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Game of February 9, 2013 at 16:26, 2 players
1. 155 pts jimbo
2. 18 pts a2sad

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deflrtu   H4    28    28   fluted
 2. ?aijnnv   4H    32    60   finjan
 3. beenorr   G9    67   127   enrober
 4. elorstz   L1    78   205   zelators
 5. aaeefms  H12    62   267   fame
 6. adegior   1H    54   321   agrized
 7. ?aemntv   2B    78   399   varment
 8. adeeenx   J1    71   470   reannexed
 9. aeirsuu   5J    32   502   nature
10. cgoqstu   8L    39   541   suqs
11. ?ghiios   B2    64   605   vigorish
12. inootuy  I13    30   635   yon
13. aeiilow   A5    35   670   wali
14. acdiiov   C9    26   696   avoid
15. abgilow   D1    90   786   brigalow
16. ekppsty  J12    38   824   yesk
17. ioprttu   N8    36   860   quittor
18. chioppt   E7    33   893   potch

Remaining tiles: cip

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6608 Filejimbo       1  3:42  -738  155     1.7811 a2sad       0  0:29  -875   18 
  2.7811 Filea2sad       0  0:29  -875   18            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6608 jimbo       1  3:42  -738  155 

On 1st draw, FLUTED H4 28 --- FLUTE to play on a flute (a woodwind instrument) [v]
Other tops: FURLED H4 28
Other moves: FLUED H4 26, FLUTER H4 26, FLUTE H4 24, FLUTED H7 24, FURLED H7 24
FLUTED H4 28 jimbo

On 2nd draw, FINJAN 4H 32 --- FINJAN a small cup without a handle [n]
Other tops: FINJAN(S) 4H 32, JAV(E)LIN 5D 32
Other moves: FINJA(N) 4H 30, FINJ(A)N 4H 30, FI(N)JAN 4H 30, F(I)NJAN 4H 30, J(O)VIAL 5C 30
JA I3 22 jimbo

On 3rd draw, ENROBER G9 67 --- ENROBER one that enrobes [n]
Other tops: ENROBER I9 67
Other moves: OBE 5K 34, OB 5K 30, ONER 5K 30, EON 5J 28, ONE 5K 28
OR 5K 24 jimbo

On 4th draw, ZELATORS L1 78 --- ZELATOR a nun who oversees the behaviour of other nuns [n]
Other moves: SELTZER 14B 72, ZOSTER N2 51, SEZ N4 49, ROZETS 15G 48, TROOZ 12D 48
ZEROS 15E 42 jimbo

On 5th draw, FAME H12 62 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other tops: FEME H12 62
Other moves: MZEES 1K 48, MASE H12 46, MESE H12 46, SAFE H12 42, AFEARS 15C 39
ZEES 1L 39 jimbo

On 6th draw, AGRIZED 1H 54 --- AGRIZE to terrify [v]
Other moves: AGRIZE 1H 48, DORIZE 1H 48, DOZIER 1J 48, GAZIER 1J 48, AZIDE 1K 45

On 7th draw, VA(R)MENT 2B 78 --- VARMENT an animal considered to be a pest [n]
Other moves: VA(R)MENT F3 71, VATMEN I10 38, V(A)TMEN I10 37, (D)AME F12 37, (W)AME F12 37

On 8th draw, REANNEXED J1 71 --- REANNEX to annex again [v]
Other moves: AXSEED 8J 42, EXED 2L 39, DEX I13 36, EXEMED 14E 36, AXEMEN 14E 33

On 9th draw, NATURE 5J 32 --- NATURE the power that creates and regulates the world [n]
Other moves: NATES 5J 30, DRUSE N1 29, DAES N1 27, DAIS N1 27, DEUS N1 27

On 10th draw, SUQS 8L 39 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: COG I13 28, COS I13 26, COT I13 26, CUT I13 26, QATS C1 26

On 11th draw, VIGO(R)ISH B2 64 --- VIGORISH a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other moves: O(O)H F12 39, (D)OH F12 39, (O)OH F12 39, OH(O) F13 36, (A)HI F13 36

On 12th draw, YON I13 30 --- YON over there [adv]
Other moves: YO I13 26, YU I13 26, ONY 3E 25, TOON A7 25, TOUN A7 25

On 13th draw, WALI A5 35 --- WALI a governor [n]
Other tops: WALE A5 35
Other moves: AIOLI A4 33, AIOLI A7 28, LAW I6 27, LEW I6 27, ALOE A6 26

On 14th draw, AVOID C9 26 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other tops: V(R)AIC D1 26
Other moves: IODIC C9 24, CADI C1 23, AMIDIC E1 22, MODICA E2 22, AVOID K9 21

On 15th draw, B(R)IGALOW D1 90 --- BRIGALOW an acacia tree [n]
Other moves: WILGA F6 28, BLAW B11 27, BLOW B11 27, LAW I6 27, BAWL B12 25

On 16th draw, YESK J12 38 --- YESK to hiccup [v]
Other tops: PESKY 14A 38
Other moves: PESKY E7 37, KEY I6 35, TSK J13 34, ESKY 14B 32, YESK 14A 32

On 17th draw, QUITTOR N8 36 --- QUITTOR an inflammation of an animal's hoof [n]
Other moves: PIT 9M 28, PI 9M 25, PUTTI F6 23, PUTTO F6 23, ROUPIT E7 23

On 18th draw, POTCH E7 33 --- POTCH to trample in mud [v]
Other tops: TICH D12 33, TOPH D12 33
Other moves: HIP E5 32, HIPPO F6 32, HOP E5 32, PHOT B11 30, CHIP 12A 28
CHIT 11K 18 a2sad

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