On 7th draw, NAZIRS O10 75 --- NAZIR an Indian court official [n]
Other tops: OOZIER 8J 75
Other moves: ZEAS A6 60, ZOEA A6 60, ZAS A6 55, ZEA A6 55, ZOA A6 55 ZOA A6 55 argomearns
On 8th draw, NAIL A6 24 --- NAIL to fasten with a nail (a slender piece of metal) [v]
Other tops: NEAL A6 24, NOEL A6 24, NOIL A6 24
Other moves: EOLIAN 8J 21, EOLIAN H10 21, ETALON 8A 21, LOONIE 11E 21, LOONIE 8J 21
On 9th draw, ALY(S)SUMS 15H 89 --- ALYSSUM a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: ALYS(S)UMS 15H 86, RAM(O)USLY E5 74, RAM(O)USLY F5 66, YL(E)MS 11G 50, SUMY A1 48
On 10th draw, CANNAE 4A 32 --- CANNAE can not [coll] --- CANNAE can not [v]
Other moves: OCEAN 8K 30, NARCEINS L8 29, CANNA 4A 28, CONINE 8J 27, ENIAC A11 26
On 11th draw, HOVEN A11 41 --- HOVEN relating to a cattle disease [adj]
Other moves: NEK 14H 40, NEK 6D 40, HOOVEN 8J 39, HORNET L8 39, KENO 6F 39
On 12th draw, FORGE L8 39 --- FORGE to fashion or reproduce for fraudulent purposes [v]
Other moves: JUPE 14F 35, FEG J6 33, FEU 14J 33, FOE 14J 33, FOU 14J 33
On 13th draw, FAD J6 37 --- FAD a practice or interest that enjoys brief popularity [n]
Other moves: FANO 6F 33, FAD C7 32, FA 14J 30, FAN 6F 30, DIOTA M9 29
On 14th draw, WEX L2 44 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: TEX L2 38, POX 9K 37, XI M9 37, EX 4K 36, EX L3 36
On 15th draw, YAUDS 13I 37 --- YAUD an old horse [n]
Other tops: YEADS 13I 37
Other moves: YEAST 13I 34, STEADY 13H 33, DUSTY 13I 32, YAD C7 32, STUDY 13I 31
On 16th draw, JOBED 11D 33 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JOB 14F 32, JOB 12H 29, JOBE 11E 28, JOE 14F 28, JEER F2 27
On 17th draw, TOPI 12C 38 --- TOPI a sun helmet [n]
Other moves: COP 12C 36, TOP 12C 32, OP 12D 30, POI 12C 30, JIGOT D11 28
On 18th draw, KNOW C3 28 --- KNOW to have a true understanding of [v]
Other moves: ILK J2 23, GNOW C3 22, TAKY J12 21, EWK 14A 20, KILT J1 20
On 19th draw, TIC G1 21 --- TIC an involuntary muscular contraction [n] --- TIC to have an involuntary muscle contraction [v]
Other moves: IT 13C 18, GILT J1 17, CAGY J12 14, CAULDER 3G 13, CIT 14F 13
On 20th draw, QI 2F 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: IT 13C 18, GILT J1 17, BIGG F11 12, TIG 1G 12, TITI 1E 12