On 2nd draw, CLONISM 9C 78 --- CLONISM the condition of having clonus [n]
Other moves: LACONISM 6G 70, CLONI(S)MS 7C 68, LIMACONS 6E 66, CLONISM(S) 7A 65, CLONISM 5E 44
On 3rd draw, RATOONED E5 86 --- RATOON to sprout from a root planted the previous year [v]
On 4th draw, JEHAD 12A 48 --- JEHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other moves: JADED 12A 44, HEJRA D11 43, HADJ D11 41, HEJRA D1 40, HADJ F11 39
On 5th draw, V(E)RMINED 3A 78 --- VERMINED infested with vermin [adj]
Other tops: VERMIN(S) J3 78
Other moves: VERMIN(E)D 3A 76, MIN(E)VER 10I 71, MIN(I)VER 10I 71, MINEV(E)R 10I 69, M(I)NIVER 10I 69
On 6th draw, JAWS A12 42 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: J*WSJEWS A12 42, JOWS A12 42
Other moves: WAVIES A1 39, WAVES A1 36, WIVES A1 36, JIAO A12 33, JOES A12 33
On 7th draw, FIERE B10 44 --- FIERE a companion [n]
Other moves: FIVER A1 36, VIVER A1 36, FIVER F11 35, FIBER F11 34, FIBRE F11 34
On 8th draw, FEVER A1 36 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other moves: GOVERN A1 33, VENGER A3 33, FORGE A6 32, ERVEN A1 27, GERNE F6 27 FEVER A1 36 dragons11
On 9th draw, FEVERING A1 45 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other moves: GANNET F6 30, TINGE F11 29, THEN C11 28, TING F11 28, HENT C12 26 FEVERING A1 45 dragons11 GANNET F6 30 SQUAW1
On 10th draw, DITZ F11 54 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: SITZ F11 52, AIZLE D6 51, SIZE F12 50, SAZ F12 49, SEZ F12 49
On 12th draw, TOYER 15D 45 --- TOYER one that toys [n]
Other moves: TYLER 15E 42, EYOT 15E 39, LYRE 15E 39, LYTE 15E 39, OYER 15E 39 HYTE C12 38 SQUAW1
On 13th draw, LEIPOAS J3 77 --- LEIPOA an Australian bird [n]
Other moves: LIMPAS D1 35, IMPEL D2 31, MAPS D3 31, MIPS D3 31, MOPS D3 31 APES I12 18 SQUAW1
On 14th draw, QUOAD K1 40 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other moves: QAT 2E 31, QUA 2E 31, LOQUAT 3J 30, EQUAL 4J 28, MAUL D3 25 QAT 2E 31 dragons11 LOQUAT 3J 30 SQUAW1
On 15th draw, QUEAN 1K 45 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other tops: QUEEN 1K 45, QUENA 1K 45
Other moves: HEN C12 24, BEMA D1 22, AREA 13A 20, NEB L4 20, NUMB D1 18 QUEEN 1K 45 dragons11 QUENA 1K 45 SQUAW1
On 16th draw, MUIL D3 25 --- MUIL a backless slipper [n]
Other tops: MOIL D3 25
Other moves: EVOKE M1 24, OKE 2D 23, UKE 2D 23, KUE 2E 21, LEKE G2 21 KO 2E 18 dragons11 LOKE 3J 16 SQUAW1
On 17th draw, AROW 13A 29 --- AROW in a row [adv]
Other tops: AREW 13A 29
Other moves: AWE 2M 26, HAW 2E 25, HEW 2E 25, HOW 2E 25, HAE 2M 23 HOW 2E 25 dragons11 HE 2N 22 SQUAW1
On 18th draw, AIRBAG 8J 30 --- AIRBAG an inflatable safety device in an automobile [n]
Other moves: BREI L3 27, AIRBAG N1 26, GUE L3 22, UREA L3 21, REB L4 20 BE 2N 18 SQUAW1
On 19th draw, OUTAGES 14H 72 --- OUTAGE a failure or interruption in use or functioning [n]
Other moves: OUSTER L3 25, GUES L3 24, GUST L3 24, SO G12 24, USAGE 2K 24 BOUGETS M8 22 SQUAW1 TEG L4 18 Grace_Tjie
On 20th draw, LITHE 15K 40 --- LITHE bending easily [adj] --- LITHE to listen [v]
Other moves: TYPEABLE 4G 32, HIP 15M 31, HEP 13M 28, HIP 13M 28, PEGH L12 28 LITHE 15K 40 SQUAW1 HIP 15M 31 Grace_Tjie