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Game of February 17, 2013 at 04:06, 1 player
1. 84 pts dragons11

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eknortv   H4    28    28   krone
 2. deimpst   5F    76   104   dirempts
 3. ?cchisw   L1    38   142   cowitch
 4. ?agoooy   6G    32   174   oofy
 5. aeilmno   M7    86   260   mineola
 6. beeijlo  L11    47   307   jebel
 7. aehoprt   8A    92   399   ephorate
 8. deiinor   N8    30   429   node
 9. adeinou   1I    30   459   doucine
10. agrrstu  K11    40   499   star
11. adegors   O4    36   535   degas
12. afglnru   D6    74   609   groanful
13. afintvv   2G    31   640   naif
14. aaeestw  14J    42   682   wrest
15. abegoqr  15E    32   714   borage
16. ailotuv   B8    40   754   pivotal
17. aeiiqtu  11D    34   788   fique
18. aituvxy  12H    34   822   xi
19. aeirtuz   1A   103   925   azurite

Remaining tiles: vy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7084 Filedragons11   1  4:05  -841   84     1.7084 dragons11   1  4:05  -841   84 

On 1st draw, KRONE H4 28 --- KRONE a former monetary unit of Austria [n] --- KRONE a monetary unit of Denmark [n]
Other tops: TRONK H8 28
Other moves: VOTER H4 24, REKNOT H3 22, REKNOT H4 22, REKNOT H7 22, REKNOT H8 22

On 2nd draw, DIREMPTS 5F 76 --- DIREMPT to separate into two [v]
Other moves: IMPOSTED 6E 71, IMPREST 5E 44, SPIRTED 5E 40, SKIMPED 4G 32, KEMPS 4H 26

On 3rd draw, C(O)WITCH L1 38 --- COWITCH a type of climbing plant [n]
Other moves: WHISK(Y) 4D 36, WHISK 4D 35, STICH(I)C L4 34, ST(I)CHIC L4 34, W(E)CHTS L1 34

On 4th draw, OO(F)Y 6G 32 --- OOFY expensive, ostentatious [adj]
Other tops: OO(S)Y 6G 32
Other moves: CAGY 1L 30, YOG(I)C 1H 30, O(N)Y 6H 29, O(X)Y 6H 29, AC(C)OY 1K 27
COY(S) 1L 24 dragons11

On 5th draw, MINEOLA M7 86 --- MINEOLA a variety of citrus fruit [n]
Other moves: MINEOLA 9F 71, MINEOLA G8 65, MINEOLA I8 65, LIMACON 1H 33, MALONIC 1F 33
CAME 1L 24 dragons11

On 6th draw, JEBEL L11 47 --- JEBEL a mountain [n]
Other moves: JEEL L11 37, JEE L11 35, JEBEL 10J 32, JEWEL 3J 30, JEWIE 3J 30

On 7th draw, EPHORATE 8A 92 --- EPHORATE the office of an ephor [n]
Other moves: PHORATE 9E 74, EPHORATE 14E 71, PHORATE G8 71, PATCHER 1I 42, POACHER 1I 42

On 8th draw, NODE N8 30 --- NODE a swollen enlargement [n]
Other tops: DINERIC 1F 30, ERICOID 1I 30
Other moves: DICIER 1J 27, NORDIC 1G 27, ODE N9 27, ONEIRIC 1F 27, REDON 9D 27

On 9th draw, DOUCINE 1I 30 --- DOUCINE a cornice moulding [n]
Other moves: ANODIC 1G 27, DECANI 1J 27, DINO O6 27, INDUCE 1H 27, UNAIDED 10H 27

On 10th draw, STAR K11 40 --- STAR to shine as a star (a natural luminous body visible in the sky) [v]
Other moves: GAST K9 35, GUST K9 35, GAURS O4 33, GUARS O4 33, RAST K9 33

On 11th draw, DEGAS O4 36 --- DEGAS to remove gas from [v]
Other tops: ADORES O3 36, D*G**S O3 36, D*G*S O4 36, DARGS O4 36, DEGRAS O3 36, DOGES O4 36, DRAGS O4 36, DREGS O4 36, GADES O4 36, GOADS O4 36, GRADES O3 36, GRADS O4 36, RADGES O3 36
Other moves: DARES O4 33, DEARS O4 33, DEROS O4 33, DOERS O4 33, EGADS O4 33
DRAGS O4 36 dragons11

On 12th draw, GROANFUL D6 74 --- GROANFUL full of groans [adj]
Other moves: AFR(O) 2I 32, FLAWN 3I 30, FR(O) 2J 28, FURAN 2F 25, LANGUR 9F 25

On 13th draw, NAIF 2G 31 --- NAIF a naive person [n] --- NAIF naive [adj]
Other moves: IF 2I 29, FLAVIN 13C 26, VIVA 4C 23, VIVA C3 23, LIFT 15L 21

On 14th draw, WREST 14J 42 --- WREST to take away by force [v]
Other moves: AWAREST 14H 34, ATWEEL 15G 32, TEWELS 15H 32, TWEELS 15H 32, WASTEL 15G 32

On 15th draw, BORAGE 15E 32 --- BORAGE a medicinal herb [n]
Other moves: BARGE 15F 29, GARBE 15F 29, GARBO 15F 29, BARGE 9F 28, BORAGE 9F 28

On 16th draw, PIVOTAL B8 40 --- PIVOTAL critically important [adj]
Other moves: OLLAV 13C 24, VATFUL 11A 24, VIOLA 3C 21, VOILA 3C 21, VOLTA 3C 21

On 17th draw, FIQUE 11D 34 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: QUATE 3C 33, QUITE 3C 33, QUATE 4B 31, QUITE 4B 31, QUAI 4C 29

On 18th draw, XI 12H 34 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: TAX A13 34, XU 12H 34
Other moves: AYU 14E 33, AX 2N 31, AY 14E 30, AX 15N 29, AX A14 29

On 19th draw, AZURITE 1A 103 --- AZURITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: AZURITE 3A 87, ZEA 14F 67, ZA 14F 64, IZAR A12 58, ZEA A13 49

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