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Game of February 20, 2013 at 22:24, 2 players
1. 193 pts SQUAW1
2. 21 pts claymore

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?depsux   H7    46    46   duplex
 2. illnoqs   8G    68   114   quillons
 3. ?befgny   H7    54   168   duplexing
 4. doprsuy  G11    27   195   yod
 5. aelnorv   N1    76   271   veronals
 6. aehinry   K5    52   323   hyaline
 7. acdeenr  15F    63   386   engraced
 8. abeesuz  F10    48   434   zas
 9. agijkrs   1L    48   482   kiva
10. ceeimor   J3    32   514   crem
11. aegiirt  14A    22   536   tirage
12. aimooss  A11    30   566   omits
13. eeiirtu   3H    20   586   reciter
14. aablstu   B5    69   655   ablauts
15. deioort   A5    32   687   toed
16. ehjrtuv   C3    39   726   juve
17. abefiot   D1    40   766   biota
18. efginop   H1    33   799   forge
19. fhinotw   E5    48   847   howf
20. inprtuw  D10    28   875   inwrap

Remaining tiles: itu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7143 FileSQUAW1      2  8:20  -682  193     1.7143 SQUAW1      2  8:20  -682  193 
  2.4684 Fileclaymore    0  1:58  -854   21            Group: not rated
                                             1.4684 claymore    0  1:58  -854   21 

On 1st draw, DUP(L)EX H7 46 --- DUPLEX to make duple [v]
Other moves: P(O)DEX H8 44, SUP(L)EX H7 44, (A)USPEX H7 44, EXUD(E)S H3 42, EX(O)DUS H3 42

On 2nd draw, QUILLONS 8G 68 --- QUILLON part of sword handle [n]
Other moves: QIS I6 19, LILOS I11 17, LINO G6 17, LINO I6 17, LINOS I11 17

On 3rd draw, DUP(L)EX(I)NG H7 54 --- DUPLEX to make duple [v]
Other moves: (O)XYGEN 12G 32, BYG(O)NES N2 28, B(U)NGEYS N2 28, ENF(I)X 12D 28, FLYB(A)NE K7 28
BE(E)F G11 21 claymore

On 4th draw, YOD G11 27 --- YOD a Hebrew letter a past tense of YEAD, YEDE and YEED [n]
Other tops: DOP G11 27
Other moves: PROSODY L4 26, PROSODY L6 26, PROUDLY K3 26, SYRUPED 11C 26, POD G11 25

On 5th draw, VERONALS N1 76 --- VERONAL a barbitone [n]
Other moves: NOVA I11 39, OVA I12 32, AVEL F9 31, OVAL F9 31, OVEL F9 31

On 6th draw, HYALINE K5 52 --- HYALINE a transparent substance [n]
Other moves: HEAVY 1K 45, HAVE 1L 42, HIVE 1L 42, NAILERY K5 40, HYE I11 36

On 7th draw, ENGRACED 15F 63 --- ENGRACE to put grace into [v]
Other tops: CAREENED 2H 63
Other moves: ENCAVE 1J 42, CAVE 1L 36, CARVE 1K 33, CRAVE 1K 33, DEAVE 1K 30

On 8th draw, ZAS F10 48 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: BEZ M2 47, SEAZE 12K 44, BUAZE L1 43, BUAZE 14B 40, ZEBU J2 40

On 9th draw, KIVA 1L 48 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other tops: JAK J4 48
Other moves: JIRGA L1 47, RISK J3 42, ASK J4 41, JAKS J2 36, KANJIS M6 35

On 10th draw, CREM J3 32 --- CREM a crematorium [n]
Other moves: RIEM J3 30, REM J4 29, ROM J4 29, COME L3 28, D(I)MERIC 13G 28

On 11th draw, TIRAGE 14A 22 --- TIRAGE drawing wine from a barrel before bottling [n]
Other tops: AIGRET 14A 22, D(I)GERATI 13G 22, GAITER 14A 22, TRIAGE 14A 22
Other moves: GATER 14B 20, GRATE 14B 20, GREAT 14B 20, IRATE M1 20, TARGE 14B 20

On 12th draw, OMITS A11 30 --- OMIT to leave out [v]
Other tops: SAIMS 12K 30, SIMAS 12K 30, SMITS A11 30, SOMAS 12K 30, SOOMS 12K 30
Other moves: KAIMS L1 28, KAMIS L1 28, MAISTS A10 27, MATS A12 27, MOISTS A10 27

On 13th draw, RECITER 3H 20 --- RECITER one that recites [n]
Other moves: KEET L1 16, KEIR L1 16, KETE L1 16, KIER L1 16, KITE L1 16

On 14th draw, ABLAUTS B5 69 --- ABLAUT a patterned change in root vowels of verb forms [n]
Other moves: SABAL 12K 30, SAUBA 12K 30, TSUBA 12J 28, SAULT 12K 26, SLAB 12K 26

On 15th draw, TOED A5 32 --- TOE to touch with the toe (one of the terminal members of the foot) [v]
Other moves: TOROID C3 28, TRIDE A1 26, TRODE A1 26, OOTID A1 24, RODEO C3 24

On 16th draw, JUVE C3 39 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: JURE H1 36, THUJA J11 33, JEHU C2 31, JUVE C2 31, HEJRA D10 30

On 17th draw, BIOTA D1 40 --- BIOTA the flora and fauna of a region [n]
Other moves: BARF H1 39, FORB H1 36, FEAT D1 35, FIAT D1 35, TERF H1 33

On 18th draw, FORGE H1 33 --- FORGE to fashion or reproduce for fraudulent purposes [v]
Other tops: BEFOG 1D 33
Other moves: GORP H1 30, PORGE H1 30, NEF 14H 29, BIOGEN 1D 27, PIROG H1 27

On 19th draw, HOWF E5 48 --- HOWF a place frequently visited [n] --- HOWF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: HOW E5 40, HINT E5 36, HIN E5 34, HIT E5 34, HOI E5 34

On 20th draw, INWRAP D10 28 --- INWRAP to cover by wrapping [v]
Other tops: UNWRAP D10 28
Other moves: UPWIND M10 24, WRAP D12 24, INPUT D8 22, PURI O4 22, UNWIRE L10 22

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