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Game of February 9, 2013 at 18:45, 6 players
1. 715 pts a2sad
2. 652 pts PIThompson
3. 203 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehprtu   H3    30    30   threap
 2. aeefnot   G7    25    55   fone
 3. aeiostw  H10    41    96   towies
 4. ?aaguvy  F10    41   137   vuggy
 5. ?ddegit  15H    86   223   stedding
 6. aellmrt   E8    30   253   trema
 7. dehiloy   3D    70   323   holytide
 8. adenrsz  D10    65   388   razed
 9. aaceisu   L1    34   422   casa
10. eeiinst   5D    82   504   niteries
11. abekmno   1H    48   552   bemock
12. aceejno   8A    51   603   eject
13. afloosu  14J    36   639   foal
14. ooprsux   9A    46   685   sox
15. binorru   4A    30   715   biro
16. ainnrtv   C7    27   742   vext
17. alnnruw   A1    27   769   warb
18. agiipqu   J5    36   805   equip
19. ilnnoru   M4    61   866   linuron
20. aagilnu   K5    27   893   signal

Remaining tiles: anu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7752 Filea2sad      14 14:35  -178  715     1.7752 a2sad      14 14:35  -178  715 
  2.7784 FilePIThompson  9 18:44  -241  652     2.7784 PIThompson  9 18:44  -241  652 
  3.7072 Fileargomearns  3  5:46  -690  203     3.7072 argomearns  3  5:46  -690  203 
  4.7116 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:40  -767  126     4.7116 GLOBEMAN    1  4:40  -767  126 
  5.7546 Filemusdrive    1  1:01  -863   30     5.7546 musdrive    1  1:01  -863   30 
  6.6612 Filejimbo       0  1:58  -863   30            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6612 jimbo       0  1:58  -863   30 

On 1st draw, THREAP H3 30 --- THREAP to dispute (pa p THREAPIT) [v]
Other tops: PRUTAH H7 30, TERAPH H7 30
Other moves: HEPAR H4 28, PRUTAH H4 28, TERAPH H8 28, THREAP H7 28, PHARE H4 26
THREAP H3 30 musdrive, a2sad
HATER H4 24 PIThompson

On 2nd draw, FONE G7 25 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other tops: FOEN G7 25, FONT G7 25
Other moves: FOE G7 24, FON G7 24, OAF G5 23, HEFTE 4H 22, NEAFE I6 22
FONT G7 25 PIThompson, a2sad

On 3rd draw, TOWIES H10 41 --- TOWIE a form of contract bridge for three players [n]
Other moves: TOWIES F8 37, TAWIE F8 36, TAWSE F8 36, TOWIE F8 36, TOWSE F8 36
TOWIES H10 41 a2sad, PIThompson

On 4th draw, VU(G)GY F10 41 --- VUGGY abounding in vugs [adj]
Other tops: VUG(G)Y F10 41, VUG(H)Y F10 41
Other moves: (C)AVY F8 37, (D)AVY F8 37, (W)AVY F8 37, AV(R)UGA F9 35, VAGA(R)Y F10 34
VUG(G)Y F10 41 a2sad
(T)AY F8 33 PIThompson

On 5th draw, STEDDI(N)G 15H 86 --- STEDD to help [v]
Other moves: (R)IDGETOP 8A 39, T(H)IRDED 5E 32, DEG(S) I7 29, EDG(E)D I5 29, GED(S) I7 29
(R)IDGETOP 8A 39 a2sad
DEG(S) I7 29 PIThompson

On 6th draw, TREMA E8 30 --- TREMA an orifice [n]
Other tops: MEAL 14J 30, MEAT 14J 30
Other moves: MAE 14J 27, MARTE(N) N10 26, MEAT I4 25, MELA I4 25, MELT I4 25
MEAL 14J 30 PIThompson, GLOBEMAN
MEAT 14J 30 a2sad

On 7th draw, HOLYTIDE 3D 70 --- HOLYTIDE a time of religious observance [n]
Other moves: HOYDE(N) N10 40, HYED I6 40, YODH D12 40, HEID 14J 38, HIED 14J 38
HOLY D12 38 PIThompson, a2sad

