On 1st draw, BROAD H4 22 --- BROAD an expansion of a river [n] --- BROAD wide [adj]
Other tops: BARDO H4 22, BOARD H4 22
Other moves: ABORD H8 20, BLART H4 20, BLOAT H4 20, BOARD H8 20, BOART H4 20
On 2nd draw, MARQUE 5F 34 --- MARQUE reprisal [n]
Other tops: BARQUE 5F 34
Other moves: UMBEL G5 29, QUARE 5E 28, EQUAL G8 27, EQUAL I8 27, QUALM 3F 27
On 3rd draw, SENARII L4 84 --- SENARIUS a Greek or Latin verse consisting of six metrical feet [n]
Other moves: DRAISINE 8H 80, SENARII L5 76, SENARII 3E 68, SENARII 9H 68, SENARII I7 66
On 4th draw, (S)EVENTY I7 74 --- SEVENTY a number [n]
Other moves: (D)UVETYNE J4 73, (S)EYEN M5 46, EVEN(L)Y 6A 42, VENEY 6B 42, VEE(R)Y 6B 41 R(A)VE 8L 18 ChiliB.
On 5th draw, CONTRA 3C 27 --- CONTRA a Nicaraguan revolutionary [n]
Other moves: ACTORLY 13C 26, CONTRA 4A 26, OCTANT 12G 22, CANTO 6B 21, CLARO 6B 21
On 6th draw, TOKENED 11E 48 --- TOKEN to be a sign or mark of [v]
Other moves: OAKED H11 47, AKED H12 42, EKED H12 42, AKEE H12 39, KED H13 33
On 7th draw, NODULES M9 73 --- NODULE a small node [n]
Other tops: NOUSLED M9 73
On 9th draw, ALAMO O1 47 --- ALAMO a softwood tree [n]
Other moves: GLAM O1 46, GLOM O1 46, OGAM O1 46, LOAM O1 43, NAAM O1 43 GLAM O1 46 susieq8182
On 10th draw, TENIASIS 15H 131 --- TENIASIS an infestation with tapeworms [n]
Other moves: ISATINES 15F 77, SANITIES 15F 77, SANITISE 15G 77, TENIASIS 15F 77, INTIMATES F1 65
On 11th draw, OF O7 32 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: BAFT 12F 32
Other moves: GLEBA 14K 31, PEBA 14L 30, PLEB 14K 30, FOB G7 28, FOP G7 28
On 12th draw, PREZ 10C 68 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other tops: FEZ 10D 68
Other moves: L*ZLEZ 10D 65, REZ 10D 65, ZOL G7 48, ZEP 14L 47, FOOZLER D1 46
On 13th draw, TEW 10H 29 --- TEW to work hard [v]
Other tops: NEW 10H 29
Other moves: AWA 9D 26, NAW 9E 25, TAW 9E 25, WAI 9E 25, WAN 9E 25
On 14th draw, HOHA 12C 38 --- HOHA peevish [adj]
Other moves: HEATH 12A 36, HEH 14L 33, HAH 9E 31, HAO 12E 30, HOA 12E 30
On 15th draw, AX 13C 37 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: EX 14M 36, XI N14 36, XI 13B 28, GAB 13B 26, GIB 13B 26 AX 13C 37 PIThompson
On 16th draw, RECULING C1 62 --- RECULE to force back [v]
Other tops: ULCERING C1 62
Other moves: ALGIN G5 20, GENA L12 20, LOURING D2 20, NETHER E9 19, AGRIN G5 18 GENA L12 20 PIThompson
On 17th draw, BEEP 14K 30 --- BEEP to honk a horn [v]
Other moves: FIB B13 29, FOP D2 29, FIB G7 28, PFUI 4A 28, FIRIE 1A 27 FIB B13 29 PIThompson
On 18th draw, VIRID 1A 30 --- VIRID verdant [adj]
Other moves: VIRTU 1A 27, VID G7 26, DIGIT 8A 24, RIGID 8A 24, VIRTU 6B 24 VID G7 26 PIThompson
On 19th draw, WIG B13 27 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other tops: FIG B13 27, FUG B13 27
Other moves: FIG G7 26, WIG G7 26, FIR B13 25, FIT B13 25, FUR B13 25 WIG G7 26 PIThompson
On 20th draw, VIRIDITY 1A 45 --- VIRIDITY the state of being verdant [n]
Other moves: RIFTY 6B 36, TYRO 6E 32, FY 6E 31, YUFT 14D 31, FURY 4B 29 FY 6E 31 PIThompson