On 1st draw, FAVEL H4 30 --- FAVEL light brown [adj]
Other tops: FAVER H4 30
Other moves: VERLAN H4 26, VERNAL H4 26, FARLE H4 24, FAVEL H8 24, FAVER H8 24 VEAL H5 14 JennyB
On 2nd draw, OF(F)KEY 4G 30 --- OFFKEY pitched higher or lower than the correct musical tone [adj]
Other tops: FIKE(R)Y 4H 30, FYKIN(G) 4H 30, K(A)YO 9G 30, OK(A)Y 9F 30, Y(L)KE 9G 30
Other moves: K(A)Y 9G 29, Y(A)K 9G 29, FO(L)KY 4H 28, FO(R)KY 4H 28, FYKE(D) 4H 28 F(U)NKY 4H 28 susieq8182 (S)KY I2 22 JennyB
On 3rd draw, ONER 5J 23 --- ONER something unique [n]
Other moves: ONE 5J 21, ORE 5J 21, AEON 5H 19, NOTER 5K 19, RONTE 5K 19 ORE 5J 21 susieq8182 TORN 3K 15 JennyB
On 4th draw, ASSET 6J 29 --- ASSET a useful quality or thing [n]
Other moves: VASES 6H 28, ADS 6J 25, DEVAS 6F 24, ASS 6J 23, SEA 6J 23 ADS 6J 25 susieq8182 DATES 3K 22 JennyB
On 5th draw, EOLIAN 9D 20 --- EOLIAN pertaining to the wind [adj]
Other tops: EOLIAN 9F 20
Other moves: AIOLI 9E 19, ALIEN 9G 19, ALINE 9G 19, ALOIN 9G 19, ALONE 9G 19 LANE 3K 19 susieq8182
On 6th draw, ZAIRES O1 54 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other tops: AZURES O1 54
Other moves: IZARS 8A 50, RAZES 8A 50, RESIZE D4 50, RIZAS 8A 50, SIZAR O6 48 SIZER O6 48 susieq8182
On 7th draw, SAVAGE 8A 41 --- SAVAGE fierce [adj] --- SAVAGE ferocious [adj] --- SAVAGE to attack or treat brutally [v] --- SAVAGE to attack brutally [v]
Other moves: AVGAS 8A 35, VEGAN 8A 35, VEGAS 8A 35, SAVAGE 10H 33, AVENS 8A 32 VEGAN 8A 35 susieq8182
On 8th draw, WEX 3K 40 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: XI 7M 37, EX N2 31, LEX 3K 31, REX 3K 31, TEX 3K 31 WEX 3K 40 susieq8182
On 13th draw, ENROOT 15H 30 --- ENROOT to implant firmly [v]
Other moves: NOTER 15G 26, RONEO 15G 26, RONTE 15G 26, ROTON 15G 26, TENOR 15G 26
On 14th draw, JAP 11C 38 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: HADJ 14L 37, JAPE 14L 37, JEHAD D11 36, HAED 4A 35, JADE 14L 35
On 15th draw, COTTID B1 26 --- COTTID a type of fish [n]
Other moves: DICOT 13G 22, CODA 5E 21, DICT 13G 21, OD 12C 21, ODIC 14K 21
On 16th draw, HIC 13G 28 --- HIC used to represent a hiccup [interj]
Other moves: CHINA 5D 26, HID 13G 26, HIND 13G 26, DICH 14L 25, HUIC 14L 25 HIC 14L 23 GLOBEMAN
On 17th draw, ACHED 1A 36 --- ACHE to suffer a dull, continuous pain [v]
Other moves: ACHE 1A 30, AH 12C 29, ACED 1A 27, ACNED 1A 27, ECAD 1A 27 HA(I)NED D1 26 GLOBEMAN HE 15D 20 sunshine12
On 18th draw, JIMP C11 30 --- JIMP natty [adj]
Other tops: JUMP C11 30
Other moves: OB 12C 25, OM 12C 25, BIMA 5E 24, BOBA 5E 24, BOMA 5E 24 OB 12C 25 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12