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Game of February 8, 2013 at 22:55, 4 players
1. 663 pts musdrive
2. 145 pts susieq8182
3. 144 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eefglv   H4    28    28   fever
 2. ?eeiiim   4H    22    50   feminie
 3. abeelos   8F    60   110   earlobes
 4. dennrsu   9B    76   186   underns
 5. afnrtuy   N2    38   224   arefy
 6. aejkptt  10E    39   263   ake
 7. aaimnow   D8    39   302   adwoman
 8. cgiortu   1L    39   341   curt
 9. deglnor   5B    72   413   goldener
10. aghilpt   B2    40   453   plight
11. aehlnow   A1    48   501   noah
12. agintuv  14A    78   579   vaunting
13. beeoost  15H    33   612   oboes
14. diiortz  14J    64   676   zo
15. addeils  13I    86   762   laddies
16. aciprrw  O10    42   804   ripsaw
17. ciiortx   6E    53   857   ox
18. eijrttt  A12    66   923   jive
19. giqttuy  N11    57   980   quey
20. cgiirtt   A6    27  1007   cig

Remaining tiles: irttt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7563 Filemusdrive    6 13:37  -344  663     1.7563 musdrive    6 13:37  -344  663 
  2.7349 Filesusieq8182  1  5:11  -862  145     2.7349 susieq8182  1  5:11  -862  145 
  3.7164 FileGLOBEMAN    0  6:16  -863  144     3.7164 GLOBEMAN    0  6:16  -863  144 
  4.7354 Filesunshine12  0  1:54  -983   24     4.7354 sunshine12  0  1:54  -983   24 

On 1st draw, FEVE(R) H4 28 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other tops: F(A)VEL H4 28
Other moves: FLE(D)GE H4 26, GLE(A)VE H8 26, FLEG(S) H4 24, F(O)GLE H4 24, F(U)GLE H4 24
FEVE(R) H4 28 musdrive

On 2nd draw, FEMI(N)IE 4H 22 --- FEMINIE women collectively [n]
Other moves: MEI(N)IE G7 19, MEI(N)IE I7 19, FEME(S) 4H 18, FEM(M)E 4H 18, FE(H)ME 4H 18
FEMI(N)IE 4H 22 musdrive

On 3rd draw, EA(R)LOBES 8F 60 --- EARLOBE the soft lower part of the outer ear [n]
Other moves: BALES 3I 38, BOLAS 3I 38, BOLES 3I 38, ABELES 3J 31, SEEABLE N2 30
BOLAS 3I 38 musdrive

On 4th draw, UNDERNS 9B 76 --- UNDERN the third hour [n]
Other moves: UNDERNS 9A 66, NUDES 3I 29, RUDES 3I 29, NERDS 9D 26, NURDS 9D 26
NUDES 3I 29 musdrive
NERDS 9D 26 susieq8182

On 5th draw, AREFY N2 38 --- AREFY to dry up [v]
Other tops: FAERY N2 38
Other moves: FY 10F 36, AFT 10E 33, ARF 10D 33, ENUF 5H 30, FA 10F 30
FY 8A 29 musdrive
RYA 8A 25 susieq8182

On 6th draw, AKE 10E 39 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other moves: KAJEPUT B4 38, KA 10F 36, UPTAKE B9 36, JAKEY 6J 35, JAPE 7J 34
PEAT 10B 29 musdrive

On 7th draw, ADWOMAN D8 39 --- ADWOMAN a woman employed in the advertising business [n]
Other moves: AMIA 8A 31, DWAM D9 31, AIDMAN D7 30, MOAI 8A 29, ADMAN D8 28
WOMAN 11G 27 musdrive

On 8th draw, CURT 1L 39 --- CURT abrupt [adj]
Other moves: COURT 1K 36, GIRO 1L 33, GIRT 1L 33, GORI 1L 33, GUIRO 1K 33
COOT 11B 18 musdrive

On 9th draw, GOLDENER 5B 72 --- GOLDEN of the colour of gold [adj]
Other moves: IGNOBLER K4 44, LODEN C11 26, OGLED O6 26, REDONE 5G 26, DONER C11 25
GOD C11 23 musdrive

On 10th draw, PLIGHT B2 40 --- PLIGHT to promise or bind by a solemn pledge [v]
Other moves: PLINTH 14A 38, UPLIGHT B9 38, ALIGHT B2 36, ALIGHT O6 35, LAIGH B2 34
ALIGHT O6 35 musdrive

On 11th draw, NOAH A1 48 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other moves: WHEAL C11 40, HAVEN 6F 39, HOVEA 6F 39, HOVEL 6F 39, HOVEN 6F 39
WHEAL D1 30 musdrive

On 12th draw, VAUNTING 14A 78 --- VAUNT to brag [v] --- VAUNTING the act of vaunting [n]
Other moves: VAUTING 13C 28, GAVOT 11A 24, STAVING M8 24, VINAL D1 24, VITAL D1 24
STAVING M8 24 musdrive

On 13th draw, OBOES 15H 33 --- OBOE a woodwind instrument [n]
Other tops: OBESE 15H 33
Other moves: BEGO H12 30, BEGS H12 30, BOGS H12 30, BOOTS 11B 28, SOOTE 15F 28
BEE C1 21 musdrive

On 14th draw, ZO 14J 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZORIL D1 48, ZOA 13B 39, ZOOID J6 39, TROOZ J6 36, ZORI 7J 34
ZO 14J 64 musdrive, susieq8182

On 15th draw, LADDIES 13I 86 --- LADDIE a lad [n]
Other moves: ADDIES 13I 35, ADDLES 13I 35, LADDIE 13I 34, SADDLE 13I 34, ADDLE 13I 33
LADED 13I 32 musdrive
ZOEAL 14J 30 susieq8182

On 16th draw, RIPSAW O10 42 --- RIPSAW a type of saw [n] --- RIPSAW to saw wood by cutting with the grain [v]
Other moves: WIPER N10 36, CAPRIS O8 33, CAW A6 33, PICRAS O8 33, PAWER N10 32
PAWER N10 32 musdrive

On 17th draw, OX 6E 53 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: CORTEX F1 33, OX 12L 33, OXIM J1 29, COX N9 27, REX F4 26
OX 6E 53 musdrive

On 18th draw, JIVE A12 66 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JEE 7G 41, JUT C13 38, JET C1 31, JETTY 6J 31, JITTER 10J 31
JIVE A12 66 musdrive

On 19th draw, QUEY N11 57 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: QUOIT J6 36, QUID L10 28, QI 13F 26, QUIT K2 26, UEY N12 26
QUOIT J6 36 musdrive

On 20th draw, CIG A6 27 --- CIG a cigarette [n]
Other moves: CIT A6 24, GAIT 13C 20, COR 11C 16, COT 11C 16, GROT 11B 16
CIG A6 27 musdrive
CIT A6 24 sunshine12

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