On 6th draw, HANSELE(D) 13A 72 --- HANSEL to give a good luck gift to [v]
Other moves: ENHALOES 3D 62, BANSHEE 1I 39, BEENAHS 1I 39, SHEBEAN 1F 39, HANSEL K2 38 ASH H1 37 naomiari AHS H1 37 strykyster HALES K1 36 SQUAW1
On 7th draw, ABRIM 1H 36 --- ABRIM in a brimming state [adv]
Other moves: AMI H1 33, AMIE 12A 30, AROMA 6C 30, MBIRA 1H 30, RAMIE F4 30 ABRIM 1H 36 SQUAW1 AMI H1 33 strykyster AM H1 28 naomiari
On 8th draw, OPIATE 12A 38 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other moves: FAP 4D 32, FEAT 4A 29, FIAT 4A 29, PIETA 4A 29, PIETA 12B 28 FAP 4D 32 naomiari FATE 2K 23 SQUAW1 FEAT 2K 23 strykyster
On 9th draw, TOXEMIAS 10H 85 --- TOXEMIA the condition of having toxins in the blood [n]
Other moves: MOXA 6D 60, SIXMO K5 48, IXIAS K1 44, OXIME 4A 43, SAXE K5 42 MOXA 6D 60 SQUAW1 SEX K5 40 strykyster SIX K5 40 annelhynz AX H1 18 naomiari
On 13th draw, DORKY 1A 39 --- DORKY stupid, foolish [adj]
Other moves: GOWK 1A 36, WORK 1A 33, YOLK 1A 33, YORK 1A 33, LOURY 2B 32 WORK 1A 33 strykyster, jimbo, SQUAW1 YOLK 1A 33 annelhynz OY 9J 19 naomiari
On 14th draw, SEDILE K5 34 --- SEDILE one of the seats in a church for the use of the officiating clergy [n]
Other moves: BREID 11G 33, BISE K3 32, IDLES K1 32, ISLED K4 32, SENILE K5 32 BREID 11G 33 SQUAW1 SIDE K5 30 annelhynz SIB K5 30 strykyster ED 9J 15 naomiari
On 15th draw, QINTAR M9 50 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: FAQIR 2K 43, FRAT 11C 32, FAQIR M7 31, FAT 11D 27, FRA 11C 27 FAQIR 2K 43 naomiari FAT 11D 27 annelhynz RIF L6 24 SQUAW1 F*RT 2KFART 2K 23 strykyster
On 16th draw, FEUAR 2B 37 --- FEUAR one granted land under Scottish feudal law [n]
Other moves: VARROA 14J 34, FOVEATE E7 32, FRAE 11C 32, FRORE 14J 32, VERRA 14J 32 VERRA 14J 32 SQUAW1 FAVER 2K 31 naomiari FAVOR 2K 31 strykyster FA 11D 22 annelhynz
On 17th draw, FIBRO 14J 36 --- FIBRO a wall board of compressed asbestos and cement [n]
Other moves: FAB 11D 33, FAG 11D 30, VAG 11D 30, BAG 11D 27, GAB 11D 27 FAB 11D 33 SQUAW1 FAG 11D 30 annelhynz IF L12 19 naomiari FAB L13 18 strykyster
On 18th draw, VAC 11D 33 --- VAC a vacuum cleaner [n] --- VAC to clean with a vacuum cleaner [v]
Other moves: VAG 11D 30, VUG 11D 30, WAG 11D 30, VAU 11C 27, VAWTE E9 22 WAG 11D 30 SQUAW1, annelhynz VAT 12K 12 naomiari AW 2L 9 strykyster