SEAMIER O9 36 --- SEAMY unpleasant [adj]
Other moves: ARAME 1A 30, REAM D1 30, REAMIER 1B 30, REREMAI 1B 30, RIEM D1 30
REAMIER 1B 30 musdrive
ARMER 1A 24 hobu

On 12th draw, CRAYON 1A 45 --- CRAYON to use a drawing implement [v]
Other tops: CRAPY 1A 45
Other moves: PROYN 1A 42, YOOP D1 42, CRAY 1A 39, ORACY 1A 39, PRAY 1A 39
CRAYON 1A 45 musdrive

On 13th draw, HILT 10J 43 --- HILT to provide with a hilt (a handle for a weapon) [v]
Other tops: HILA 10J 43
Other moves: NOAH N11 32, HONAN K11 30, QAT K9 30, NOAH A3 29, THAN N11 29
AH D3 28 musdrive

On 14th draw, CRAYONING 1A 45 --- CRAYON to use a drawing implement [v]
Other moves: OW D3 28, YGOE D1 28, OWING B10 27, OWE N13 26, TWO N13 26
OWE N13 26 musdrive

On 15th draw, INWEAVE 14I 30 --- INWEAVE to weave together [v]
Other moves: AW D3 28, BEANIE 14J 28, AWE N13 26, BEAN N11 26, NABE N11 26
AW D3 28 musdrive

On 16th draw, ROBBIN 15D 35 --- ROBBIN a piece of yarn used to fasten a sail [n]
Other tops: RABBIN 15D 35, RIBBON 15D 35
Other moves: OBA D3 29, BOAR A3 27, BORNA 15F 25, AB D3 24, BOB A3 24
AB D3 24 musdrive

On 17th draw, ZOO 13I 51 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other tops: ZOA 13I 51
Other moves: POZ 13G 49, OUZO 13G 48, AZO 13H 46, ZA 13I 45, ZO 13I 45
ZOA 13I 51 musdrive

On 18th draw, OKA D3 37 --- OKA a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: GOPAK 14A 32, IGAPO 14B 32, KA D4 31, OKAPI B10 31, POUK 14B 28
OKA D3 37 musdrive

On 19th draw, FIG 7M 23 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FUG 7M 23
Other moves: FIT 7M 22, PFUI 14B 22, PONG J12 19, FUGIO E11 18, FUGU 14A 18
FI(S)T A6 15 musdrive

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