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Game of February 5, 2013 at 02:14, 1 player
1. 329 pts susieq8182

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeinou   H8    64    64   moineau
 2. ?eijrsu  15B   134   198   injures
 3. aadeghn  D12    30   228   hadj
 4. afinort   8A    83   311   natiform
 5. eiloruy  C11    27   338   loy
 6. abgioot   A2    64   402   tabooing
 7. eenrstw   4A    78   480   bestrewn
 8. ceeknor   H1    33   513   cronk
 9. eilortv   3H    80   593   overtoil
10. aglostu  11E    32   625   alongst
11. adennpr   O2    33   658   planned
12. abefiit   B3    36   694   beef
13. adiipst   2J    30   724   paid
14. aeehnwy   4J    50   774   hyaena
15. ceilmrs  14G    90   864   musclier
16. aeeiuvx   M8    50   914   exuviae
17. deeimuw   L8    34   948   wem
18. degituz  12L    48   996   ditz

Remaining tiles: egiqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7456 Filesusieq8182  3 11:30  -667  329     1.7456 susieq8182  3 11:30  -667  329 

On 1st draw, (M)OINEAU H8 64 --- MOINEAU a small flat bastion [n]
Other tops: (M)OINEAU H2 64, (M)OINEAU H3 64, (M)OINEAU H6 64, (M)OINEAU H7 64
Other moves: (M)OINEAU H4 62, (M)OINEAU H5 62, AEONI(C) H3 12, AEONI(C) H4 12, AEONI(C) H8 12

On 2nd draw, I(N)JURES 15B 134 --- INJURE to do or cause injury to [v]
Other moves: JUI(C)ERS 15B 113, I(N)JURIES 10H 82, JURIS(T) 15D 81, INJURE(R)S 11G 78, INJUR(I)ES 11G 78

On 3rd draw, HADJ D12 30 --- HADJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other tops: HAGDEN G7 30
Other moves: HAED G9 28, HANGED G7 28, ADHAN G8 26, HAEN G9 26, EDH G11 25

On 4th draw, NATIFOR(M) 8A 83 --- NATIFORM shaped like a buttock [adj]
Other moves: FRANION 11E 40, IFTAR I8 28, OAF C11 27, AFRONT 13H 26, FANO(N) C11 26

On 5th draw, LOY C11 27 --- LOY a long narrow spade [n]
Other tops: FOYLE E8 27, LEY C11 27, UEY C11 27
Other moves: LORY G10 26, YOUR I9 26, FLUIER E8 25, FOULER E8 25, FOULIE E8 25

On 6th draw, TABOOING A2 64 --- TABOO to exclude or prohibit by social influence [v]
Other moves: BIGFOOT E5 52, BIOG E10 27, BIGOT 7B 26, BOG E11 25, TABOO 7B 24

On 7th draw, BESTREWN 4A 78 --- BESTREW to scatter [v]
Other moves: TWEENERS 12F 72, RENEWS B1 41, RESEWN B1 41, ENEWS B2 39, EWERS B2 39
EWES B2 29 susieq8182

On 8th draw, CRONK H1 33 --- CRONK poor in quality [adj]
Other moves: KENNER H1 30, KRONEN H1 30, ROK E11 30, TROCKEN 2A 30, CONK 10C 29
KEEN H1 24 susieq8182

On 9th draw, OVERTOIL 3H 80 --- OVERTOIL to wear out or exhaust by excessive toil [v]
Other moves: OUTLIVER 14G 78, OVERTOIL 9H 66, VARIOLE 13G 30, OVERLIT 3H 28, KEVIL 5H 24
VOR E11 24 susieq8182

On 10th draw, ALONGST 11E 32 --- ALONGST along [adv]
Other moves: GALLOUS O1 27, OFLAGS E7 26, FLAGS E8 24, FLOGS E8 24, GALLUS O1 24
GALLS O1 21 susieq8182

On 11th draw, PLANNED O2 33 --- PLAN to formulate a plan (a method for achieving an end) [v]
Other moves: PANEER B1 32, UNPARED 14H 32, PLANNER O2 30, AREDE B2 29, DEEP B3 28
PLANNED O2 33 susieq8182

On 12th draw, BEEF B3 36 --- BEEF the flesh of domestic cattle as food [n] --- BEEF to add bulk to [v]
Other moves: FEAT 2J 34, FAE 2J 31, BAIT 2J 28, BEAT 2J 28, FA 2J 28
BEEF B3 36 susieq8182

On 13th draw, PAID 2J 30 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other moves: PAIS 2J 28, PAST 2J 28, STIPA 7C 26, PAS 2J 25, PASS C2 25
PIAS C1 22 susieq8182

On 14th draw, HYAENA 4J 50 --- HYAENA a wolflike mammal [n]
Other moves: WHYS C1 42, YAH 4K 37, YAW 4K 37, HAYS C1 36, HEYS C1 36
CHAW 1H 23 susieq8182

On 15th draw, MUSCLIER 14G 90 --- MUSCLY composed of muscle (tissue that produces bodily movement) [adj]
Other moves: CLAIMERS 13F 78, CALMIER 13G 30, MALICES 13G 30, MARCELS 13G 30, AMICES 13H 26
MISS C1 22 susieq8182

On 16th draw, EXUVIAE M8 50 --- EXUVIUM the moulted covering of an animal [n]
Other moves: AX 14A 36, EX 14A 36, AXE 13K 35, EAUX N7 32, EX 5E 31
EX 15N 29 susieq8182

On 17th draw, WEM L8 34 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other moves: UM N9 29, EWE L7 28, IDEM L7 27, WE L8 27, AIMED B8 26
WEM L8 34 susieq8182

On 18th draw, DITZ 12L 48 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: ZED B10 42, TOUZLED F7 37, GUIZER 2C 36, GUTZER 2C 36, TOUZLE F7 35
ZEE F2 32 susieq8182

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