On 8th draw, RAZED D10 65 --- RAZE to tear down or demolish [v]
Other moves: RAZES D10 63, RAZE D10 61, REZ D10 59, IZARDS 13H 52, ZEDS D12 52
RAZED D10 65 a2sad
ZEDS D12 52 PIThompson

On 9th draw, CASA L1 34 --- CASA a dwelling [n]
Other tops: CASE L1 34
Other moves: AECIA 2B 31, AESC L1 30, SAICE L3 30, SAUCE L3 30, CAUSA 2B 29
CASE L1 34 PIThompson, a2sad

On 10th draw, NITERIES 5D 82 --- NITERIE a nightclub [n]
Other moves: EINSTEI(N) N8 68, DIETINES J3 63, SIENITE M4 61, ETENS I6 30, NETES I6 30
ENTICES 1H 27 PIThompson
TENS I7 27 a2sad

On 11th draw, BEMOCK 1H 48 --- BEMOCK to deride [v]
Other moves: OBEAH 4D 46, BECKON 1J 42, KAME 4A 42, BAKE 4A 38, BEAK 14J 38
BEMOCK 1H 48 a2sad
KAME 4A 42 PIThompson
MOBE 4C 36 argomearns
CAKE 1L 30 jimbo

On 12th draw, EJECT 8A 51 --- EJECT to throw out forcibly [v]
Other moves: JANE 4A 50, AJEE 4A 36, CAJON 2A 35, CONJEED K9 34, CONJEED L9 34
EJECT 8A 51 a2sad
JANE 4A 50 PIThompson

On 13th draw, FOAL 14J 36 --- FOAL to give birth to a horse [v]
Other tops: FOOL 14J 36
Other moves: FOALS 6J 33, FOOLS 6J 33, FOULS 6J 33, SULFA N1 33, SULFO N1 33
FOOL 14J 36 a2sad
SOFA N1 31 argomearns
SOUL N1 25 PIThompson

On 14th draw, SOX 9A 46 --- SOCK a knitted or woven covering for the foot [n]
Other moves: OX 9B 43, SOX N1 37, POX C13 35, OXO 4B 32, SOPOR N1 31
SOX 9A 46 a2sad, PIThompson, argomearns

On 15th draw, BIRO 4A 30 --- BIRO a ballpoint pen -- a trademark [n]
Other tops: BRIO 4A 30, OBI 4D 30
Other moves: NIB 4C 27, NOB 4C 27, NUB 4C 27, RIB 4C 27, ROB 4C 27
OBI 4D 30 a2sad
BIRO 4A 30 PIThompson
ROB 4C 27 argomearns

On 16th draw, VEXT C7 27 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: NEXT C7 21, VANT 2A 21, VINT 2A 21, NAIRA 2K 19, RAITA 2K 19
VEXT C7 27 a2sad
VAT 2B 19 PIThompson

On 17th draw, WARB A1 27 --- WARB a dirty or insignificant person [n]
Other moves: WAN C13 25, WAR C13 25, AWA 2J 22, WAN 2E 22, WRAWL 12H 22
WARB A1 27 argomearns, PIThompson
WAR C13 25 a2sad

On 18th draw, EQUIP J5 36 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other moves: QAID 14A 28, QUAD 14A 28, QUAD L12 28, QUID 14A 28, PUDGY 14B 24
EQUIP J5 36 a2sad, argomearns, PIThompson

On 19th draw, LINURON M4 61 --- LINURON a herbicide [n]
Other moves: UNAI 2J 23, URAO 2J 23, INULIN 8J 21, ELSIN K3 20, NAIRU 2K 19
UNAI 2J 23 a2sad
NAIL 2K 17 PIThompson

On 20th draw, SIGNAL K5 27 --- SIGNAL to notify by a means of communication [v]
Other moves: SIGNA K5 26, GUANA N2 25, LIANA N2 23, UNAI 2J 23, AGAIN L8 22
SIGNAL K5 27 PIThompson
UNAI 2J 23 a2sad

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