On 2nd draw, DIVINEST 8H 89 --- DIVINE pertaining to or characteristic of a god [adj]
Other moves: VANITIES 5G 72, INVITES G9 65, INVITES I9 65, CIVETS 4H 22, CIVIES 4H 22
On 3rd draw, AYURVE(D)A J4 65 --- AYURVEDA a Hindu system of medicine [n]
Other moves: AREA(W)AY 5E 36, RU(F)IYAA K5 36, AYE(S) 7L 24, AYU(S) 7L 24, EYA(S) 7L 24
On 4th draw, LOITERER M2 70 --- LOITERER one that loiters [n]
Other moves: RETAILOR 11G 66, RITORNEL L3 66, LOITERER M4 60, RETIRAL 11E 28, RETRIAL 11E 28
On 5th draw, ZEALO(T) 2J 68 --- ZEALOT one who is zealous [n]
Other moves: ZEAL(S) 2J 66, ZI(L)LA 2J 66, ZE(T)A L1 51, ZOEA L3 45, ZOE(A) L3 42
On 6th draw, S(T)OKED O1 45 --- STOKE to supply a furnace with fuel [v]
Other moves: DANKS L1 40, SNOKED 12J 40, ASKED L2 39, S(T)OKE O1 39, KENDOS K1 37 S(T)OKED O1 45 dragons11
On 7th draw, JATO L1 44 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other moves: YET K4 29, EYRE K2 26, JAY 11I 26, JAY L1 26, JEU 6F 26 JAY 11I 26 dragons11 AY 11J 10 GLOBEMAN
On 8th draw, WYTE K11 30 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other tops: YOWE K11 30
Other moves: MOTEY K11 28, WEEM K11 28, WEY K11 28, WYE K11 28, YEW K11 28 YOW K11 28 GLOBEMAN WEY K11 28 dragons11
On 9th draw, FLUIER L10 40 --- FLUEY infected with the flu [adj]
Other moves: NEIF L11 37, FEERIN 14J 34, FELINE 14J 34, FERINE 14J 34, FERLIE 14J 34
On 10th draw, VUTTIER 13H 22 --- VUTTY (Devonshire dialect) dirty [adj]
Other moves: RAVE 15L 21, VAR I3 21, REEVE 14J 20, VAREC 4D 20, ART I4 17
On 12th draw, PAGRIS N10 30 --- PAGRI a turban [n]
Other moves: PAGRI N10 28, PAIRS N10 26, AGATISE 14B 20, GAIRS N10 20, PATAGIA 5B 20
On 13th draw, FOAMED 11C 24 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other tops: MAFTED 11C 24
Other moves: AM K5 22, EM K5 22, FACED 11D 22, FAMED 11D 22, OM K5 22
On 14th draw, BONGRACE E6 63 --- BONGRACE a sunshade worn over a hat [n]
Other moves: BEFOG C9 28, BREN 12A 27, GENRO 12B 27, BERG 12B 26, ERGO 12C 26
On 15th draw, PHENOM D2 34 --- PHENOM a person of extraordinary ability or promise [n]
Other moves: PHEON 8A 33, OH O14 32, PHENOM F2 31, PHONE D4 31, RHO 10E 31
On 16th draw, XI 10B 30 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: BLAHING 3A 30
Other moves: CAXON 12E 29, FAIX C11 28, FALX C11 28, FLAX C11 28, FLIX C11 28
On 17th draw, ABID C3 36 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other moves: AWA C3 29, QAID F4 29, BIFID C9 28, TWA J13 28, WAD 9A 27
On 18th draw, TWA J13 28 --- TWA two [n]
Other moves: WANT I3 25, NIL N4 22, WAIL E1 22, WAIN E1 22, WAIT E1 22
On 19th draw, HATPIN 2A 34 --- HATPIN a pin for securing a hat [n]
Other moves: HAG 9A 27, AH K5 25, HANT I3 25, NAG 9A 24, TAG 9A 24