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Game of February 15, 2013 at 17:32, 2 players
1. 601 pts a2sad
2. 269 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ooprux   H8    44    44   peroxo
 2. aadipst  12F    34    78   taxpaid
 3. efilotu   L5    66   144   outfield
 4. aelnntw   8L    30   174   flew
 5. ?abcisu   5G    72   246   caribous
 6. abgrswy   N2    40   286   gawsy
 7. eflnosy   O1    35   321   fone
 8. aeghimt   G9    40   361   megahit
 9. celnors   N8    82   443   encloser
10. aeilnoz  15D    75   518   zeatin
11. abikltv   H1    42   560   laika
12. enorttu  O11    33   593   outre
13. ehisttv  F10    32   625   het
14. abdnort  D11    32   657   bortz
15. eimnors   1A    83   740   misenrol
16. addeeny   I7    32   772   yede
17. aadgnrt   E4    76   848   gardant
18. adiinsu   C1    70   918   suidians

Remaining tiles: ejqvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7808 Filea2sad       7 17:20  -317  601     1.7808 a2sad       7 17:20  -317  601 
  2.7123 FileSQUAW1      1  8:35  -649  269     2.7123 SQUAW1      1  8:35  -649  269 

On 1st draw, P(E)ROXO H8 44 --- PEROXO containing the bivalent group of two oxygens [adj]
Other moves: P(E)ROXO H4 34, PROX(Y) H4 32, P(E)ROXO H7 30, P(E)ROXO H3 28, P(E)ROXO H5 28
PROX(Y) H4 32 a2sad

On 2nd draw, TAXPAID 12F 34 --- TAXPAID paid for by taxes [adj]
Other moves: ADAPTS G10 33, ADAPT G10 32, SPADIX 12C 32, ATAPS G10 30, ATAP G10 29
TAXPAID 12F 34 a2sad

On 3rd draw, OUTFIELD L5 66 --- OUTFIELD a part of a baseball field [n]
Other moves: FLUORITE 10D 65, FOOTLE 11G 36, FOUET 11G 31, FOLATE G9 29, FETAL G9 28
FLITE 11J 28 a2sad

On 4th draw, FLEW 8L 30 --- FLEW the floppy upper lip of dogs such as bloodhounds [n]
Other tops: FAWN 8L 30, FLAW 8L 30
Other moves: ENFANT 8J 27, TWAIN K9 27, LAWN K3 26, LWEI K9 25, WAITE K10 25
FLEW 8L 30 a2sad

On 5th draw, CA(R)IBOUS 5G 72 --- CARIBOU a large deer [n]
Other tops: SCABIOU(S) 5G 72, (S)CABIOUS 5G 72
Other moves: CU(M)BIAS I3 71, CUBI(C)AS I3 70, (C)UBICAS I3 70, SUB(V)ICAR 10A 69, SUBACI(D) I3 68
SCAB 13L 29 a2sad

On 6th draw, GAWSY N2 40 --- GAWSY well-fed and healthy looking [adj]
Other moves: BRASSY N1 38, BASSY N2 36, GRASSY N1 36, GASSY N2 34, SWAY 13L 33
GAWSY N2 40 a2sad

On 7th draw, FONE O1 35 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other tops: FOY O1 35
Other moves: FOLEYS 11J 33, NOSEY 13J 33, FEU 6J 31, FOLEY 11J 31, FOLLY 11J 31
FOY O1 35 a2sad

On 8th draw, MEGAHIT G9 40 --- MEGAHIT something extremely successful [n]
Other moves: THEMA H1 39, HAMATE G9 33, TAGMA H1 33, MAHOE 13E 31, THAIM K9 31
MEGAHIT G9 40 a2sad

On 9th draw, ENCLOSER N8 82 --- ENCLOSER one that encloses [n]
Other moves: ENSORCEL N8 74, COLTERS 15D 36, COSTREL 15D 36, CENTOS 15D 33, CLOTES 15D 33
CONTES 15D 33 a2sad

On 10th draw, ZEATIN 15D 75 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other moves: ZANTE 15D 72, ZLOTE 15D 72, ZERO 15L 69, ZORI 15L 69, AZONAL H1 48
ZORI 15L 69 a2sad

On 11th draw, LAIKA H1 42 --- LAIKA a small dog [n]
Other moves: BARK 15L 39, BIRK 15L 39, KART 15L 39, KIBLA H1 36, VIRL 15L 33
KART 15L 39 SQUAW1, a2sad

On 12th draw, OUTRE O11 33 --- OUTRE deviating from what is right or proper [adj]
Other moves: NERTZ D11 28, NOTE O12 28, RONE O12 28, ROTE O12 28, TROPE I9 28
TROPE I9 28 a2sad

On 13th draw, HET F10 32 --- HET a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: TATHS J11 32
Other moves: EH F9 31, HIVES F6 30, HAVES J11 29, THEIST K9 29, TETHS 6D 27
HET F10 32 a2sad, SQUAW1

On 14th draw, BORTZ D11 32 --- BORTZ diamond fragments [n]
Other moves: (R)OBAND I5 29, BAND I7 28, BOND I7 28, BRAID K9 26, DAB M1 26
BORTZ D11 32 a2sad

On 15th draw, MISENROL 1A 83 --- MISENROL to enrol incorrectly [v]
Other moves: MERINOS C6 67, MERSION C6 67, MORAINES 2E 64, ROMAINES 2E 64, ROMANISE 2E 64
MISENROL 1A 33 a2sad

On 16th draw, YEDE I7 32 --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: (R)EDENY I5 31, DENY I7 30, YEED I7 30, SDAYNED C1 28, DYE M1 27
ADD I8 26 a2sad

On 17th draw, GARDANT E4 76 --- GARDANT a guardian [n] --- GARDANT turned directly toward the observer -- used of a heraldic animal [adj]
Other moves: GRANA C9 26, ANTRA 2A 24, INTRADA B1 24, DAG M1 22, GAD M1 22
GARDANT E4 26 a2sad

On 18th draw, SUIDIANS C1 70 --- SUIDIAN a member of the pig family [n]
Other moves: SUIDIAN C6 67, INDUSIA C5 65, INSIST 13J 29, AIDS J12 25, ANDS J12 25
INDUSIA C5 15 a2sad

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