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Game of January 31, 2013 at 16:23, 1 player
1. 10 pts remij

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dimostt   H4    24    24   modist
 2. aeimouv  10F    30    54   voema
 3. ?ghortu   8A    95   149   yoghurts
 4. abdiosu   K4    81   230   badious
 5. deeopqr   L1    33   263   preed
 6. ?alqwyz   2J    48   311   warez
 7. aacersx   8K    60   371   oxers
 8. aaeginr   1D    82   453   anergia
 9. agiopst   2A    31   484   spigot
10. aelnott   N5    62   546   tetronal
11. hilnoor   3A    36   582   honor
12. abcflny   A1    42   624   ashy
13. eefjruw  M11    39   663   jefe
14. aceiint   D6    76   739   ethician
15. abeilnu  14H    74   813   banlieue
16. deiiluw  15D    45   858   dwile
17. eilnruy   M1    28   886   eery
18. ciklnqu   B6    48   934   quonk

Remaining tiles: cfilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4761 Fileremij       0  1:53  -924   10     1.4761 remij       0  1:53  -924   10 

On 1st draw, MODIST H4 24 --- MODIST a follower of fashion [n]
Other moves: MIDST H4 22, MISDO H4 22, ODISM H8 22, MITTS H4 20, MODIST H3 20

On 2nd draw, VOEMA 10F 30 --- VOEMA (South Africa) vigour [n]
Other moves: MAVIE 10D 28, MOVIE 10D 28, MAUVE G7 26, VIDAME 6F 26, AMIE G6 25

On 3rd draw, (Y)OGHURTS 8A 95 --- YOGHURT food made from fermented milk [n]
Other moves: THOROUG(H) 5D 94, T(H)OROUGH 5D 94, (Y)OGHOURT 5D 94, (D)ROUGHTS 8A 86, TROUGH(S) K4 80
VOEMA(S) 10F 10 remij

On 4th draw, BADIOUS K4 81 --- BADIOUS chestnut-coloured [adj]
Other moves: SOBA 11H 31, SUBA 11H 31, SADI 11H 28, SADO 11H 28, SIDA 11H 28

On 5th draw, PREED L1 33 --- PREE to test by tasting [v]
Other tops: ERODE L4 33, PORED L1 33
Other moves: PORED L3 32, DOPER L1 30, EPODE L2 30, ROOPED 8J 30, ROPED L1 29

On 6th draw, WAR(E)Z 2J 48 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other moves: ZLO(T)Y B6 44, AZ(O) M3 43, A(D)Z M3 43, LeZ M3 43, HAZ(I)LY D8 40

On 7th draw, OXERS 8K 60 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other moves: COAXER 8J 48, COAXES 8J 48, (E)XES M2 47, SEXT G5 41, EXARCHS D3 38

On 8th draw, ANERGIA 1D 82 --- ANERGIA lack of energy [n]
Other moves: GRAINAGE C2 74, GRAINAGE C8 72, REGINA 1E 26, REATA 9E 24, AGRIA 1F 23

On 9th draw, SPIGOT 2A 31 --- SPIGOT a faucet [n]
Other moves: PATIOS 2A 28, RAGTOPS N8 28, GESTAPO M7 26, PITAS 2B 26, GAPOS I3 25

On 10th draw, TETRONAL N5 62 --- TETRONAL a toxic drug [n]
Other tops: TOLERANT N4 62
Other moves: OATEN 3A 27, NOTAL 3C 26, TONAL 3C 26, TOTAL 3C 26, EOAN 3B 23

On 11th draw, HONOR 3A 36 --- HONOR to treat with respect [v]
Other moves: HOLON O11 35, HONOR O11 35, NOH 3C 26, OOH 3C 26, HIN 3A 25

On 12th draw, ASHY A1 42 --- ASHY covered with ashes [adj]
Other moves: ABLY O12 33, ACYL O12 33, FANCY M11 33, ALB J6 29, BALLY 12K 28

On 13th draw, JEFE M11 39 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other moves: J*W M11 37, JEFE I3 34, JEER M11 33, JEFES O4 32, JEE M11 31

On 14th draw, ETHICIAN D6 76 --- ETHICIAN an expert upon ethics [n]
Other moves: ACTINIDE 6B 65, CENT L12 31, CINE L12 31, CITE L12 31, CIT L12 27

On 15th draw, BANLIEUE 14H 74 --- BANLIEUE a suburb [n]
Other moves: BANLIEUE 14F 68, BLAIN O11 40, BEAN L12 31, BEAU L12 31, BENI L12 31

On 16th draw, DWILE 15D 45 --- DWILE a mop [n]
Other moves: DWILE 15F 43, WILED 15E 42, WIDE 15G 41, WEID 15F 39, DEW 15G 38

On 17th draw, E(E)RY M1 28 --- EERY eerie [adj]
Other tops: E(E)LY M1 28
Other moves: LINENY 13B 26, LINNEY 13B 26, LYE C11 23, NYE E11 23, UEY M7 23

On 18th draw, QUONK B6 48 --- QUONK to make an accidental disturbing noise [v]
Other moves: QUOIN B6 36, QI F14 31, QUELL 12K 30, CLEIK 6B 27, CLONK B6 27

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