On 2nd draw, (M)OJO G5 37 --- MOJO a magic charm [n]
Other tops: JO(E) G7 37, (D)OJO G5 37
Other moves: JO G7 36, J(A) G7 34, J(O) G7 34, T(A)J G5 34, JOLLO(P) 10F 30 (D)OJO G5 37 PIThompson
On 3rd draw, OU(T)LAY F1 32 --- OUTLAY to pay out [v]
Other tops: Y(E)A I7 32
Other moves: AL(L)OY F2 31, A(L)LOY F2 31, O(N)LAY F2 31, U(N)LAY F2 31, U(P)LAY F2 31 Y(E)A I7 32 PIThompson, susieq8182
On 4th draw, PROBED 1D 42 --- PROBE to investigate or examine thoroughly [v]
Other moves: BOORDE 1D 36, PROBE 1D 36, REBOP H1 34, BOOED 1D 33, BOORD 1D 33 PROBED 1D 42 PIThompson
On 5th draw, FARDEL 4A 28 --- FARDEL a bundle [n]
Other moves: FADER I3 25, DRAF(T)ED 3B 24, FARDENS 13B 24, SNARFED 13H 24, DEFEND 11E 22 FADER I3 25 PIThompson
On 6th draw, STRICKEN 13H 80 --- STRICKEN strongly affected or afflicted [adj]
Other moves: FECKIN A4 45, EIRACK B1 44, RA(M)EKIN 5E 44, RETACK B1 44, CRANK B2 42 TRICK I3 36 PIThompson KIEF A1 33 susieq8182
On 7th draw, IRONIST 2I 71 --- IRONIST one who used irony [n]
Other moves: IRONIEST N8 70, IRONIEST 11C 66, IN(T)ROITS 3D 64, IRONIST F8 64, FIORINS A4 30 FIRST A4 24 PIThompson FROST A4 24 susieq8182
On 8th draw, VANMEN O8 36 --- VANMAN a person who drives a van [n]
Other tops: VATMEN O8 36
Other moves: FENMAN A4 33, MAVEN N10 32, MANENT N10 28, MENTA 3K 28, VENA 3I 28 MAVEN N10 32 PIThompson MAE 1M 27 susieq8182
On 9th draw, HAFF A1 39 --- HAFF a seaside lagoon [n]
Other tops: HUFF A1 39
Other moves: FAUGH A4 36, GAFFE A1 36, PUFF A1 36, GAFF A1 33, GUFF A1 33 HUFF A1 39 susieq8182, PIThompson
On 10th draw, AX 14M 42 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: OX 14M 42
Other moves: AX B1 41, EX B1 41, EXA(M) 5D 41, OX B1 41, TOGAE 1K 37 AX 14M 42 PIThompson EXA(M) 5D 41 susieq8182
On 11th draw, HA(M)ZA 5E 42 --- HAMZA an Arabic diacritical mark [n]
Other tops: HAZE F8 42
Other moves: MAZE F8 40, MEZE F8 40, GHAZEL 10C 39, HEAME B2 39, GAZE F8 38 ZEE N9 33 susieq8182 ZEL 10F 32 PIThompson
On 13th draw, PRICED 14B 29 --- PRICE to set a value on [v]
Other moves: DEAIR B2 27, ETIC O1 27, PIE 1M 27, CARP I4 26, IDEA B1 26 PIE 1M 27 susieq8182, PIThompson
On 14th draw, AMIE 1L 36 --- AMIE a female friend [n]
Other moves: MAAING B2 35, ETAMIN O1 33, MAWGER C9 30, MIEN 15A 30, WE I7 29 WE I7 29 PIThompson MEWING 4I 28 susieq8182
On 15th draw, VEIN 3I 29 --- VEIN to fill with veins (tubular blood vessels) [v]
Other moves: OVEN 3H 26, OVONIC L8 24, UNVOICE E9 24, VIE 15A 24, VOE 15A 24 OVEN 3H 26 PIThompson VIE 15A 24 susieq8182