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Game of January 9, 2013 at 06:26, 3 players
1. 272 pts jimbo
2. 243 pts dragons11
3. 124 pts Klonimous

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abeiko   H3    32    32   akimbo
 2. ?eefiru   7F    64    96   rubefies
 3. ceilrtw   8K    30   126   trice
 4. aeghlnt   5C    74   200   atheling
 5. dginoux   C3    44   244   guanxi
 6. admnrry   3G    36   280   yardarm
 7. dilnoqs   K1    38   318   loads
 8. aeghotv   8A    39   357   ogive
 9. adeinrv   O1    89   446   reinvade
10. aeinqst   4B    39   485   quiet
11. eefimno   4J    29   514   idem
12. aejoost   1G    42   556   jostle
13. aeeenps   2E    24   580   spa
14. aenopwz   1A    83   663   wanze
15. ceilost   N8    34   697   coctile
16. defnrty  M12    34   731   defy
17. ahnostu  15G    42   773   unhasty
18. aloopuw  14H    31   804   oupa
19. abilorw  13C    30   834   barlow

Remaining tiles: ino

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6510 Filejimbo       0  9:19  -562  272     1.6510 jimbo       0  9:19  -562  272 
  2.6993 Filedragons11   0  4:16  -591  243     2.6993 dragons11   0  4:16  -591  243 
  3.6138 FileKlonimous   1  4:12  -710  124     3.6138 Klonimous   1  4:12  -710  124 

On 1st draw, AKI(M)BO H3 32 --- AKIMBO having hands on hips and elbows bent outward [adj]
Other moves: BA(T)IK H8 30, BOI(N)K H8 30, BO(B)AK H8 30, BO(R)AK H8 30, B(L)EAK H8 30
BEAK(S) H4 26 jimbo

On 2nd draw, RUBEFIE(S) 7F 64 --- RUBEFY to redden [v]
Other tops: RUBEFIE(D) 7F 64
Other moves: FAERIE(S) 3G 28, FAI(L)URE 3G 28, FRI(S)EE I2 26, AFREE(T) 3H 24, AF(F)EER 3H 24
FRE(A)K 4D 22 jimbo

On 3rd draw, TRICE 8K 30 --- TRICE to haul up with a rope [v]
Other tops: WALTIER 3G 30
Other moves: WRECK 4D 28, WRICK 4D 28, WIT I3 27, TRICKLE 4D 26, ETIC 8L 25
WRECK 4D 28 dragons11
RILE 8L 19 jimbo

On 4th draw, ATHELING 5C 74 --- ATHELING an Anglo-Saxon prince or nobleman [n]
Other moves: ENLIGHT 5E 44, GENITAL 5E 32, GNATHAL 3C 32, HANTLE 8A 32, GHAT I2 29
ENLIGHT 5E 44 dragons11
HEATING 5D 22 jimbo

On 5th draw, GUANXI C3 44 --- GUANXI a Chinese social concept based on the exchange of favours [n]
Other moves: DUX I1 36, GOX I1 36, NIX I1 35, NOX I1 35, OX I2 34
GOX I1 36 dragons11
(S)IX M7 17 jimbo

On 6th draw, YARDARM 3G 36 --- YARDARM either end of a ship's spar [n]
Other tops: YARDMAN 3G 36
Other moves: DAIRY 8A 30, YAIRD 8A 30, ADRY B7 28, DARRAYN 3G 28, AMID 8A 27
DAIRY 8A 30 dragons11

On 7th draw, LOADS K1 38 --- LOAD to place goods or cargo on transportation [v]
Other tops: DIALS K1 38, ODALS K1 38, QIS N1 38
Other moves: DAIS K2 36, DALS K2 36, DANS K2 36, LADS K2 36, LOANS K1 36
QIS 9A 29 dragons11

On 8th draw, OGIVE 8A 39 --- OGIVE a pointed arch [n]
Other moves: VOLTAGE 1I 36, DEATH 4K 34, HAGLET 1H 33, HOVEL 1G 33, GATVOL 1F 30

On 9th draw, REINVADE O1 89 --- INVADE to enter for conquest or plunder [v] --- REINVADE to invade again [v]
Other moves: UNVARIED G7 69, REINVADE O7 63, ALVINE 1J 39, ANDVILE 1F 36, ANVILED 1G 36

On 10th draw, QUIET 4B 39 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other tops: QUEAN 4B 39, QUEST 4B 39, QUIST 4B 39
Other moves: QUA 4B 28, NIS 9A 25, QIS 9I 25, EASTLIN 1G 24, ENTAILS 1F 24

On 11th draw, IDEM 4J 29 --- IDEM the same [adj]
Other moves: DEMON 4K 26, FERMION L6 24, FRO L2 23, IDEE 4J 23, EF N1 22
OF N1 22 Klonimous
EF N1 22 dragons11

On 12th draw, JOSTLE 1G 42 --- JOSTLE to bump or push roughly [v]
Other moves: SOJA 2D 32, JA 2F 30, JO 2F 30, GAJOS B8 29, GAJO B8 28
JA 6N 25 Klonimous

On 13th draw, SPA 2E 24 --- SPA a mineral spring [n]
Other moves: PA 2F 23, ASP 9K 21, SAP 9K 21, PEA 2E 20, PEANS 9I 20
SPA 2E 24 Klonimous
PA 2F 23 dragons11, jimbo

On 14th draw, WANZE 1A 83 --- WANZE to decrease [v]
Other moves: ZONAE 1A 47, COZEN N8 36, COZE N8 35, GAZON B8 35, CAZ N8 34
ZA 6N 31 Klonimous, dragons11, jimbo

On 15th draw, COCTILE N8 34 --- COCTILE baked [adj]
Other moves: IOS 9A 25, CITOLES N8 22, IS 9B 22, OS 9B 22, VOICES D8 22
OS 9B 22 Klonimous
OCELOTS A8 10 jimbo

On 16th draw, DEFY M12 34 --- DEFY to resist openly and boldly [v]
Other moves: FY O14 29, DEFT M12 28, DEF M12 26, DEFTLY 13J 26, DEY M12 26
FY O14 29 jimbo

On 17th draw, UNHASTY 15G 42 --- HASTY speedy [adj] --- UNHASTY not hasty [adj]
Other moves: SHANTY 15H 39, SHOUTY 15H 39, HO(M)A 6F 35, ASTUN O11 34, SH 6E 34
OH 2A 25 jimbo

On 18th draw, OUPA 14H 31 --- OUPA grandfather (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: APO 14I 28, OOP 14H 28, OUP 14H 28, UPO 14I 28, PLU O12 26
WO O14 24 jimbo

On 19th draw, BARLOW 13C 30 --- BARLOW a jackknife [n]
Other moves: OW 2A 25, GARBOIL B8 24, WO O14 24, AW N1 22, OW N1 22
WO O14 24 jimbo

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