On 1st draw, KRONE H4 28 --- KRONE a former monetary unit of Austria [n] --- KRONE a monetary unit of Denmark [n]
Other tops: TRONK H8 28
Other moves: VOTER H4 24, REKNOT H3 22, REKNOT H4 22, REKNOT H7 22, REKNOT H8 22
On 2nd draw, DIREMPTS 5F 76 --- DIREMPT to separate into two [v]
Other moves: IMPOSTED 6E 71, IMPREST 5E 44, SPIRTED 5E 40, SKIMPED 4G 32, KEMPS 4H 26
On 3rd draw, C(O)WITCH L1 38 --- COWITCH a type of climbing plant [n]
Other moves: WHISK(Y) 4D 36, WHISK 4D 35, STICH(I)C L4 34, ST(I)CHIC L4 34, W(E)CHTS L1 34
On 5th draw, MINEOLA M7 86 --- MINEOLA a variety of citrus fruit [n]
Other moves: MINEOLA 9F 71, MINEOLA G8 65, MINEOLA I8 65, LIMACON 1H 33, MALONIC 1F 33 CAME 1L 24 dragons11
On 6th draw, JEBEL L11 47 --- JEBEL a mountain [n]
Other moves: JEEL L11 37, JEE L11 35, JEBEL 10J 32, JEWEL 3J 30, JEWIE 3J 30
On 7th draw, EPHORATE 8A 92 --- EPHORATE the office of an ephor [n]
Other moves: PHORATE 9E 74, EPHORATE 14E 71, PHORATE G8 71, PATCHER 1I 42, POACHER 1I 42
On 8th draw, NODE N8 30 --- NODE a swollen enlargement [n]
Other tops: DINERIC 1F 30, ERICOID 1I 30
Other moves: DICIER 1J 27, NORDIC 1G 27, ODE N9 27, ONEIRIC 1F 27, REDON 9D 27
On 9th draw, DOUCINE 1I 30 --- DOUCINE a cornice moulding [n]
Other moves: ANODIC 1G 27, DECANI 1J 27, DINO O6 27, INDUCE 1H 27, UNAIDED 10H 27
On 10th draw, STAR K11 40 --- STAR to shine as a star (a natural luminous body visible in the sky) [v]
Other moves: GAST K9 35, GUST K9 35, GAURS O4 33, GUARS O4 33, RAST K9 33
On 12th draw, GROANFUL D6 74 --- GROANFUL full of groans [adj]
Other moves: AFR(O) 2I 32, FLAWN 3I 30, FR(O) 2J 28, FURAN 2F 25, LANGUR 9F 25
On 13th draw, NAIF 2G 31 --- NAIF a naive person [n] --- NAIF naive [adj]
Other moves: IF 2I 29, FLAVIN 13C 26, VIVA 4C 23, VIVA C3 23, LIFT 15L 21
On 14th draw, WREST 14J 42 --- WREST to take away by force [v]
Other moves: AWAREST 14H 34, ATWEEL 15G 32, TEWELS 15H 32, TWEELS 15H 32, WASTEL 15G 32
On 15th draw, BORAGE 15E 32 --- BORAGE a medicinal herb [n]
Other moves: BARGE 15F 29, GARBE 15F 29, GARBO 15F 29, BARGE 9F 28, BORAGE 9F 28
On 16th draw, PIVOTAL B8 40 --- PIVOTAL critically important [adj]
Other moves: OLLAV 13C 24, VATFUL 11A 24, VIOLA 3C 21, VOILA 3C 21, VOLTA 3C 21
On 17th draw, FIQUE 11D 34 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: QUATE 3C 33, QUITE 3C 33, QUATE 4B 31, QUITE 4B 31, QUAI 4C 29
On 18th draw, XI 12H 34 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: TAX A13 34, XU 12H 34
Other moves: AYU 14E 33, AX 2N 31, AY 14E 30, AX 15N 29, AX A14 29
On 19th draw, AZURITE 1A 103 --- AZURITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: AZURITE 3A 87, ZEA 14F 67, ZA 14F 64, IZAR A12 58, ZEA A13 49