On 1st draw, J(I)GOT H4 40 --- JIGOT a leg of mutton [n]
Other moves: JATO(S) H4 38, JA(B)OT H4 38, JOTA(S) H4 38, HO(D)JA H4 36, HO(D)JA H8 30
On 2nd draw, HAYS G5 32 --- HAY to convert into hay (grass, cut and dried for fodder) [v]
Other moves: HOYAS I7 30, JASEY 4H 30, JOEYS 4H 30, HAY G5 29, HAYS G7 29 HOYS 9E 27 quirky
On 3rd draw, OLEATE I1 25 --- OLEATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ELATE I2 24, LATE I3 23, LOTA I3 23, LOTE I3 23, LOTO I3 23 JOLE 4H 11 quirky
On 4th draw, BARONIAL 2B 74 --- BARONIAL pertaining to a baron [adj]
Other moves: BORONIA 1F 30, BORONIA 1H 30, BANI J1 28, BOAR J1 28, BA H1 26 ROBIN 1H 24 quirky
On 5th draw, SMOILED 1G 47 --- SMOILE to smile [v]
Other tops: MISDONE 1E 47
Other moves: DOLMENS 1H 42, DOMINES 1H 42, MODELS 1H 42, MOILED 1H 42, MOLINES 1H 42 MODELS 1H 42 quirky
On 6th draw, AMENE 3B 32 --- AMENE pleasant [adj]
Other tops: NAME 1A 32, NAMU 1A 32
Other moves: ENEMA 3B 30, MANE 1A 30, AMEN 3B 28, EMEU 3B 28, MENE 3C 26 NAME 1A 32 quirky
On 7th draw, ZEK 4D 66 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other moves: Z(E)K 4D 63, ZEE 4D 54, ZE(D) 4D 51, ZE(E) 4D 51, ZE(K) 4D 51 ZONE(S) E1 26 quirky
On 8th draw, RANT 1A 39 --- RANT to speak in a loud or vehement manner [v]
Other moves: ANT 1B 28, ART 1B 28, JARTA 4H 24, EAN 1A 19, EAR 1A 19 RERAN J6 16 quirky
On 9th draw, JAWLINE 4H 34 --- JAWLINE the outline of the lower jaw [n]
Other moves: NEWLY J6 28, DEWILY M1 26, DEWY M1 22, PEW F8 21, PLY F8 21 YEW I8 16 quirky
On 10th draw, L(I)QUORED K4 118 --- LIQUOR to intoxicate with liquor (an alcoholic beverage) [v]
Other moves: QUEERDO(M) N2 88, REQUO(T)ED N3 73, (L)IQUORED L3 68, QUOD 3L 45, QU(A)D 3L 42
On 11th draw, OCREA 8K 30 --- OCREA a sheathing plant part [n]
Other tops: ANERGIC M3 30, GOETIC 8J 30
Other moves: TIERCE N2 28, AORTIC 8J 27, COATER 8J 27, ORGIC 8K 27, AREIC N2 26 QAT 6K 12 quirky
On 12th draw, POIS O1 40 --- POI a Hawaiian food [n]
Other tops: ALPS O1 40, APOS O1 40, LAPS O1 40, LIPS O1 40, LOPS O1 40, OPUS O1 40, OUPS O1 40, PAIS O1 40, PALS O1 40, PIAS O1 40, PLUS O1 40, POAS O1 40, POLS O1 40, PULS O1 40, UPAS O1 40
Other moves: AILS O1 34, LIAS O1 34, LOUS O1 34, OILS O1 34, APIOLS J9 31 PALS O1 40 argomearns, quirky
On 13th draw, DOWNBEAT 10F 74 --- DOWNBEAT the first beat of a musical measure [n]
Other moves: WAB J10 32, WADT J10 32, WAND J10 32, WOAD J10 32, BOWAT J10 31 WAND J10 32 argomearns, quirky
On 14th draw, EULOGIST 8A 30 --- EULOGIST one that eulogizes [n]
Other moves: OUGLIE 11B 19, GLEE N2 18, GLEI N2 18, GOEL N2 18, LOGIE 11C 17 GAGE 6F 10 quirky
On 16th draw, TIX 11E 32 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: NIX 11E 32, TAX 11E 32
Other moves: XI 3L 31, XYSTI 14A 30, NIXY 12B 28, XYST 14A 28, NIX B13 26 TAX 11E 32 quirky
On 17th draw, DYSTONIA 14A 78 --- DYSTONIA a condition of disordered tonicity of muscle tissue [n]
Other moves: DOY 12F 26, TYND 12F 26, ANY 12E 25, ATONY 12E 25, AYIN B12 25 ANY 12E 25 quirky YOD 12G 21 GLOBEMAN
On 18th draw, HUGE 15H 39 --- HUGE very large [adj]
Other moves: FEH 15G 38, HUG 15H 36, HUE 15H 33, FEG 15G 32, EUGH 15H 30 HUGE 15H 39 AMYtheROO, quirky, GLOBEMAN HUG 15H 36 BadBoyBen