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Game of February 20, 2013 at 20:08, 3 players
1. 706 pts jimbo
2. 296 pts claymore
3. 294 pts pandora1._

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aahrsw   H8    82    82   shalwar
 2. ?aeeglr  15B   113   195   regales
 3. adeqttu   8H   107   302   squatted
 4. adegoru   M3    74   376   ragouted
 5. eenoopx   N4    56   432   nox
 6. aeghnos  A12    63   495   hang
 7. delortu   B7    68   563   trouled
 8. definoy   O1    55   618   defy
 9. aciikoo   8A    42   660   iroko
10. bnoptuv  C12    28   688   pone
11. elorsvy  13G    88   776   layovers
12. aeiiotz   L1    68   844   toaze
13. bbeiils   F2    79   923   bilbies
14. ajnrstu  D10    45   968   juts
15. aeiiint   9G    26   994   thine
16. eefimnp  14H    32  1026   ref
17. aacimnp   1G    36  1062   impact
18. eiiinrw  12L    30  1092   weir
19. acimnnv   3C    34  1126   minivan

Remaining tiles: cii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6553 Filejimbo       4 16:21  -420  706     1.6553 jimbo       4 16:21  -420  706 
  2.4659 Fileclaymore    1 12:56  -830  296     2.6694 pandora1._  2  6:46  -832  294 
  3.6694 Filepandora1._  2  6:46  -832  294            Group: not rated
                                             1.4659 claymore    1 12:56  -830  296 

On 1st draw, SHA(L)WAR H8 82 --- SHALWAR loose-fitting trousers [n]
Other tops: SHA(L)WAR H3 82, WASHRA(G) H4 82, (C)ARWASH H6 82
Other moves: SHA(L)WAR H2 76, SHA(L)WAR H4 76, SHA(L)WAR H6 76, SHA(L)WAR H7 76, WASHRA(G) H2 76
WASH(E)R H4 30 jimbo

On 2nd draw, REGALE(S) 15B 113 --- REGALE to delight [v]
Other moves: GALERE(S) 15B 110, EELGRA(S)S 8A 80, LEAG(U)ERS 8A 80, (B)EAGLERS 8A 80, (G)REGALES 8A 80
REGALE(S) 15B 113 jimbo

On 3rd draw, SQUATTED 8H 107 --- SQUAT to sit on one's heels [v]
Other moves: QUAD G7 36, QUATE 10F 36, QUATE G7 36, AQUAE 10E 34, QUAD 10F 34
SQUATTED 8H 107 jimbo
EQUATE C10 30 claymore

On 4th draw, RAGOUTED M3 74 --- RAGOUT to make into a highly seasoned stew [v]
Other tops: OUTRAGED M6 74
Other moves: OUTRAGED L6 70, RAGOUTED L3 70, DARG A12 51, DRAG A12 51, DREG A12 51
AD G9 13 jimbo

On 5th draw, NOX N4 56 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other moves: OX N5 53, EX I12 39, OX I12 39, PREX 14G 33, EXON N3 31
NOX N4 56 jimbo

On 6th draw, HANG A12 63 --- HANG to attach from above only [v]
Other tops: HONG A12 63
Other moves: SEAHOG A10 60, SHAG A12 54, SHOG A12 54, HAG A13 48, HOG A13 48
HONES O1 35 jimbo, claymore

On 7th draw, TROULED B7 68 --- TROULE to trundle [v]
Other moves: NODULE 14A 34, TRODE O1 34, UREDO O1 34, DROLER B10 33, DELATOR K5 32
TRODE O1 34 claymore
T*RD O1 27 jimbo

On 8th draw, DEFY O1 55 --- DEFY to resist openly and boldly [v]
Other tops: FENDY O1 55
Other moves: DENY O1 46, FOYNE O1 44, DEFY L2 43, DEF L4 39, FIEND O1 39
DEFY O1 55 jimbo, claymore

On 9th draw, IROKO 8A 42 --- IROKO a large African timber tree [n]
Other tops: ARIKI 8A 42
Other moves: CROAK 8A 36, CROOK 8A 36, OCA L3 34, CLOAK 11A 33, CIAO A6 28
CHI 9G 24 jimbo
(L)ICK 11H 18 claymore

On 10th draw, PONE C12 28 --- PONE a corn bread [n]
Other tops: POTE C12 28
Other moves: PLUTON 11A 27, NOPE C12 26, TOPE C12 26, BLUNT 11A 25, PO C12 24
NOPE C12 26 pandora1._
NOB 9A 17 jimbo
BOX 6L 12 claymore

On 11th draw, LAYOVERS 13G 88 --- LAYOVER a stopover [n]
Other moves: LAYOVERS K7 78, OVERLAYS K3 78, VOL(L)EYS 11E 48, KYLES D8 42, KEROS D8 36
OYS D10 30 pandora1._
OY N1 23 jimbo

On 12th draw, TOAZE L1 68 --- TOAZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: TOZE L2 64, TAI(L)ZIE 11E 60, ZA L4 58, ZIT D10 42, ZAIRE 14E 39
ZA L4 58 pandora1._, claymore
DZO 10M 33 jimbo

On 13th draw, BILBIES F2 79 --- BILBY a small nocturnal mammal [n]
Other moves: KIBES D8 40, BIBLIST 1F 33, BIL(L)IES 11E 32, BIBLIKE D3 30, BES D10 28
BIS D10 28 pandora1._
BLEST 1H 21 jimbo, claymore

On 14th draw, JUTS D10 45 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other moves: KRAUTS D8 43, JURANTS 1G 42, JAUNTS 1H 39, JURANT 1G 39, JURATS 1H 39
JAUNTS 1H 39 jimbo
JABS 5D 26 pandora1._
JEST L12 24 claymore

On 15th draw, THINE 9G 26 --- THINE a possessive form of the pronoun thou [pron]
Other tops: AHINT 9G 26
Other moves: HINT 9H 24, THIN 9G 23, HIN 9H 21, HIT 9H 21, QAT I8 21
NEAT 12L 18 pandora1._
AN E10 17 jimbo

On 16th draw, REF 14H 32 --- REF to referee [v]
Other moves: FEEN 12L 30, NEIF 12L 30, PIMENT 1G 30, FEMINIE 3C 28, NEMPT 1H 27
REF 14H 32 pandora1._
PIMENT 1G 30 jimbo

On 17th draw, IMPACT 1G 36 --- IMPACT to pack firmly together [v]
Other tops: CAMPION C3 36
Other moves: MANPACK D2 34, CAPITA 1H 30, APNEIC L10 29, PANICK D3 28, APISM N10 27
MAA 12L 22 pandora1._
PAINT 1H 21 jimbo

On 18th draw, WEIR 12L 30 --- WEIR a fence placed in a stream to catch fish [n] --- WEIR to guard [v]
Other moves: WE 12L 22, J*W 10D 21, NOW 9A 21, WILIER 4D 20, WINIER 3C 20
WEIR 12L 30 pandora1._
NOW 9A 21 jimbo

On 19th draw, MINIVAN 3C 34 --- MINIVAN a small van [n]
Other moves: AIM 2H 29, NAM 14L 29, AMINIC 3B 26, VINIC 3C 26, AM E10 25
AM 2I 24 jimbo, pandora1._
JA 10D 9 claymore

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