On 3rd draw, HONG 1L 49 --- HONG a Chinese warehouse [n] --- HONG hang [v]
Other moves: HONE 1L 46, GHEE 3L 31, HONG 3L 27, HONE 3L 25, GHEE G8 24 HONE 1L 46 naomiari, SQUAW1
On 4th draw, VATTERS 10B 83 --- VATTER one who uses a vat [n]
Other moves: TRAVESTY 4A 80, STARVER 5E 40, VASTER 10F 32, VESTA 10F 31, TRAVES 10C 30 VATTERS 10B 33 SQUAW1 SET 3L 21 strykyster
On 5th draw, BELATING C7 80 --- BELATE to make late [v]
Other tops: BLEATING C7 80
Other moves: BLETTING D6 74, BLETTING D7 74, BLETTING E6 72, BLETTING E7 72, TREBLING 5G 72 BLEATING C7 30 SQUAW1 BRIG G9 17 naomiari PET 3H 13 strykyster
On 6th draw, SEWS 3L 32 --- SEW to mend or fasten with a needle and thread [v]
Other moves: OWE 3K 30, SEW 3L 30, SWEES 8A 27, SWIES D4 25, WE 3L 25 SEWS 3L 32 SQUAW1 WOES 8A 24 naomiari WEES 8A 24 strykyster
On 7th draw, LINEATE E5 28 --- LINEATE marked with lines [adj]
Other moves: SABINE O3 27, BAILEE D3 25, BALEEN D3 25, BEANIE D3 25, TENAIL D10 25 BEAN B12 24 naomiari BEEN 8A 21 strykyster, SQUAW1
On 10th draw, Q(A)ID 12A 46 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other tops: Q(U)ID 12A 46
Other moves: Q(U)IN 12A 44, OVENED 1A 33, EVEN(E)D 1A 30, EV(A)DE 1A 30, EV(E)NED 1A 30 Q(U)ID 12A 46 SQUAW1, naomiari
On 11th draw, AFAR F5 34 --- AFAR a great distance [n]
Other moves: AFAR A6 32, FAB A7 32, FUB A7 32, FAA F6 31, FAR F6 31 FAB A7 32 naomiari, SQUAW1
On 12th draw, AUCTION N8 85 --- AUCTION to sell publicly to the highest bidder [v]
Other moves: QUAI A12 39, QUAT A12 39, QUIN A12 39, QUIT A12 39, AVION 1A 27 QUIT A12 39 naomiari, SQUAW1
On 13th draw, INDOL O11 31 --- INDOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: DIOL O12 30, DIP 4J 30, DOOL O12 30, DOON O12 30, DOP 4J 30 POD O13 24 naomiari DOP A7 24 SQUAW1 DOP M13 20 strykyster
On 14th draw, JOE A7 42 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other tops: JEE A7 42
Other moves: JO A7 39, GIDJEE 14C 31, COD M13 27, JO M8 26, CID A7 25 JOE A7 42 SQUAW1, naomiari, strykyster
On 15th draw, EVOHE 1A 45 --- EVOHE expressing Bacchic frenzy [interj]
Other moves: WHO M12 41, FEH 4J 38, FOH 4J 38, ECH 4J 36, EVHOE 1A 36 WHO M12 41 naomiari, SQUAW1 CHOW M5 22 strykyster
On 16th draw, EQUIP A11 48 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other moves: QUEP A12 45, QUIM A12 45, QUIP A12 45, QUOP A12 45, POX M13 39 EQUIP A11 48 SQUAW1 QUIP A12 45 naomiari EX 2E 27 strykyster
On 17th draw, OX I8 36 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: LOX M13 31, DIOXIN 12J 28, EXIT 2B 27, OXO 2D 26, EXODOI F10 25 OX I8 36 SQUAW1 LOX M13 31 naomiari MOO I2 16 strykyster