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Game of January 4, 2013 at 11:52, 1 player
1. 26 pts strykyster

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dehinst   H3    28    28   shined
 2. aeiknpr   3A    80   108   ranpikes
 3. abeorrs   5C    70   178   arborise
 4. aeegtvw   A1    33   211   verge
 5. ?aaanpy   G7    75   286   papayan
 6. ?beeouz  F10    77   363   zobu
 7. ?dglnno   K3    90   453   endlong
 8. acjmstu   8J    69   522   unjams
 9. aeeilot  H11    33   555   elite
10. aeiostv  14A    40   595   ovates
11. ehoortx   6E    54   649   ox
12. aceirry   H1    36   685   reshined
13. aceiotw  A12    33   718   woot
14. aeginou   D3    31   749   porgie
15. fiortuw   6J    31   780   flirt
16. aaefimq  12A    38   818   waqf
17. aeiitwy   L1    33   851   wyte
18. adhilmo   N8    44   895   mohalim
19. cdeinrt   A1    42   937   vergence
20. cdiiltu  C10    32   969   diquat
21. cdiilru   L8    37  1006   juridic

Remaining tile: l

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5230 Filestrykyster  0  0:37  -980   26     1.5230 strykyster  0  0:37  -980   26 

On 1st draw, SHINED H3 28 --- SHINE to emit light [v]
Other tops: HINTED H4 28, HISTED H4 28, SHITED H3 28
Other moves: HEIDS H4 26, HENDS H4 26, HIDES H4 26, HINDS H4 26, THEINS H3 26
HINDS H4 26 strykyster

On 2nd draw, RANPIKES 3A 80 --- RANPIKE a standing dead tree [n]
Other moves: RANPIKE G7 72, RANPIKE I7 72, KIDNAPER 8F 66, RESHINED H1 36, PRANKS 3C 34

On 3rd draw, ARBORISE 5C 70 --- ARBORISE to form many branches [v]
Other moves: ADSORBER 8G 64, ARBORES G8 64, ARBORES I8 64, BOARDERS 8D 64, REBOARDS 8B 64

On 4th draw, VERGE A1 33 --- VERGE to come near [v]
Other tops: REGAVE A3 33
Other moves: WENT 6F 32, AW 6E 30, WAVE G7 30, WEN 6F 29, WEAVE G7 28

On 5th draw, PA(P)AYAN G7 75 --- PAPAYA a melon-like fruit [adj] --- PAPAYAN pertaining to a papaya [adj]
Other moves: (P)APAYAN G7 69, VERGEN(C)Y A1 42, APAY(D) K1 38, APAY(S) K1 38, PAN(D)Y K2 38

On 6th draw, ZOBU F10 77 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZOBU(S) F10 77
Other moves: BOZ(O) F8 76, B(O)ZO F8 76, ZOB(O) F10 75, ZOB(U) F10 75, Z(O)BO F10 75

On 7th draw, (E)NDLONG K3 90 --- ENDLONG lengthwise [adv]
Other moves: HONDL(I)NG 4H 82, OLDEN(I)NG J2 63, DOL(I)NG K5 38, DONGL(E) K5 38, DON(I)NG K5 38

On 8th draw, UNJAMS 8J 69 --- UNJAM to undo things tightly crammed together [v]
Other moves: JAMS E11 62, JAM E11 60, JA E11 49, TAJ E11 47, CAMUS E11 44

On 9th draw, ELITE H11 33 --- ELITE a socially superior group [n]
Other moves: LATE E11 28, LATI E11 28, LOTA E11 28, LOTE E11 28, LOTI E11 28

On 10th draw, OVATES 14A 40 --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: OAVES 14B 38, VITAS 14B 38, VOTES 14B 38, VAPORISE D1 36, SPORTIVE D2 34

On 11th draw, OX 6E 54 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX 6E 54
Other moves: GOX 9K 45, HOX A13 39, RESHINED H1 36, THROE A11 36, HOOT A12 33

On 12th draw, RESHINED H1 36 --- RESHINE to shine again [v]
Other moves: CRAY L1 35, GAY 9K 29, RYPER 7E 29, TRACERY 14H 28, AERY L1 27

On 13th draw, WOOT A12 33 --- WOOT wilt thou (no inflections) [v] --- WOOT wilt thou [coll]
Other moves: WIPER D1 28, COOT A12 27, WATE L1 27, WETA L1 27, WITE L1 27

On 14th draw, PORGIE D3 31 --- PORGIE an American sea fish [n]
Other moves: JINGO L8 29, PERNIO D3 28, PARGE D3 27, PARGO D3 27, PORGE D3 27

On 15th draw, FLIRT 6J 31 --- FLIRT to behave amorously without serious intent [v]
Other tops: FLOUR 6J 31, FLOUT 6J 31, FLOW 6J 31, FLUOR 6J 31
Other moves: FAITOUR M7 30, WIFE 8A 30, FLIR 6J 28, FLIT 6J 28, FLOR 6J 28

On 16th draw, WAQF 12A 38 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: FAQIR M2 34, QABALA 12D 34, FAME L1 33, GAMA 9K 30, GAME 9K 30

On 17th draw, WYTE L1 33 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other tops: TWAY L1 33
Other moves: WYTE 8A 30, GAY 9K 29, WAY L2 29, WEY L2 29, WATE L1 27

On 18th draw, MOHALIM N8 44 --- MOHEL a person who performs Jewish ritual circumcisions [n]
Other moves: WHAM 1L 36, WHIM 1L 36, WHOM 1L 36, JIHAD L8 35, DWALM 1K 33

On 19th draw, VERGENCE A1 42 --- VERGENCE a movement of one eye in relation to the other [n]
Other moves: DINER O11 33, TINED O11 32, CRETIN I10 31, REWIND 1J 30, TWICE 1K 30

On 20th draw, DIQUAT C10 32 --- DIQUAT an herbicide [n]
Other moves: QUAD C12 28, QUAI C12 26, QUAT C12 26, QUA C12 24, WILD 1L 24

On 21th draw, JURIDIC L8 37 --- JURIDIC pertaining to the law [adj]
Other moves: BALDRIC 12F 24, CURD I9 24, WILD 1L 24, CIRL I9 22, COYED 11E 22

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